The Communist Manifesto is the most important piece of writing ever

The Communist Manifesto is the most important piece of writing ever.

Prove me wrong.

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>white supremacist

pick one faggot

It is important. Important so that people know that it is an evil book and all Communists must be fought and killed. Communism is nothing more than Anti-Privitization.

>tfw too intelligent for communism

Not THE most important, but it is significant.

The two most important pieces of writing are:
1. The Bible.

2.The tale of Gilgamesh.

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

he had a point, but don't forget that capitalism and money supply has converted greed and hope to real advancement in all life aspects

American Constitution, easy. And before you cite the various documents that set the precedent (which you could go all the way back to Hammurabi's code), the Constitution put it all together.

Guys, nobody tell him that it's 3 pages, he will feel stupid

Yes, but only because it exposes the Jew

Why can't I read and appreciate the communist manifesto without automatically being labelled a communist. Marx would very much consider me a bourgeoisie, with capitalist interests.

>Be Communist
>Work Hard All Day
>Get Potato
>Be Communist
>Refuse to work
>Get Potato
>The System works

That's not the point of the manifesto at all, nice try though

All life aspects? Really? What about spiritual. Straight capitalism grinds the soul out of the workforce for the benefit of the bourgeoisie.

but at least you have a small chance to become one yourself, with communism you have zero chance

Wether or not you agree with communism, the manifesto addresses the very real concerns of the proletariat.

>with communism you have zero chance

Who are you kidding? In straight capitalism the bourgeoisie eats itself. You either do nothing forever or serve the machine, or just fuck around doing nothing meaningful.

Communism is for fags

The Ted Kaczynski manifesto was best manifesto.

Yeah but in reality, the powerful will always exploit the working class. Even if its a "communist" state or a fascist or any state

Explain why homosexual pride movements are most rampant in capitalistic countries then

That's exactly what Marx was saying! His point was that the unpowerful need to band together in their common interests. That's wise as shit.

Yes, it shows us that we must sterilize jews and nu-male "intellectuals".

>be marx
>fuck up basic economics
>best writing ever
kek these socialist are fucking retarded

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Das Kapital is more important?

Children are smarter than you give them credit for user.

Ok guys time to go home, that's a /thread

Marx writes a soul-piercing profound treatise on the inhumanity of modern economics that changes history. And your going to criticize him like he didn't understand or wasn't well read?

The Gulag Archipelago beats your book pretty handily. And Solzhenitsyn was a communist too.

Even so, both books won't ever come close to the Bible in terms of importance. The Bible has save more people them demonic communism has devoured.

>In straight capitalism the bourgeoisie eats itself.
even capitalism is better at accomplishing communisms goals than communists

it's 3 pages, 3 fucking pages. stop calling it a book. The bible is alright, but it didn't cause WWII

Welcome to baitchan, home of the larpers and raiders

His vision can never be practically achieved in real life, its impossible. It can be exploited and it will be exploited. Look throughout history, people rise in hardship but there's always a select few who takes advantage of it.

Would rather me call it propaganda?

It's significant sure, because it inspired a lot of social change, revolutions, etc

But the most important piece of writing EVER is probably the Bible.

Yea that's fair.

I'm not a Marx expert, but as far as I can tell his only vision was to support the proletariat in it's struggle against the bourgeoisie. That's pretty noble if you ask me.

But its not. It's just a 14 page document . It's a reaction to the wealth inequality in an industrialized society. We lived for millennia before industrialization. The west is already a post industrial civilization.

>That's not the point of the manifesto at all, nice try though

It actually makes me angry how few people even understand communism. I guess decades of propaganda will always win against the will for a drone to read source material.

struggle is a moral claim
where is marx deriving his morality?

>Americans actually believe this

communists spend more on propaganda than capitalists

If anything we're more industrial than ever. Computer science is now threatening the very fabric of society by advancing industry so much that we are now eliminating wage-laborers through artificial intelligence. We are seriously FUCKED if we don't figure out how to function as a society before AI starts eliminating millions of jobs.

>If anything we're more industrial than ever.

God you people are retarded. How many people you know who work in factories?


>communists spend more on propaganda than capitalists

The capitalists are just gullible retards because they don't take the time to understand it.

