Does Sup Forums have any juice left, or has its Autistic Renaissance hit a Plateau?

Does Sup Forums have any juice left, or has its Autistic Renaissance hit a Plateau?

also, OC pepes

Hiro, Trump and the rise of kekistanis finished it off.

thats alot of 7's bro

We memed a president into office so yeah.

i told my mom this & now i gotta take pills

You serious?, we are palying with the white gloves.

Sup Forums has fully integrated itself into the minds of the masses. The influence is unavoidable and perpetual.

i know but its more fun having someone remind me

I can say for certain that for the past 8 years I have been on 4chin, autists never slow down.

Sup Forums continuously burns down and rises like a Phoenix from the ashes. Unlike most other sites though Sup Forums is at its best when the user base is at its lowest. Just wait until summer is over and all the Reddit fags latch onto another group they consider the "cool" kids. Unfortunately it might take 4-8 more years.

It's over, if you were here in 05-06-07 we had a lot of momentum as well and got some hilarious things done. The normies got to us, infiltrated us and Chanology was the final steak. Same exact thing happened here with Kekistan. We are done. The autists have once again lost, not to anyone else, but their own autism.

we shall wait brother

Sup Forums Harbor may have been absolute torture but it did a damn good job of purging the board of normal fags.

As crazy as it sounds we, or the mods, needs to seriously destroy this board for about a month to drive away all the casuals and get back to basics here.

a total blitzkreg

no we're done for. the shills won. pack it in, boys. time for a fucking nap while the globalists enslave everyone.

On the day of the long rake all I will have to do is show the executioners this video.
Ten minutes later they'll move you to the front of the line, guaranteed.

been calling for this for months.
it's not like we don't know the formula.

Trumpism was a fad and no right-wing movement is actually growing.

Meanwhile membership in socialist organizations is blowing the fuck up. Video game nerds will never do anything revolutionary. Prepare for the gulag.

Every board has its moment of relevance and then dies off. With all the Trump campaign shit and the MSM doubling Sup Forums's userbase by publicising this board Sup Forums has peaked.

Nowaday's Sup Forums is the board with the most newfags, taking that title away from Sup Forums.

Sup Forums died when kek became a thing

Maybe someday they'll all leave and it'll be like none of this ever happened.

I made a thread requesting it on /qa/. It's a pointless act of futility but here:

>any juice left

Nigger please