My theory on why the jews seem to support Communism

So alot of you may view Communism as a "Jewish plot" or a tool of the jews, mainly due to finding out that Marx aswell as Trotsky and Lenin were infact of Jewish blood.

However, the more I look into this, the more it just doesn't make sense. Why would the rich elite or "Bourgeoisie" which is comprised of Jews support an ideology which calls for the elimination of the rich and the elimination of the concept of currency? Why would you support an ideology that calls for your demise?

My theory is that Marx, while yes jewish, knew that the Jews were in control of capitalism, that the jews use capitalism to rise to power. Marx wrote a book called "On the jewish question" which shows that Marx knew about the jews and their scheming ways. Communism is a threat to the jews.

So what did the jews do in reponse? They hijacked the ideology.

Many of you already know that Lenin and the bolsheviks were largely jewish and this is no mere coincidence. Due to the sucess of the bolsheviks and Marxism-Leninism, traditional Marxism was now overshadowed by the Jewish owned "proletariat dictatorship"

I think that under the jews control, the soviet union would never even attempt to transition to the stateless society. Trotsky was the intended successor to Lenin and promoted internationalist policies.

They did not expect Stalin to throw an icepick into their plans however. When Stalin took control, he purged the jews from power in the Soviet Union, thus forcing the Jews to rely on the United States.

Fast foward to modern day, communism is rampant in universities and in websites like Reddit, and organizations like Antifa are funded by the rich jewish elite like Soros. Why would they do this?

Just look at the average communist today, weak, liberal minded, and pretty much a larper.

The modern day communist movements make no progress and will never make any progress in achieving communism because barely any of them read Marx's works

Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft'_plot

You would get lucky if you find a communist who have read that pamphlet they call a manifesto.

They claim to be anti-racist and all of these buzzwords while not realizing that the communists of old were staunch racists.

Marx, Proudhon, and Bakunin all hated the jews while Che Guvera hated blacks, Stalin outlawed homosexuality and other things that the tankies of today would push for.

Simply put, the communists of today are supported by the jews because they push the Jewish Agenda while not pushing their own.

I know this is a very rough theory, but I have nothing better to so meh.

>mainly due to finding out that Marx aswell as Trotsky and Lenin were infact of Jewish blood.
Don't forget about the countless Jewish butchers like Henrik Yagoda.

>However, the more I look into this, the more it just doesn't make sense. Why would the rich elite or "Bourgeoisie" which is comprised of Jews support an ideology which calls for the elimination of the rich and the elimination of the concept of currency? Why would you support an ideology that calls for your demise?
Because in practice this simply means the demise of Jewish competition.

shut up faggot


Jews populate the higher end of the intellectual spectrum because of their emphasis on education. This means that they represent a disproportionate amount of mans greatest achievements but also when you have a Jew gone bad, it's like fighting the supervillain brainiac. How does no one understand this concept???

But if communists somehow succeed, all rich would be killed or exiled, including jews.

And if communism grows, the capitalists would be threatened due to communism rising in their own countries and the threat of neighboring countries wanting to snuff out capitalism

I know this

Jews arent stupid, they just know how to manipulate stupid people (aka modern day communists)


Communism/Bolshevism is connected to Judaism because of the historical tradition of communistic bargaining by Ashkenazi communities in Germany/France. They paid taxes in bulk on behalf of the community, unlike the goyim.

this, see pic

>organizations like Antifa are funded by the rich jewish elite like Soros. Why would they do this?

Because this stuff is all for the Goyim, not the Jew. Jews have weaponized philosophy by deliberately creating poisonous ideas for the masses to consume, like Communism and Libertarianism.

They do this everywhere. They broadcast degeneracy to your children while preaching orthodoxy to theirs. They demand you take in unlimited amounts of 3rd world migrants while they take in zero. They are the loudest voices proclaiming "there is no such thing as race" on college campuses while at the same time they aggressively stick together as a group. They are the ones pointing their fingers at you for "white privilege" when they are the wealthiest among us.

