Why is it SO FUCKING IMPORTANT to millennials that they be allowed to smoke weed...

Why is it SO FUCKING IMPORTANT to millennials that they be allowed to smoke weed? Is it really such an important battle to fight, being able to dull your senses and waste your time?

all young people are obsessed with it just lime rap you get over it in your early 20s

If it isn't important why do you give a shit? Alternativly a weed smoker would probably take exception to getting 5-10 with serial killers and child rapist for doing something comparable to drinking alcohol.

There is no reason for weed to be illegal

Get over it

>Is it really such an important battle to fight, being able to dull your senses and waste your time?
its called freedom, dipshit

Shes not Millenial, She's Gen Z

Not an argument. Only degenerates smoke weed, and only a degenerate would want to.

I would be fine with its being removed as a schedule 1. Seems kinda silly that half the country has legalized its medical use yet it's still classified as "having no recognized medical use".

here we go with this generation meme

i'm fine with weed being legal, but i hate the bullshit propaganda about how it's good for you and not addictive. i know ~10 people irl who are total losers because they smoke pot everyday and have for over a decade. they also claim it's not addictive, that they could quit if they want to but they like it so they don't want to. and when they are out of weed you know they scrape bowls and smoke disgusting ass resin. I know the drill, i was a huge pothead in high school and through my early 20's. again i don't think it should be legal, but fuck these degenerates telling kids that it's as safe as milk and cookies and makes you smarter

My cat needs it. I have Kratom which doesn't fuck me up and does it's job, unlike NSAIDs, and it's only a couple times a week.

Man all those cancer patients sure are degenerate. Also why are you using a libertariab meme against liberty.

I used to be pro-legalization, despite never enjoying it or having the personal inclination to use it.

I later linked up all years of previous experiences with many weed smokers, in my mind. They're pieces of shit without fail and marijuana is an enabler and catalyst for their inward shitty tendencies. Fuck stoners.

smoking pot is a waste of time but the drug war is a racket to give cops more money.

Drugs are illegal because the government makes more money on fines and prison than they would with taxing it.

That being said it has a place medically, for pain, cerebral palsy and such, but not socially, for public use.

But it kills cancer bruh

Maybe people use drugs to escape from their shitty lives OP. You should be nice to them, they might kill themselves or something. Only half joking. Alcohol is the same way by the way. Light drinking and social drinking excluded. People who drink heavily, during the week or by themselves tend to have serious issues

Why is it important to ban it?

Fuck off fag. CBD cured my chronic migraines. People that oppose legalization should be shot.

its not. usage of weed has gone down since the 70s. boomers want millinials to smoke weed. who ran the studio that made half baked? couldnt be millinials they were to young

american drug culture in general is the boomers fault

Really gets the old noggin joggin

most people know stoners in two ways: They either meet them when they're already a pot smoker, or they get into pot smoking with their friends all at the same time.

The most revealing thing is to remain sober, and watch your formally sober friends begin the habit of smoking weed, and compare them before and after they began smoking. You can't compare if you didn't know the person before they were a stoner, and you also can't compare if you and your sober friends all start at the same time, because then your reality and ability to judge them and yourself clearly is skewed.

I have had several friends get into it after being sober their whole life. I have seen the before and after as a sober onlooker. I can only see how much worse they have become since they started. Saddest of all, they think it was the best thing to ever happen to them.

I like how faggots who complain about stoners never bitch and moan about alcoholics, despite the fact alcohol kills leagues more people. Kinda hypocritical since both lifestyles arw degenerate. There's even an official prohabition party, yet the kiddies here seem dead set on targeting weed. Strange indeed.

Because when all your money goes to rent, car, and others bills and you have like 40 bucks left to enjoy life you pretty much have intoxicants as your option. You alter your brain chemistry so you can forget that life is hell for a good 6-8 hours. Getting stoned is better than getting drunk.

Cause I rather dull my senses then use my imagination after a 12 hour work day, than watch (((propaganda))) forced down my throat via television that still dulls my senses.

It's not about weed for me it's just about liberty in general.

>Not an argument
>Proceeds with wanton ad hom, which is not an argument
Not an argument

This except I strongly oppose capital punishment for this crime and instead insist they should just literally do jail time. Like the governor of Vermont should actually spend six months in jail.

It isn't schedule 1 retard

Current lifestyles in the western industrialized world do not jive well with biology for most men. If men did not have addictions, whether weed, internet porn, alcoholism, or compulsively browsing pol, there likely would mass outbreaks of violence and suicide every day.

> Complains about people wasting time.
> Posts on Sup Forums


>Alcohol is the same way by the way. Light drinking and social drinking excluded.

Even light and social alcohol drinking is degenerate. Just look around and see how much Western society revolves around "having a drink". It's fucking ridiculous.

