Bill Nye: Gender and race Arent Real

>Bill Nye says there is no race (it's a human construct) and that gender isn't real

Holy fuck lads, has Bill gone off the deep end?

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Thank you for posting Political Outsource, only news that tells the fucking truth.

As for bill nye.. what a fucking joke! Backed his "claims" with absolutely NO evidence, just a bunch of bullshit opinions. Good article pointing that out.

Bill has really fallen off the deep end. I bet Netflix face him a shit load of cash to be a cuck

>Bill Nye says a thing

*Clip of bill nye explaining the X and Y chromosomes plays

He's right.

hes right you know

Sex is like 0.98 correlated with gender
So its a real thing.

Race is hard to categorise on the edges, but different races can be distinguished from each other by almost everything in the human body


>race isn't real we should all breed together

so he rejects the theory of evolution

Also fuck you and your shit thread

So is Bill trying to say that All lives matter?

the xx and xy chromsomes beg to differ

He's right. Gender has been redefined into tumblr demifluid otherkin snowflakes, sex is what matters. Also, race is not a scientific concept; there is more genetic diversity between different populations within Africa than between all populations outside Africa. Haplogroups are the actual scientific equivalents.

>there's no such thing as race and gender

Does that mean it's impossible to be racist or sexist?

it also means that there's no such thing as a FUCKING WHITE MALE so you can't hate me for being one now

>Bill Nye says there is no race
Well I guess bone marrow transplant surgeons, criminal behavioral profilers, forensic DNA analysts, biological anthropologists, and heritable disease physicians are all out of jobs now!

Shill Lie the Shabbas Goy can go peddle that shit in a nigger neighborhood and we'll see how long they wait until they butcher his delusional ass.

>there is no race (it's a human construct
So surely I should be able to identify as a trans-nigger?

>there is more genetic diversity between different populations within Africa than between all populations outside Africa.
Stop citing this idiotic, misleading quote. You don't even know what it means.

>observable and measurable differences between races and genders
>"race and gender doesn't exist"

Fuck this "scientist"

>gender isn't real
>science guy

He's right, you know. Nations, gods, and morals aren't real either.


Bill Nye can I see the science that backs up your claim. this guy is worse than Alex Jones.

Nye has always been a hack meme-scientist, you only liked him because all our teachers sucked at their job and he made science entertaining.

This election has exposed all the frauds. They can't hide anymore cause trump is forcing them to double down on the bullshit. He's been off the deep (state) end the whole time we just couldn't see it

if race isn't real then black lives really don't matter. we're all the same so who cares?

Double negative

Max Stirner was of such low constitution that he died from a fucking bug bite.

Is high school still as shitty as it was 20 years ago or have the massive influx of shitskins made it worse since then?

You don't get it. Of course race and gender are inventions of the white male to oppress women and non whites.


Bill Nye isn't real. He is a social construct.

Neither is food

>a human construct

Every system we use to explain reality are human/social constructs.
Money, power, even height and weight is to some degree constructed by human social agreement on measurements of some sort.
But that doesn't mean it isn't real.

Just means Bill Nye is a retard.

Everything is a human construct, it's how we explore and learn to understand the world. We take something and puts it in a box and then puts other things like it in either the same box or if it's different enough in another box. His point is moot.

Who gives a fuck you retards give these morons too much attention

Gender is naturally tied to sex so any divergence from this is due to mental abuse. Race or species is tied to your ancestors origins. Racism still exists so hes wrong about that.

how can racism be real if our races aren't real?

isnt Sup Forums tired of getting BTFO by mr. Nye?

Race is real. Not every human is built the same but with a different color.

Someone please make one of these with:

>You need to respect people's gender choices
>Gender isn't real

Is your head up your ass for the warmth?

>Claims there are no Race, triggering the right
>Also claims there are no Genders, triggering tumblr femminists and their immaginary gender-fluid freaks

They somehow managed to get attacked by all the political forces on the internet

Someone post the fucking brain meme already

thats not what science man says

You know what's a social construct?
The character of Bill Nye the Science Guy.
What does Bill Nye think of this character?
That he exists, he is real, and that he is him.

If race isn't real, you can hate jews and niggers not being a racist.
Is (((Bill Nye))) trying to say that /pol is not a racist board?

this reminds me, is there such a thing as "trans-asian" yet? White people getting eyelid surgery to look asian because they feel like they were born asian in a white persons body? Seems like a thing extreme weeaboos would do.

Humans are a species and in that species is different races who look different, act different because of evolution like every species on this planet. Just because we are mixing into 1 species again does not mean we still lack differences.

Isn't science itself just a human construct? I mean human conceptions of natural phenomena aren't real, they're just intangible ideas and arbitrary delineations humans impose on reality. Reality itself is only accessible to us through human observation and interpretation, so nothing humans experience is real, everything is permitted, so let's kill all the Jews.

He has a bachelor's in engineering. My fucking dad is more qualified to be called a "scientist." He's a children's entertainer turned mouthpiece.