Everything you see Jews supporting publicly is for you to accept, not them. The proof is they don't fund or support these ideas in Israel. George Soros cut off funding to radical feminist groups as soon as they established a branch in Israel:

While the Soviet Union was imposing the misery of communism on all of Russia, the Jews had themselves their own peaceful autonomous Oblast carved out just for them near the border of China where the communist system did not apply. To this day this is still the only autonomous Oblast in all of Russia.

This is where the Jews were living while 60 million Christians were being starved to death.

>Why would the rich elite or "Bourgeoisie" which is comprised of Jews support an ideology which calls for the elimination of the rich and the elimination of the concept of currency? Why would you support an ideology that calls for your demise?
because in practice its impossible to do this without the accumulation of power and therefore money and destruction of the competition
are you dumb? its 'do as i say goy, not as i do'

Wrong. That's not what happened. See the post I just made about the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Russia, where Jews got to live autonomously while 60 million Christians were being systematically slaughtered.

To this day, it's still the only autonomous region in all of Russia.

I already stated that the Bolsheviks were jewish dominated, my theory is that Communism was ORIGINALLY (as in when Marx made it) a threat to them, thus they Hijacked it, Dont know how I could have forgotten the communist revolution in Germany though

You do understand that they aren't all bad though. The good ones do an insane amount of good for society and the bad ones do a lot of damage as is expected, no?

I know but I like posting those for any anons that want to save it
>they hijacked it
Of course, they always hijack and subvert anything that's a threat to them.

They didn't highjack it, there is no conspiracy. The bitter evil jews attach themselves to an evil ideology (go figure) and the good jews are happy and do a lot of work for society (go figure).

Yes, I do realize that not every jew is bad, claiming an entire race is bad is simply dumb. There are always exceptions

i now see that youre a fagot attempting to make communism palatable
i dont know what you think youre going to achieve with this shit but you wont get far and definitely not by larping with a fascist flag

nu/pol/ needs to be hanged asap

Communism is basically an ideology that would let the jews OWN EVERYTHING as a priestly class of rulers. The whole state ownership bs would mean that the elite kikes own everything in practice.

No, you sound like a butthurt social justice warrior faggot. Hitler was no better than the blue haired faggot trannies running around trying to kill everyone from speaking. Hitler was just the first emo faggot of an entire emo faggot country, get the fuck over it.

They literally created the ideology. There's no excusing or forgetting this.

Communism is the ideology of envy.

Neoliberal Capitalism is the ideology of greed.

Libertarianism is the ideology of lust and gluttony.

Fascism is the ideology of wrath.

Social Democracy is the ideology of sloth.

Lel, implying I still dont hate communism

"true communism" would get rid of the jewish influence, but would create a whole slew of other problems due to anarchy being fucking retarded.

I simply only have Stalinist/Nazbol sympathies

Yes I do


Thats only Marxist-Leninism

If communism were to succeed (aka stateless society) there would be no state to own, No hierarchy

Yes I know its retarded.

All jews are bad senpai.
This is the final redpill.
The jewish question.
I consider that the Jews must be destroyed.

sure, whatever you want to think. just get the fuck out back to plebit already plz kike

That's fine, they have also created a million other good fucking things, who cares. Hold individuals accountable for their actions, not fucking groups. People that hate groups for what someone or some people do are faggots.

This. This is exactly what happened in Russia as shadowy Jews pulled the strings in the USSR from behind the veil of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, the only autonomous region in Russia.

They created communism, and then created for themselves their own special safe space to escape from it.

Is this is what you paid for at college? Man I can make more communism apologetic bullshit while pooping.

education has nothing to do with IQ. niggers in africa wont have higher IQs than you if we isolated you from society and schooling while giving them a full degree. You would still, on avg, have a higher IQ than them in all testing.

>If communism were to succeed (aka stateless society) there would be no state to own, No hierarchy
That's the utopian pipedream that is used to fool the masses. It would never happen in practice because it is fucking impossible to happen.
What would happen in practice is that the state aka the kikes, just run and own everything and the goym are rendered into a slave class.

I'm not a kike and please explain to me how hitler wasnt a social justice warrior faggot. The jews were just his verison of "hurrr durrrr teh 1% durrrrrr".