Better to not drink alcohol either. It's a crutch and unproductive waste of time.

Acktually it is.

Administrative Controlled Substances Code Number 7350
Administrative Controlled Substances Code Number 7360


Fuck off you obsessive kike, piss on your need to control other peoples lives. Hope you die.


Every time. This is what I'm talking about. One even told me how addictive it really is and the withdrawals he gets, then stopped being upset about whatever made him salty over being a stoner, and went right back to being a stoner.

Drugs don't help you cope, they don't expand your minds, or make you more creative, they just put you in a stupor and freeze you in-place.

That's just weed, you should see proper tweakers, or even just coke heads.

But again, I'd like to state that I recognize and support its use for legitimate medical issues.

its the baby red pill
>gov won't let me do something and lies about it heaps, i should smoke it to stick it to the man

sadly not many people progress past this point

Fuck man, you really get it. I experienced the same thing, but with alcohol. One of my friends is an absolute alcoholic, and all my other friends when they're in a group never want to do anything sober because it's "boring". It fucking crushes me sometimes man, and this is before the drugs, I can't even look at them then. Like, I don't mind getting a drink at a bar, but with females around too everyone has to get super fucked up. One on one my friends are still the same, but in a group, nah. So I spend less and less time with them all and I drift apart bit by bit. I just want my old friends back. It's partly my fault too for not stopping them, I can only save my best friend.

Drugs are a fucking cancer, all kinds, even the less harmful ones when taken to an excess. Sorry for a blogpost, but this post just hit home way too hard.

They've hyped themselves up on stoner science and unironically believe it cures (not "treats") cancer, seizures, depression, and pretty much every other disease/ailment.

Why is it SO FUCKING IMPORTANT to millennials who deny that they're millennials what other people do with their own bodies?

Thats why they want to legalize weed

When j was a kid i hot beat up in school weekly and became depressed. Of course they did not put the attackers on SSRIs to help my depression or their violence, they put ME on drugs

They are extending this policy as far as they can on a voluntary basis

Simple, weed being illegal ruins the integrity and legitimacy of our laws. If smoking pot is illegal but acceptable other illegal things become acceptable. Like importing spics illegally.

How else are they going to have fun and pretend they are something in this world without something to dull the senses

The United States was founded on freedom FROM government, we were founded on the principles of liberty and independence. For some of you slower users, you know, the ones who scream degenerate at everything they don't like, independence means that you solely can choose what is right for you, it is synonymous with freedom.

Being free people in a free country SHOULD give us the right to do with our own bodies, money, lives, time, etc any GOD DAMNED THING we so choose. So if Steve and Gary want to buttfuck each other until their assholes bleed, it is none of my business and I will call for no law against it as it does not harm me one bit. If Raykwon and Jamal want to smoke marijuana until their eyes bleed it harms me none and I again do not wish the government to tell them what they can do with their own bodies as consenting adults.

You see, the power you hand government over your "enemies" may one day be the power turned against you. Smoking pot is degenerate and it should be outlawed said the magapedes and so it was done. Playing vidya is degenerate said the hillarites and it should be outlawed, and so it was done. Not sharing your excess money is selfish and degenrate said the bernouts, it should be illegal to not share said the bernouts, and so it was done.

You see when the political winds shift the power you ceded shall never again return, never cede power to the government, never, for no reason. Keep Americans free, let them choose their own lifestyle whether or not you agree with it.

Marijuana is just one issue of a million that the government has no business in, now obviously there SHOULD BE LAWS protecting children, public roadways, etc, etc.

Your freedom end where anothers begins, just because you should legally be able to smoke pot does not mean that you should be able to go in to a daycare smoking reefer, and obviously we need laws for stuff like that because as evident by many posters in this thread people are fucking stupid.

speaking for myself it's purely a moral thing. I don't think the government can justify prohibition when plenty of other equal or worse drugs are perfectly legal.

[Quick preface: I don't give a fuck what you do, and believe strongly in decriminalization of all substances]

I think it's symptomatic of a larger issue:
You've got these young men and women who grow up in a world where the main source of media is yellow journalism, and the integrity of the information is questionable.
Your main source of entertainment is also your source of sexual gratification (porn), your source of news, and your source of communication. That breeds a lack of desire to explore your surroundings (You could just Google it), a lack of desire to socialize (just text your friends), and a lack of desire to PRODUCE content instead of consume it (Why bother? Your favorite Youtuber is right in your pocket!)
Then (if you're white) you've got popular culture that says "If you're white, or a man, you have privilege and you are a horrible person".
Throw in the fact that modern education (at least in the US) does not reward excelling beyond the average, unless you skip your entire childhood and go straight to college. Even then, it's just about passing the tests to get your meme degree.
Combine that with a general lack of responsibility and purpose.

