Drumpftards still can't admit that SHE won the popular vote and is therefore the legitamite president

>Drumpftards still can't admit that SHE won the popular vote and is therefore the legitamite president

>"Trump didn't win the game he wasn't playing, what a fucking idiot!"
We are not a direct democracy.

What on earth did you think you would achieve by posting this thread shill?


ummmm no, sweetie

>leaf posting

oh look the drumpftard needs a safe space

does the truth affend you, sweetie????

>popular vote
[citation needed]


can you guys post your discord?

Shills still can't admit that HE won the presidency and is by face the legitamate president

maybe you trumpailures wil smarten up one he's impeached for treason

Is that why you made a /leftypol/, a safe space? You pretend to be our retarded little brother that tries to copy our moves?

way to not understand how a republic works.

truth isn't popular, cry harder

>Say it after me

You're shit and pretending to be a leftist.
Off yourself

Then Democrats should be open to an investigation on the 2016 voting demographics, no?

illegal alien votes don't count as American votes


8 years

I've been waiting a while to use this

She won the popular vote. Popular vote doesn't matter. Same happened to Gore a few years back I thought. Rural America much different from urban/gay/nigger liberal America.

I went back to Plebbit recently, and got 500 upvotes on TIL for posting that in California there is no voter ID required. No SSN even. You can actually vote and drive if you are illegal. How liberals still blab on escapes me. It must take so much willfull retardation to carry on like that.

go back to sucking off trudeau and your massive somali intake

It certainly seems to hurt you. Look at how you act because Trump is president.

Leaf fails to understand electoral college that has been in place for over 200 years. Faggot.


You poor thing.