The Veganism Meme

Why do so many women fall for this shit?

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Women generally look good when they're vegan so I don't really mind, plus it means more meat for me. It's the men that look sickly and emaciated when they're vegans

Don't you dare insult her. She's female and has right-wing views. Based!

Here's her Patreon by the way:

why do you keep stalking this womans profile and posting pictures from her twitter/instagram?

its getting fucking creepy. stop posting this literal who jew roastie

I've noticed fags are really into veganism as well

Ask how I know you're fat

yeah i also want more women to eat meat and get big and dominate me

I'm not, but how?

the do it for attention. just like everything ells they do.

I ate a tofu burger once. It tasted bland, dull and dry. Fuck Vegans!

clean swipes

only words you need to know

I love tofu. Especially with fried pork and garlic fried rice. Vegans will never know this joy.

What do you mean >fall for?

Most people who are vegan do it just because they don't like the idea of eating meat.

Fuck vegans.

Is Tara McCarthy a fucking vegan? I can't believe I even gave her a fucking view on JewTube now. Fucking "go learn karate and be macho" but can't even cook steak.

>yes goys keep eating meat and poultry
If you get cancer well just pump you with pills to make you feel better

Virtue signalling - "Look, I'm so progressive, empathetic, trendy, healthy, whatever!"
>implying leftists don't shill for veganism

Let them eat vegan you incensitive cis-white scum!
More meat for me.

Fat vegan here, not all of us are waifs

That's the issue I used to have as a vegan who didn't want to stop going to the gym.. Although im still able to get to 145g of protein a day, it takes much longer, it requires more effort and doesnt taste as nice.

Women are typically displeased with their appearance especially in western countries what with mass media portraying a certain healthy iconic beauty. Due to this mass self hatred for ones physical beauty it causes certain percentages of the population to try radical new diets consisting of all manner of half baked ideas in order to try to fit this idealized beauty. It's not the fault of the gender nor the media as a whole overall. Nay it is the individual and their apathy towards proper research, diet and exercise that causes their own misery. To be anecdotal I live with a girl who is nasty looking, vegan and still fat. In contrast my long time gf eats junk but walks 6 miles there and back from work as well as works out every weekend. She looks better than the vegan girl.
Women are more easily swayed by the notion of immediate payoff. You don't have to change anything about yourself just follow this diet.
>Jenny Craig
>Gluten free
>Sugar free
>low calorie
All of these are examples of a minority population attempting to rewrite a book that's already on point. We know that it takes proper nutrition and exercise to maintain a good looking figure. The rejection of this reality is what causes women to start niche diets. Women are only more easily dissuaded because they have a community mentality. If one of their gf's swears off on it then it must be true regardless of what the research or reality of it may be.
In the end it comes down to apathy, denial and self deprecation along with a yearning to be "part of something bigger".

nah mate, most of them do it for the virtue signalling value. That's why they have to point out to everyone that they are at the bottom of the food chain at every given opportunity, like whenever they are not out of breath

>lose a chunk of my colon to colon cancer
>pretty much can't eat meat anymore
>have to deal with Faggots everywhere i go just to get food, recipes or go out for dinner.

Fuck my life.

Stuffing your face with mayonnaise isn't being vegan, faggot.

post chin nao

Stop driving everywhere you fat shit. That's the first problem right there. Second is start working out at home every week.
Veganism isn't going to cure you of your denial.

>low calorie

I mean, that is the only diet that actually definitely works.

>don't eat meat
>still try to simulate meat with highly processed soy products

why? just eat your veggies and soy.

quit being a beta faggot you huge pussy dick.

must be all the vegan cake and french fries

Yeah if you want to watch your caloric intake but just eating a whole box of Ding Dongs that say SUGAR FREE and LOW-FAT or LOW-CALORIE is not the same.

My favorite meme is diet soda.

>Women generally look good when they're vegan so I don't really mind

but also they're novelty addicts and attention whores, so this lets them stand out and do something new feeding their narcissism and shallow nature. Two for one. The only reason they all don't do it is because it takes more effort and until they can find a way to make feminism about inequality in food preparation it'll be the minority of women who do it.

The other problem is 99% of vegan women are hilariously liberal and a lot are SJW, which is ironic, a lot of them complain they can't find vegan men and when they do find one they run him off with their SJW cuck shit

>Why do so many women fall for this shit?
It's an easy way to have an eating disorder while acting all righteous about it.

I don't eat meat and I don't understand this either. I just eat dairy and beans for protein

Tastes pretty good.
If you're vegetarian and male be sure to eat plenty of broccoli.

If I ever have trouble sleeping at night, I just think about how SJWism can die off over time just like the gays by being an inherently sexually repellent mental illness

Former /fit/izen of 5 years, no homo

Let me start by saying that veganism is only for personal feelings.

Science does NOT claim veganism is better, when in fact you get no full protein aminos from vegetables. And you only get vitamin B12 from eating, quite literally, shit covered plants.

If a moral point is made, simply ask why thermodynamics entice us to hunt.
What they are fighting is the fact we have evolved past hunting.

You can't tell a wolve to not eat a deer, AND you can't teach the wolve not to eat a deer.....cause they fucking rely off the nutrition.

Vegans kill their animals by making them adopt the same shitty life as them.
Veganism is for people who have no actualization of food and the science behind it. They see something like "gluten free" and think its the best shit ever. Not realizing gluten free is for people who are diagnozed with gluten intolerance.

Tldr. Veganism is psychological conditioning for useful retards.

>good goy, eat vegan and become a weak, frail manlet
>you won't ever need to protect yourself, the state will do that for you kekekek

>Cancer is caused by meat
>Cancer is caused by the sun
>You die by breathing oxygen eventually

Every vegan I've ever met was fat as fuck.

This is b8

>They see something like "gluten free" and think its the best shit ever. Not realizing gluten free is for people who are diagnozed with gluten intolerance.

I agree with you apart from gluten. Dropping bread (and therefore gluten) will reduce body fat, and make you feel a lot better. No one realizes how shitty gluten makes them feel until they get off of it. It's unbearable for people with the intolerance obviously

You are a faggot and you have no idea what you are talking about.

You're a fat Canadian bread-cuck

Vegan is pushed by CIA, in order to ensure people don't get enough protein. literally the only vegans you see who aren't limp wristed faggots are hardcore bodybuilders. cults practice the same thing, as do elementary schools (thanks Moo-Shell Obummer). It's so you don't question what's being forced onto you

ever notice how Vegan/Tranny/Feminist/Gender shit pooped up around the same time?

now look at how frequently the people who align with those groups overlap with the others. pretty much 100% of the time. you'd be hard-pressed to find people who aren't a combination of at least two of the above groups, really.

the cat meme too. it's pushed by the same groups in order to spread feline spongiform encephalopathy, which is basically a kuru spinoff the doesnt requiring cannabilzing a brain. Prion diseases don't contain unique DNA, and as such, post Great-Reset our genetics will be less fucked up than current.

It might also be just to make us more zombie-like (read up on late stage Kuru/mad cow/etc), and there's actually no great reset planned. I hope thats not the case

You are a faggot and you have no idea what you are talking about.

only reason to drop gluten is Celiac Disease, and basically, under those circumstance gluten fucks up digestion and its normal for people quitting gluten to actually GAIN a little weight.