Bam, widespread drug abuse.

>Drugs don't help you cope, they don't expand your minds, or make you more creative, they just put you in a stupor and freeze you in-place.

So why should i believe you over the like dozens of people who argue the exact opposite, and actually have the creative accomplishments to back that up as more than an anecdote? Literally hundreds of documented artists across all mediums and several generations have experimented with weed and their art.

And that's not to say everyone is going to have such an experience, but you're making a pretty big sweeping declaration, based off of anecdotes in the face of hundreds of conflicting opinions and verified creative works and artists that have been positively influenced.

Maybe there's some shade of gray inbetween? Maybe everyone who smokes weed isn't some strung out dreadhead. Nah.

Any marijuana legislation one way or the other shouldn't be happening. There are so many other more important things to crusade about.

>no recognized medical use
>US government holds patent for medical marijuanna use
US patent 6,630,507

Marijuana is schedule 1, you complete ass

Even "helpful" drugs, like addies turn people into these retarded manchildren, unable to learn and grow. There they think how great it is they can suddenly resist that Steam sale and study, like that wasn't possible before getting jacked up on legal speed.

You can leave someone on drugs for years and come back to them and it's like they're still in high school or whatever phase you left them in.

Is our purpose on this earth not to grow and learn?

Freedom fro. Government also means the government cannot mandate that qe accept things we dont eant. States have the powet tk ban drugs and gays

Now shut up and go away. The role of the government is not tk force inclusion

Fuck faggots, fuck niggers, fuck drugs

Why is it SO FUCKING IMPORTANT to white people that they eat pork and drink alcohol? Is it really such an important battle to fight? Just accept the true faith of Islam my brothers.

you're right. Marijuana is great for creativity. I think people should approach it accordingly. If you're an artist or doing extremely creative things, sure feel free to smoke weed here and there. But there are many professions and lifestyles where smoking weed daily is disadvantageous.

Not everyone can or should live as a bohemian artist. There has to be a sense of normalcy in society.

Its effects upon smoking or ingesting are far less powerful than alcohol. Its easy to quit. Its easy to not as smoke as much. Its harmful effects upon the body are far less severe than alcohol. Its medicinal effects are wide ranging and useful.

Cannabis should not be illegal. It should not be tested for in drug testing. Its complete insanity to keep spending time and resources keeping it illegal.

If you can't handle weed without being a degenerate you're a fucking pussy.

Same goes for alcohol, fuck even coke.



Bohemian artists should pay for their own food or starve to death friendo

Their very existence makes it harder for dutiful christians to find vjrgin wives. There is a compelling case for simply killing all artists

This patent is showing for me as cannabinoids. Thats far from the whole plant which is what the scheduling is for. Even Texas legalized some cannabinoids a few years ago.

You know,you ask a good question. Why do they NEED permision from the state to do something they enjoy? Hippies didn't give a shit,neither did blacks and whoever smoked pot
It's not like you go to prison for smoking so why do these kids NEED permission to smoke it?
Statist trash

You are not American and I wouldn't expect you to understand, stay in your oppressive shithole and do what big daddy government tells you to, you simple minded faggot mongoloid.

funny thing, the people that voted for Trump probably have more in common with that sentiment than yours.

My weed was recently laced with Adderall. And even now I can only get one kind. Shit loads of problems with the black market.

>durr statist trash

Nice buzzword

>where smoking weed daily is disadvantageous.

To that i'd agree.

But i'd still be fine with it recreationally for anyone in moderation, like any and everything. Just because there exist fuckheads who need every second inhale to be from a bong doesn't mean i shouldn't be able to enjoy a bit of weed every now again, same way drunk fuckheads who wrap themselves around a pole driving home drunk don't stop me from knocking back a cold one every now and again.

And the argument of recreational use vs daily recreational abuse is one i've found many pot smokers are happy to discuss, but the nuance is always lost on straight edge faggots on Sup Forums.

This. It's a waste of public resources. It's a recreational plant, and basically harmless. This is why I can't stand Jeff sessions.

I am a white american dipshit.

The poor people here are polite and afraid, as they should be. They work, or they starve to death, and theybunderstand their inferiority.

Have fun being forced to bake gay cakes at gunpoint by your misinterpretation of the fucking constitution you idiot

He hasn't done anything yet.

I voted for (((Trump))) my damn self, care to elaborate on the sentiment you speak of?

Only the top half of society seems to have moderation. I'm sure there's plenty of fit yuppies that eat at Wholefoods and occasionally smoke marijuana, but of the many, many people I've seen and known personally, they were all faggots, young and old. What little redeeming qualities they had or ability to better themselves they possessed was roundly suppressed and choked out by the numbing effects of weed. It really does make these losers feel like they're fine just the way they are. No talents to hone, no goals to achieve, just out on a shitty YouTube rap playlist and not clean your apartment, ever.

