Is (((Hollywood))) pushing their bullshit too far? Or are normies too zonked out to notice the propaganda/agenda?

Is (((Hollywood))) pushing their bullshit too far? Or are normies too zonked out to notice the propaganda/agenda?

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>literal who saying something radical in a desperate attempt at furthering their career

Of course. However, (((they)) won't realize this until it's too late.


thats all folks pack it up

Seriously, is it because they spend so much of their time pretending to be someone else that they have no concept of reality?


fuck off kikes

What a great article title that is

>Watch a movie or join ISIS


Who the fuck are these ((journalists))?

What kind of fucking dimwits get their self-esteem from watching other people on TV?

It really says something about the mentality of people who join ISIS.

>hire me or else i'm going to kill you.

>It's time for the white male to end...

the paki family in coronation street was my inspiration not to join isis

had my bags packed until i saw them on my screen then i had a change of heart and realised i was wrong and isis were bad

Yes, I'm sure the majority of ISIS, who hail from Islamic shitholes with underdeveloped infrastructure and little access to American entertainment, were provoked to join ISIS by not enough Muslims on the primetime lineup and not due to Islamic theological and cultural dictates.


It's pretty obvious it's way less influential than it used to be. The newest meme wars die out weeks after they show, and the media is already blaming millennials for destroying the movie industry

Translation: Infidels better give us their country or we gonna take it over with violence. It's the good cop/bad cop game

the more and more outrageous their claims get
the less and less people who believe them
just let them dig their own grave



>you see when muslims don't see themselves in tv and movies they start shooting and murdering people so you have to add some

>Malala something nobel prize activist

Or too much diversity causes stupidity.

Well I'm not watching BET due to the lack of whites orientated programming.

Sana Amanat, director of content and characterization at Marvel loves Riz and linda Sarsour.

She's also the one that changed the race and/or sex of every major Marvel Character, and she thinks that one day we will all be brown, brown will rule!!!

pic related

>the Empire is a white supremacist (human) organization
>opposed by a multi-cultural group (non-human) led by a brave woman (scammed (her iq is less than the diameter of her teeth) by a black man (dark skinned white person) into following him on false pretenses)

>if we undermine, we doesn't have to conquer it

everything radicalizes mudshits

its not propaganda its an inbred paki

Muslims and death threats go together like chili and beans. They can't help themselves.

And what most importantly - retarded ass white fanboys regardless of their intellect, like RLM for example, eat and gobble that shit up.
That's how the eternal kike is always winning - he feeds you with shit, keeps your feeble mind busy while at the same time promoting jewish scumfuckery at your own expense to push their agenda.

At least other people can see it now.

Leftists shooting themselves in the foot again.

Saying Muslims will start beheading people if there isn't a Paki on TV will just make people hate them more.

America needs to push Ahmed back to the desert.

It's more like there's actually people who work in media who want to make something good, but who are required by Jews to incorporate that shit. People aren't stupid either, everyone was calling this "Diversity Wars" when it came out. But that doesn't inherently mean it was bad or not worth seeing, just know what's a Jewish trick and what's not.

Black people are too ugly to sell shows.

>Who the fuck are these ((journalists))?


He's right. It can be factor. You losers jusy need to see things from all angles.
Like he needs to see that removing "lack of diversity on tv" and replacing it with "being a muslim" works just as well as a factor and has a much stronger correlation.

>¤FuckYoFlag #NotMyFlag
How about this
"Mad yet? I just killed a nigger. #NotMySpecies #NotPeople"

IF its got pretty explosions, they'll watch it. if they don't, then Indians and Chinese will.



Literally had to have a (((white man))) put a defect in their superweapon so the muds could have a chance.

Didn't know they took it this far. Really pushing some boundaries.

New /HTG/ thread for any interested anons:

We are especially looking for anyone who's good with photo shop and the like to help us map out suspected trafficking hubs, routes, known industrial shipping routes, and etc;

Again, anyone who knows how to and is willing to make maps to help us out would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED AND ADMIRED!!!

That's a goblin

>People aren't stupid either, everyone was calling this "Diversity Wars" when it came out
Nobody did that except 3,5 alt lite anons + E;R who for some reason like it, everyone else however, including fat fucks from RedLetterMedia, was either praising or somewhat OK with it, clearly being blind morons as to what happens to their franchise and the message kikes are trying to convey. For better or worse the hebrew fucks are so full of themselves they can't help but publicly tell everyone what they're really doing.
Also, I didn't say anything about SW being good or bad. It doesn't matter though, not because StarWars is overrated piece of mediocre shit, but because nobody really likes SW for what they are, but more like because it's trendy. Virtually 90% of SW ""fans"" act like girls in youtube videos, who are there, because it's cool and profitable to like SW.

this niggers name is such a fucking meme. every time i read it my mind auto corrects to booga.

the best trick the JEW every played is convincing the world that they don't exist.

fuck off kike

Just FYI to latinos, asians arabs and all other non "whites" poc = black don't support nigs, they don't care about you.


you might want to read more than one line before you respond next time user.

