THumP radio show 7/30/17

None of you can debate spokesperson for the Humanity Party. $100,000 challenge still stands: can you show that the Humanity Party's plan to eliminate poverty is flawed and unworkable?

video of 100 grand challenge:

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Isn't that the 'as above so below' symbol?

VOA = Voice Of Anonymous/Victory Over Anarchy

get dat kike shiet outta mah face

suffering succotash

It's a pointless challenge. They will find some way to discredit any argument put forth when their premise is flawed on the most basic logistical levels.

There is simply not enough resources on this planet to provide a standard of living they desire for everyone. When you have a system that spends vast amounts of resources simply to ensure that the vast majority do nothing the system will place much greater value on the individuals who actually put something into the system. This will lead to fracturing and turmoil within the system while it's busy burning up already scarce resources to simply support humanity.

At some point reality will come home to roost and there will simply not be enough resources to support their lofty goals. Scarcity will cause open conflict and whatever system they envision will implode in a flash of violence.

UBI, this crap, any system like it ends in an orgy of violence and death.

you should call in and say exactly that.

>There is simply not enough resources on this planet to provide a standard of living they desire for everyone.
Wrong. There are plenty of resources, the problem is that africa, india, and china keeps having more and more kids, and population growth is considered a good thing for the economy.

Controlled slow population shrinkage at slightly below replacement level will allow ever increasing standards of living when combined with automatisation.
UBI will work perfectly well if we deal with a shrinking population of motivated people who want to work, but of course that is a fantasy because of multiple factors

>20 minutes or so video
>No summary
OP still a fag, in other news the sky is still blue

in a nutshell the video goes through the 7 days it would take to eliminate poverty in those areas of the world where sex trafficking is huge.
day 1, trump convenes a special session for Congress. they hash out a bill to coordinate the plan. congress authorizes the printing of vouchers to be dispersed in those affected areas of the world, relieving so many of the necessity in selling their body just to sustain oneself.

There are enough resources on this planet to support roughly 1 billion at western standards of living.

For their premise to work you would have to force the planet to adopt a negative birth rate, you would have to end meat production and force vegetarianism/veganism on the planet to provide enough food to meet the new standards. Even after that agriculture would have to undergo a massive paradigm shift away from using fertilizers as we are already near peak phosphorous.

What they advocate is exchanging the most basic of needs for total control. I want them to explain how you accomplish this without total violence. People aren't just going to give up their reproductive freedoms, freedom of choice, freedom of movement. To even attempt what they propose every human on this planet would have to willingly submit or submit by force.

I see any attempt to accomplish these goals sparking global conflict and genocide.

legit concerns. i hope you call in.

And how do you plan on getting congress to agree to this?
A majority conservative congress that last I checked wanted to reduce their foreign aid?
And how would these vouchers stay out of the hands of the local warlords/pimps who will instead use them to enrich themselves like what happens with most foreign aid right now?

>People aren't just going to give up their reproductive freedoms, freedom of choice, freedom of movement. To even attempt what they propose every human on this planet would have to willingly submit or submit by force.
The asians probably would, that's practically China already, minus the western living standard

>And how do you plan on getting congress to agree to this?
>A majority conservative congress that last I checked wanted to reduce their foreign aid?
>And how would these vouchers stay out of the hands of the local warlords/pimps who will instead use them to enrich themselves like what happens with most foreign aid right now?

I don't know. Call in and I guarantee you'll get an answer.

China gave into the 1 child policy because China has a unique history of centuries of brutality and subjugation and it came off the tail end of mass genocide.

If you want to achieve these kinds of things you would have to brutalize the world into the mental state of the Chinese. You would have to become a cultural destroyer and dissect the humanity of the individual to the point they exhibited the same kind of traits.

I don't see most of the rest of the world just taking that kind of course and letting it happen.

>See my flag
I'm not a rich man.

they have a Skype feature.

Aside from my complete lack of motivation to call, your target audience is more normie than I am, as I don't have skype and pretty much everyone I know dropped that a long time ago

Still, best of luck with the plan, I highly doubt it will work but with good intentions at least it's not knowingly screwing over everyone

>target audience is more normie than I am

>can't buy a ps4
>bills only good for welfare functions.
>party symbol occult symbol
>utilizes federal reserve, and denounces questioning bloodline families.

I hate child slavery, but sounds like they are setting up a NWO scheme here. Also, this can be work around by indirect pay just like using a middle man to bribe congress. "I will pay for your rent for the month if you let me fuck your child prostitute." "Oh, officer, I did not pay for a kid, but his rent! We are friends..."

What it really sounds like is a tool for limiting our already limited currency to help usher in NWO type gov.

Nice plan, who is going to pay for it?

Why do all the nutbars waste so much time before they get to the fucking point of what they are talking about?

good question, man.
from their website:
By implementing The Humanity Party®'s Fair Tax Plan under the new Tax Code listed in Article 1, Section 9(a) of the new proposed Constitution, the World’s economic powers will be able to pay for the needed programs that will provide the FBNL to all humans equally."

The reason why you can't win an argument over them is because it is a tilted game. If you follow their precise logic you only end up agreeing with them thus they win, but in reality it is not feasible and can be hustled around, too. They will just say "we only said this specific point, and what's wrong you hate ending slaves?!" It's a loaded argument. Just like that guy who said he'd give a million dollars for psychic results, but is in charge of all results and can trash them if he sees fit. Facts and evidence aren't as permanent as one might think, because lawyers play with them all the time and cops plant shit all the time and people lie. "Yes, technically I can see what you are doing, but no it really won't work because in reality no one will abide by your rules and yes you just limited our currency further for your own devises." This is all kind of low brow logic they are pulling...Jewery.

What do you mean, Kekbrother?

Thats the sigil of Saturn

I remember this being shilled here four months ago. Nice try.

I mean I'm fucking 7 min in and he hasn't said a single thing about what he wants to do he's just ranting about how the President can call the Congress and that US monetary policy is controlled by Congress.

Want to make a convincing argument? Start with what you want to do first, then explain why it's possible and desirable.

For example, I want to build an orbital ring around our planet that will give cheap and common access to space to the whole planet.
I would then explain what an orbital ring is, how it works, what it would need to build it, why we would want to build it and so on.

I wouldn't start by ranting about how magnetism works and how NASA was created by this law or that.

I'm not sure what his point eventually will be, but I can tell you whatever it is isn't going to work because some men will still want to fuck women and will use means to achieve that unless his method is some way to change human sexuality, but I think that might take longer than 7 days.

goodnight folks. "Police Academy" marathon starts at 7 AM.