Its not. Also look at the shitskin in your pic. Civilization tend to devolve into base garbage the browner it gets. Humanity will never reach the stars.

you're a fucking moron, to put it politely and are not worthy of any further reply.

Weed is he only substance that substantially lowers iq that is in wode circulation

If coca cola sold a product that lowered iq, theyd be sued

Everyone is a realist about iq until it comes to weed. Any other product gets sued outbof the market. Even high school football

Oh, okay. Youre a nigger? Can someone ban this idiot

Worse. He's an anarcho-capitalist.

>jimmies rustled

He doesnt strike me as ancap. He is complaining about the dignity of low iq people.

Ancaps would use people below 110 iq as mulch

True Gen Z is under 18 now

NO you are completely wrong. Alcohol is a substance that does MUCH more damage to the brain as well as other organs, yet its legal. You have to be smoking weed from sunrise to sunset (abusing it) for it to do damage. Excessive coca cola consumption leads to diabetes, excess weight gain among other health issues, so should that be banned too?

Weed is ONLY illegal cause of big pharma wants to keep it that way, so they can continue to sell death in their prescription meds.

It is a true fucking shame that those who fully understand, support and abide by the Constitution are labeled anything other than a true American. What's worse yet is that we, the American people are the last line of checks and balances on our government. You are a disgrace to the flag, you have no sense of what freedom is, and on the same not you clamor for more government intervention.

In short you are nearly worthless, I say nearly because you would make a great meat curtain.

Governments have no right in telling people what they can and cannot do with their bodies.

Junkies will always be junkies no matter what laws are in place. Better they can get a clean source of drugs which is taxed instead of potentially (more) dangerous drugs than they would get from their local street dealer.

Drug abuse seems to be a culture problem due to lack of knowledge (poor education) and/or people being raised in a poor manner resulting in a lacking mindset (unable to understand the future consequences of their actions).

Everyone right down to fucking Starbucks is scared of legal weed. When it comes out that weed is actually a performance enhancer there will be a shitstorm.

fuck off you fucking alcoholic faggot

Fitter/turner here, how come the 2 weed smokers at my work are both dumb as fuck in the same way? Both get confused and can't remember basic shit, both have appalling attendance records.
I can actually tell a heavy smoker now without having asked them. They always have the same scatter brain.

Alcohol needs to be consumed in excessive amounts to ruin brain function. Ethanol is a natural component of digestion, if you werent aware.

Even small amounts of weed literally sever neural connections. The substance is completely foreign to our biology

You have no clue what youre talking about

weedboos are the same trassh that are for ubi and other shit that will give nameless beaurocrats complete power over the individual while said individual is worrying about cave shadows of muh globalists

>dutiful christians
Enjoy your jew on a stick religion kek

1. Black Market
2. Indica vs Sativa

Ah yes, he REAL constitution mandates that the role of the government is to force you to accept blacks, gay marriage, and drugs in your community, or be sent to prison

Very insightful

>dull your senses
>waste your time?
true to major degree

Christianity is false but provides a path for nice idiots to contribute to society without doing harm

An idiot arguing about the meaning of a passage is an idiot that isnt applying for a degree in anti racist feminist genetics

You idiots have no clue how the world works

>Even small amounts of weed literally sever neural connections
Any citations?

>Drugs don't help you cope, they don't expand your minds, or make you more creative, they just put you in a stupor and freeze you in-place.
So either you've never done weed or your IQ is too low to be affected in a positive manner. Either way, sucks to be you.


Weed is legal where I am and all it's done is made fucktons of cunts move to this asshole state, driving up rent and property value, increasing business for all and sundry. Just leave the fuckin' matter to the states. Want to see your economy boom? Legalize the shit.

Meth is in wide circulation. So is Heroin. Even wider is the circulation of pain meds.

Alcohol kills whites. And also encourages promiscularity, that's why you'll never see the shills attacking it

It stinks.

It's a waste of time.

It gives you cancer.

It's a gateway drug.

People who smoke weed are more likely to be violent.

People who smoke weed are more likely to commit crimes.

It causes you to be a loser and a slacker.

There is no reason to smoke weed, other than to be a fucking idiot. And idiots are not good for society.

I could go on and on. So, yes, there is plenty of reason for it to be legal and no reason you need to smoke it.

Seriously guys, if your imagination is so fuckin Jewed by TV and other mindless brain rotting entertainment that you need a substance just to enjoy things or appreciate life then you may as well hang yourself right now

ITT: Lazy jobless assholes insult lazy jobless assholes.