Why do americans think that owning guns makes them more free than the rest of the world when they have restrictions on...

why do americans think that owning guns makes them more free than the rest of the world when they have restrictions on other goods that the rest of the world doesnt have?

Because they have the freedom to defend themselves
An American can shoot a nigger raping his daughter
Euro homos go to jail for being upset about this


Wow. A leaf not shit posting. Good comment.

You can get kinder bars that taste better anyway, I get those instead of the eggs

We are free to control our own destiny, even if it means dying in the process. You will be arrested before you can get that far.

why are australians worried about american citizens owning guns?
you guys planning on invading us or something?

Yeah, like videogames, right? Dumb aussieposter

The big problem with America's gun culture is that is totally disarmed them spiritually.

"We have our guns to remove any government that gets corrupt."

But after 50 years of corrupt governments importing voters from shit countries to demographically and democratically replace them, they are yet to perform the uprising they keep promising.

get fucked nordcuck

I have a feeling if we didn't have so many guns we'd be way more fucked now than we already are

you can buy a tank, thats pretty free.

>they are yet to perform the uprising they keep promising
Because the ballot box still works. There is a process before things move to the cartridge box.

It's because Mexicans aren't "nigger" enough. The criminals mostly just shoot each other and rape each other
Yeh the girls mix but who cares find the non mixing girl
Yeh therye Catholics but they'll burn in Hell so whatever
If it were Muslims though like in Europe beheading people on the street, raping people and the government protects them that's different. The police shoot down these Mexican criminals

Also, pic related on the spiritual topic.

Let's look at it from a macro scale, being a nuclear state with extinction level power allows you to walk softly and carry a big stick. At the end of the day whether it is a poor hillbilly in the backwoods, or the nation itself, fucking with it can be lethal beyond recognition.

What is that thing in the background? A book?

" on the inside of this (?) is a missile only awesome people can see "

you can buy 12 tanks and 12 fighter jets and a motar. kek

>Because the ballot box still works.

How can you trust the ballot box when they perform in such a way no matter how the vote is cast?

But, out of interest, tell me the level of ethnic replacement is too much? 50% You're getting close, so next year?

Are you allowed to own anything capable of killing whatever its pointed at?

>look americans over here you don't have this one kind of "free!"
>perfect reason to also give up your guns, right?

weak ploy is weak

ask these guys

This country is going to collapse either way. I'm not concerned. The South will Rise as its own nation again, and I'll be here when it does.

Because we don't have no stinkin' emu overlords!

>How can you trust the ballot box when they perform in such a way no matter how the vote is cast?

Reword this so it makes sense.

>But, out of interest, tell me the level of ethnic replacement is too much? 50% You're getting close, so next year?

The US has never been more than 90% white, and we will realistically never drop below 50%, especially considering the changes which Trump and the modern GOP are hinting at.

Face it, the ballot box works. We achieved and are achieving a coup from within for soft white nationalism.

* card

If we really don't like something that's being done to us we can kill them. Simple as that. That's some freedom shit.

Won't happen. Ever. We're so gas lit and schizophrenic it'd take nothing short of a total supply chain collapse to break the spell of inaction.

Good post leaf, but the honest to God truth of 2a isn't about stopping burglaries, it's about murdering your government plain and simple.
INB4 "hurr durr you'll get drone striked pleb"
A significant armed resistance cannot fail, because the tyrannical government will either succumb to said revolt or will be forced to murder thousands of its own citizens on live TV, thereby confirming its own tyranny.
Say what you will about "muh cucker Amerilards", but a thousand men with a thousand rifles can still change the world. Europeans don't have that option.

It's the immature citizens of America that have a love affair with guns. They love their guns more than anything else in the world. It makes them feel important and worthy. This shows how shallow America has become.

Yeah, if you look throughout history how many times have the peasants revolted and won? It created the Soviet Union

It's literally what birthed my nation, hence why that right is precious to us. Well, those of us that aren't cucked.

you arent gunna do shit...
when the government comes for a a loose confederation of lightly armed nobodies wont be able to stop them.
also, the tool will be economics, not armored vehicles

The people should control the government not the other way around, my family fled Soviet controlled Hungary and now they're worried for the future because they're saying Canada is turning communist

Not afraid. I have a choice


Owning guns is just an aspect of freedom. When you're told what you can or can't do, or what you're ALLOWED or not ALLOWED to own the idea of rights becomes absurd. The goverment starts off with telling you "I dont think you should be allowed to do x even though it doesn't affect(effect?) others personal safety or rights." then its "I don't think you should be allowed to have kids" then its " your home really isnt your home its the communitys." so on an so forth.

Because, whilst I can buy a Kinder Egg, my government will put me in handcuffs for throwng a spoon at a home invader to stop him raping my wife. Also, for posting my opinions on Facebook.

Great post. Wish we'd had something similar to the 2nd ammendment.
At least we're allowed to own all kinds of semi auto, like pistols, ar15 stuff high capacity babykiller clips and other nice stuff.
But its just a "normal law", so leftyfags can change it relatively easy.
Mirin the Czech. The have weapons now as a constitutional right, like US.
Fortunately i own guns. But -even if unlikely for now- government can take them if the want.

It's not the weapon that makes one great its the one's wielding the weapons that makes the weapon great. I'm going to be honest a majority of americans have checked out out what happens to america to them fiscal policy, wars and etc dont matter. As long as they can go and buy food and flush the toilets and flick on the light switch they couldn't care less. Think of the 2nd amendment as a bullet and think of personal responsibility as the gun. The gun wont fire if not properly maintained and american "guns" are rusty as hell.

cause we can kill Australian cunts in our country