Why don't you believe in climate change Sup Forums?

why don't you believe in climate change Sup Forums?

because youre a faggot

nobody denies climate change. this is how deeply misled you are. you're buying this and what else???

lemme guess you also believe in the holohoax

climate change is older than human history.
it's hard to not believe.

I do believe in climate change. I will not go buy a (((general motors))) chevy volt or a (((toyota))) prius gookmobile to 'save the environment'.

I also will not support bankrupt pipe dreams like wind and solar when Nuclear power can operate the entire planet.

In conclusion, fellate a chainsaw.

Climate change literally made us the Apex of the planet, before we even realized what climate change was.

If global warming hippies were looking for "green" energy, then they would support the newest fusion plasma reactor.

Because nobody is more trustworthy than oil companies! Surely they know what's best for everyone!

Something's Up...

I do.

But there isn't shit we can do about it

Because it got warmer in the last 30 years

Because it does nothing to benefit me and only harms me. Its not in my interest to believe it amd their is enough statistical uncertainty for a reasonable scientist to dispute the claims made by the apocalypse climate change people.

Also I love cheap energy. Western civilization wouldnt be where we are today if energy pro2ces were 3-4x what they are

but i do


(pic is for you)

Because anyone whose proposed solution to any problem is "use violence to subjugate and pillage people who don't conform to your arbitrary whims" isn't someone I'm going to take seriously.






I believe in climate change. I also believe that crooks and conman are using it to enrich themselves at the expense of the average person.




But I do

how can they know what the temperature is in 1940 when the weather channel wasn't invented until 1982?

checkmake climatefags

I believe in it. I don't allow myself to be swayed by the likes of Al Gore and Bill Nye telling me that the changes are 110% related to humans though.


I'm not sure if you didn't get the memo. But the Northwest Passage has actually become a thing due to melt.

So that news clipping 100% came true.


Do you have some kind of point?
Because old newspaper clippings aren't exactly scientific journals.

>be Earth
>be so hot that surface is liquid
>be so cold that surface is ice
>spawn humans
>have humans determine what your ideal temperature should be
>had thousands of degrees of temp swings without them
>why are they trying to keep you at a stable temp for them
>was around before them
>will be around after them
>too hot for them
>too cold for them
>don't give a fuck
>can't give a fuck
>YFW they think they can regulate you
>nigger you can't control me, bitch

Climate Change is real Global Warming isnt

So did The New York Time, Newsweek, The associated Press and National geographic just Make that shit up out of thin air or were they reporting on what real scientists were telling them at the time?

I don't know, probably a mixture of both.
The majority of scientists at the time were proponents of AGW, but there were some who (for not dumb reasons) predicted global cooling. I don't know what motivations the newspapers had to report mainly on cooling predictions.

I do believe in climate change, and the solution is to kill 4 billion niggers, mudslides, and gooks. Problem fucking solved.

No I'm not buying a fucking Prius.

>Why don't you believe in climate change user?
1. Everyone believes in climate change.(Seasons etc)
2. You're referring to Global warming which eco nuts, Globalists, and Al Gore rebranded as "Climate Change" so the last two can steal your tax dollars to do "research".
3. I'm not so arrogant to think outside of nukes could humans Destroy the earth which has survived cataclysms far worse then Co2.
4. The only reason people care about this issue is because they are scared it might inconvenience them one day. They could not give a flip about the Earth otherwise they'd throw themselves into the ocean.
5. Food for thought if every person concerned by Global warming killed themselves there would be alot less "Global warming" and they would save the planet.....well I'm waiting Hollywood celebrities.

I do.
It happens every years.
I heard it is called something like "seasons " or something like that.

climate change is a my-

(User has been handed over to Left-wing Death Squads)

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Because this is my town right now.

It's the rate of change that's highly unusual. Usually the cycles the Earth's climate goes through take hundreds of thousands of years or more. Faster changes than that are very rare, and tend to be accompanied by mass extinctions.

>Everyone believes in climate change.(Seasons etc)
Learn what climate is.

>You're referring to Global warming which eco nuts, Globalists, and Al Gore rebranded as "Climate Change"
No they didn't, the two terms have (informally) been used interchangeably for eons.
They only group (I'm aware of) to try and push one term over the other is the US Republican party, and they either gave up very quickly or never actually started.
Besides, what motivation would even have have to change the terminology?

>I'm not so arrogant to think outside of nukes could humans Destroy the earth which has survived cataclysms far worse then Co2.
No-one reasonable thinks we're going to "destroy the Earth". We're just going to make it a lot less suitable place for current human civilization.

>The only reason people care about this issue is because they are scared it might inconvenience them one day.

>Food for thought if every person concerned by Global warming killed themselves there would be alot less "Global warming" and they would save the planet.....well I'm waiting Hollywood celebrities.
Spectacular. I'm sure you spent days coming up with that gem.