>My people are so unsuccessful please give us a handicap to success

Woa, they don't try making it easy for us, do they? I thought the nigger was humble and stood away from identity politics. Turns out he's a bitch, like anyone else there.


>rogue one star
>has a bit part where he plays a sniveling coward who betrays his race and empire.

Seriously, fuck Bodhi Rook. His character is trash in SWGoH

Just a minnions, actor nowdays has to suck a dick or say somthing like that to please film director

It's actually completely understandable that minorities want to see more of their race in entertainment, and it helps our cause if you think about it. The very concept completely destroys the "we're all the same and race/skin color doesn't matter" meme. This will logically progress to segregated entertainment, much like how niggers in colleges are pushing for segregated dorms and classes.

>give me more things or I swear to god I'll kill us all


I agree with the hadji, young men need male role models to look upto who they can identify with. For too long t.v. has made the hero some goofy, blundering retard. It would be cool to see a hadji hero who smokes sheesha and chops off bad guys heads while spouting one liners.

people who are not Muslims cause Muslims to kill people who are not Muslims.


>there were no black people in Lord of the Rings

Gonna need double echoes for this one.
((((((Liev Shreiber))))))

So unless you see pretty pictures somewhere, you're saying people are inclined towards torturing and killing other people who disagree? Not seeing somebody dress up like your little religious stance drives people towards fanatical terrorism?

That's real retarded sir. I'm going to have to ask you to wrap rope around your neck and the nearest tree, place the nearest gun into your mouth, and press the trigger twice. Do it right away.

>Liberals will defend Linda Sarsour, UK's mayor, AND sana amanat
Day of the fucking rope when


It's true, my country is a hellhole and it's filled with mareros, because there's not enough representation of latinx people in American movies, think about it, makes sense :^).

>cast us, or we'll join ISIS.

As a PREVENTIVE measure, we should prolly EXECUTE ALL SANDNIGGERS!!!

>Lack of diversity
WTF are they talking about? Everyone on TV anymore is non-white.


To think this cunt was in Four Lions.

I agree with the article. Back in 2009 when I saw Mean Girls and saw no people of color ( also know as niggers) male leads, my first thought was joining ISIS

in any case, the neverending cavalcade of jewry saying that white people are evil hasn't had any discernible effect on me.


There are very few of them that are not political once they get some fame. I am always amazed at how they disparage the very system that made them affluent, and famous. They are pure products of leftist liberal indoctrination mills, and it is as if gaining fame, and fortune makes them go nuts with guilt, so they attack that which has benefitted them. They are the dogs that bites the hand that has fed them.

I don't buy any of (((their))) shit anymore so he can have whatever he wants on TV as far as I'm concerned.

>father puts his son in drag in order to continue his hollywood career

they want a holy war and they'll get one.

He's pi,ping out the little slut.

Please keep posting pics. It's turning into a red-pill pic factory for normies.

No wonder his character got blowed up. Fitting.


Literally mindless zombies publishing bullshit

I don't a mideval movie in England with a bunch of black/arab/etc. people and I don't want a black panther with a bunch of white people unnecessarily either.

>90 is black

Wait, what?

Yeah but neither example is "diverse". They both would have a reasonable cast but it's definitely not diverse. The image is implying people are hypocrites for conflating more dark people with more diversity no matter how many there might already be or what the context is

Four Lions was great though.

"Diversity" is leftist code for "no whites".. it always has been.

>diversity hire the movie
I'm sure it was, praise be to Allan and so forth.

fuck that nigger. shit like this makes me want to be an actor just because blonde and redpilled

Ballsy motherfucker, Swimming on all those STD's.

>The Empire was a white supremacist organization
Admiral Thrawn was literally blue.
Lando worked for the Empire and Finn himself was a Stormtrooper
Phasma was a woman
Man, for a white supremacist organization the Empire was pretty diverse...wait
>A white spuremacist (human)
So rebel scum are not even human, i can agree on that.

STD's, sweat, oil, viruses, bacteria, urine, feces, spit, period blood...

kek my first thought

That doesn't make sense. Most higher ups in the Rebellion are either white males or alien males.

there were niggers in game of the thrones.

they were part of the horse tribe. getting fucked in the middle of a wedding. acting like a pack of savage animals.

Their diversity is still pushing people into ISIS.

When you realize your a Jewish pawn for your own race's genocide

>90% Black
Do we live in a simulation where everyone around us are retarded?

>Top 10 worst anime betrayals