He makes the case that industry, in it's endless march for profits, has fucking destroyed the moral institutions that we were clinging to. And he's right, how many people go to church these days. God is a joke these days, nobody take deities seriously. Look at how people fuck around with Kek. Marx makes the case that old moral systems no longer work in industrialized society because capitalists grind away at the fabric of them to create more profit. Without unificiation of the proletariat in common interest, there is no stopping the endless march of capitalists destroying society.

First time counting, user?

>you need to spend more time trying to understand my propaganda
surplus theft does not exist. I understand perfectly

you did not answer the question
where is marx personally deriving his morality from?


The machine has progressed from eating our physical labor to eating our minds. Why are there no longer master craftsmen. What happened to the artisanal guilds. All destroyed by the capitalists.

Fuck niggers, just had to say that.

I don't know i'm not a Marx historian. But imo if you read the manifesto the morality is self-evident. It is a classic righteous tale of the oppressed vs an oppressor.

The Communist Manifesto is garbage, Das Kapital contains actual substance

100,000,000 murdered and all we learned is that central planning doesn't work.

elle oh elle

It inspired the most insidious disease to plague Europe since The Black Death, so I suppose you're onto something

There's not really oppressed and oppressors, there's winners and losers, people who work and people who don't.

Marx might argue 100,000,000 murdered is the price we had to pay for world "peace".

>surplus theft does not exist. I understand perfectly

?? Poor paraphrase for "seize the means of production." From the owners for the worker.

The capitalists don't work, they make other people work by paying them shekels that they mysteriously claim natural right to.

>where is marx personally deriving his morality from?

Maybe something as retarded as the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few? He saw a few of the owners of the means of production live in splendor while the workers lived in squalor . It's not a theoretical thing man.

It's literally an Adam Smith x Hegel fanfiction, pretending to be scientific despite the fact marxism will deny science if it proves them wrong-a short summary of every peice of lit by Marx

What the fuck's wrong with this fucking board again? Where do these lowlife virgin shills/leftypoltards/kikes come from with constant shill threads?
Did anything important happen? Did another journalist commit suicide while investigating them? Or is Brexit that's officially dead and the britbongs got betrayed?

>The machine has progressed from eating our physical labor to eating our minds.

You are a ducking idiot. I personally own a computer and have a brain . I am also a computer programmer so what? I own the means of production? Somehow my company still profits off my labor. How? It's not an industry in Marx meaning. An industry is mine or a factory ONLY. Marx didn't envision computers and the information age. His economic system was reactionary. I truely believe he wouldn't even try to apply his ideas to the west today.

You're right, it's very important and it ensures communism will never happen again thanks to how retarded it is

The Communist Manifesto is the most jewish piece of writing ever.
Prove me wrong.

Hmm kind of weird he, a literal aristocrat (married to the daughter of a German junker, son of a (((banker))) ) and his factory owning friend, would consider themselves the mouthpeices of a social class to which they didn't belong (even weier when you consider the polygeism of their philosophy, which in any other case except this, made it impossible for a borg to speak on behalf of the proletariat).

you're a faggot, prove me wrong.

It depends what company you work for and what exactly you do, but rest assured you are part of the machine. Marx envisioned more and more complicated machines optimizing human production and output. Today, Marx(not the actual person but the philosophical person that his manifesto embodies) would still side with the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. Many if not most aspects of his manifesto would still apply today in slightly different wordings. Class struggle is still an ever-present problem. Marx correctly identified an exploited class vs exploiters. The exploiters care about shekels, the exploitees are just trying to survive. The master artisan, the master guildsman, all gone. Replaced with abominations that serve the public for the greatest amount of shekels they can acquire. Gone is the skilled craftsman. Almost everything is woman's work now. Easily trainable highly over-specialized dogs running around for the dubious good of increased mindless capitalism.

Objectively speaking the Bible has had a far bigger impact on our society than almost every otherpiece of writing combined.

does having a big impact make something important? Most of the bible is garbage imo.

>not picking the Bible
Literally no other book has had more influence no western civilization (and soon ALL civilization) in all history.

The 2nd most important piece of writing would probably be the Constitution.

The Communist manifesto would the 3rd, I'd say.



collectivism works great so long as nobody is a piece of shit.

>collectivism attracts all the pieces of shit

>The Bible is the most influential book ever

Except no.

Most influential book ever goes to the Torah since it is the entire reason the bible exists.