Bill Nye:
>wants to educate
>actually contributes to society

Sup Forums:
>thinks science is jewish tricks
>doesn't believe in evolution
>doesnt believe in climate change
>thinks the earth is flat
>uses debunked studies and jpegs as arguments
>hasn't contributed anything to society

hmmmmm and all Sup Forums can do is insult Bill Nye without actually grasping what he's saying.

stay ignorant retards

>Nations, gods, and morals aren't real either.
Neither is economic value nor class. Equality is also another big spook.

Kill elderly people

>Bill Nye
Mechanical engineers aren't scientists, they're glorified mechanics with expensive credentials.

Neither are mirrors

ummm wrong sweetie

Old news. Bill has always been a queer like most militant atheist.

im game. where we meetin

Something is real if influence humans, nations, and the real world in general, dosen't matter if is Physically real or not

Think about it today commie

Yeah ok your head is up your ass for the warmth.

Bill Nye you fucking sell out nigger did some roastie let you smell her panties if you spew some postmodernist garbage? Kill yourself, you pathetic scrawny excuse of man

If theres no such thing as gender or race how can anyone be sexist or racist? Checkmate atheists.

If gender isn't real and there's no difference between sexes other than genitalia, why are women born in men's bodies?
Both of those can't be true.

>Gender and race Arent Real

Ok.. So sex and sub-species or phenotype?

>no such thing as race or gender

good so I'm not racist or misogynistic

You have yet to prove me otherwise and simply disagreeing with me it doesnt help your cause.

>Species>Race(we are here)

You can race mix all you want but there will always be differences between us in my lifetime and many generations to come.

>Diaspora kike does what diaspora kike do
Oh no! How could this happen?

Good thing race isn't real I can't wait to run outside yelling nigger nigger nigger nigger.

>posts Stirner under commie flag
You obviously haven't read and understood him


>science guy says race isn't real
>racism ceases to exist
Awesome. Then I can say nigger all I want.

But, Bill you're an Engineer what the fuck do you know about genetics?

if you made that your are my hero


It was the combined effort of some anons to fine tune it.

New /HTG/ thread for any interested anons:

We are especially looking for anyone who's good with photo shop and the like to help us map out suspected trafficking hubs, routes, known industrial shipping routes, and etc;

Again, anyone who knows how to and is willing to make maps to help us out would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED AND ADMIRED!!!

>If theres no such thing as gender or race how can anyone be sexist or racist?
I think they will come back with something like, "Anyone who sees race or gender is indeed racist or sexist."

good. Time to get rid of affirmation action, hate and gender crimes

Prove it

Bill Nye is like what would happen if science turned into a really bad alcoholic, caught AIDS, had a psychotic break, and got a sex change operation.

/thread, honestly.
At best you can say that the concept of "race" is ill-defined even in principle, because of blurry edges, but it's still a very useful and predictive concept, which makes it "real enough" from any sensible perspective.
"Gender" isn't real? Well, I don't even know what anyone means by "gender" anymore, so this assertion isn't worth much. Also, I thought (((they))) were the ones pushing to make gender an actuality.

Did he just drop his Indian takeout?

He's right you know. That doesn't mean sexual dimorphism isn't real, in case you're one of those obamaphiles who think gender and sex are the same thing.

>pic related
>inventor of race

>Holy fuck lads, has Bill gone off the deep end?
Somehow I always knew...

I think about 15 mins after he ate it...

is anyone else happy when these faggots just double down?

it's just going to smear their legacy even more

Just look at that kikeish smirk and nose. "Goyim are so stupid". Thats what I hear when I see this Jewish goblin.

i dont know how people can claim to be redpilled here and not realise that shit like race isnt real, and gender isnt real, are just provokative statements to make people look dumb

and it works

what they're saying is true, the spin and the rhetoric is post-modern bullshit

gender doesnt exist because it was invented by John Money the dumb ass psychologist who raised a boy as a tranny and he ended up killing himself. Feminists LOVED him and pushed this whole Gender isnt just a grammatical concept idea in the 80s

Race isnt real either, humans exist in clades. Like breeds.

but how can you see race if there are no differences between human populations?


I wonder if it smelled like curry


Nye just has that gay rapist type look going on. Look at that shit eating smirk, looks like the face he probably makes when he tells little unattended boys at the park to find the piece of candy in his pocket. Fucking degenerate.

>unattended boys at the park to find the piece of candy in his pocket.
i could instantly visualize this and hear his voice.
>this must be true.

Sadly i think hes been co-opted shown the rich sinful lifestyle and now must shill for them until the day he dies because they brownstoned him.

Bill Nye the Sex Offender Guy

>hes right you know

So all the forensic science that claims murder victims' age, gender and race can be determined from skeletal remains has been fraud?

Exactly how can investigators tell the race and sex of skeletal remains that are discovered if gender and race aren't real? Only a fucking brainwashed retarded piece of shit could believe something so fucking stupid.

Ban all muslims.