From what I read on this, Stalin seemed to be hostile to this region

Not all Jews are bad, but still they all need to die because they cannot be trusted.

And National Socialism is the ideology of love of your own kin.
Sieg Heil!

Yes it does faggot, think about intellect being valued at the core level over the course of 2000 years faggot. Over time their IQ's grew while some other cultures *cough* did not.

Dear Goy,

Never stop being this good.


Shlomo Silverstein

Marxism is retarded. It criticizes a system as a whole instead of the perpetrators of financial crisis, simply those who control the monetary system. And instead they propose a system of total slavery and try to sell it to the worker as "liberation".

Fun fact, antisemitism was punishable by death in the Soviet Union.

I know its impossible, every "stateless society" that has formed was destroyed by outside forces (CNT-FAI being destroyed by the Falangists, that Bulgarian one only lasting a few months before getting turked)

All anarchic ideologies are retarded, the only "communists" that I like are well-read Stalinists, who just turn into Nazbols anyway

What about Monarchism?

That sounds great in theory but in practice how do you deal with a real life marxist conspiracy, funded by the most powerful bankers in the world?

You don't know which Jews are conspiring in the shadows against us and which aren't. Even if you were able to single out just the "bad Jews", how would you stop them from laundering their wealth (ie, their power) through other members of their community? It's the power that they wield against us that is the threat, not the individuals themselves.

I understand the desire to distance yourself from group persecution but I don't hear you proposing any alternative solutions to the very real neo-marxist conspiracy that has infiltrated our institutions and seeks to destroy us from within.

If you don't want to see all Jews persecuted you need to contribute a better argument than "but not all X!"

Either that or just expeling them all to some island, Madagascar like Poland and others touched on

Look into what jews did in weimar before talking shit.ür_Sexualwissenschaft

Hitler was completely in the right and not at all alone in speaking of the Jewish problem.
Picture related.

Stalin also seems to have been at least somewhat hostile to the Jews. There's a reason Stalin suddenly died after implicating a ton of Jews in the "Doctors plot".

As much as I despise Stalin, sometimes I wonder if his iron fist didn't prevent a total Jewish takeover of Russia.'_plot

>However, the more I look into this, the more it just doesn't make sense. Why would the rich elite or "Bourgeoisie" which is comprised of Jews support an ideology which calls for the elimination of the rich and the elimination of the concept of currency?

Because they won't live under communism. They are creating two different worlds, one for the Jews and another for everyone else.

I think this is still wrong, even during the time of the industrial revolution, Bankers were operating a tier above 'capital owners'. The entirety of Marx's economics is childish. Even still nowadays, strict 'capitalists' are frequently going deep into debt.

Remember, the Rothschilds had already funded BOTH SIDES of the French Revolution of 1789 by the time Marx wrote his work.

Marxism/Communism is 100% useful idiocy: the philosophy. It always has been.

>categories don't exist when they're displease me!
The fact is that Jews have historically been vastly overrepresented in communist movements and parties, in USA and Europe. Don't try to re-demarcate this shit away like leftist do with Muslim terrorists.

Solzhenitsyn was such a faggot. On one hand he's kinda fascist which i can accept, but on the other he ran away to USA and called for nuking USSR. He's like those emigrant cunts that joined Hitler in ww2. Traitor.

oopsie *they displease

Marx was apparently an anti-Zionist and hated any kind of nationalism.

jews support communism because it allows for a greater degree of centralized power

this is not a conspiracy theory, this is open fact; the "jews" (who arent all jews, but most probably are) want to greate a global currency, global taxation, and a gtlobal government. they want centralized government with more power, because... thats what they always want. thats what everyone always want. power breeds more power. and this is bad because every successful government ever (meaning they have existed from x until x and ARENT shitty) are based on a pluralistic power-structure, meaning multiple people with opposing values (to, atleast, a certain extent) keep each other in check, and ensure no one becomes a totalitarian. this was accomplished in the glorious revolution in england some 400 years ago, and its the only model keeping us "free", and communists (and "the jews") are constantly working to undermine this delicate power balance that ensures our ("us" being capitalist states) successful way of life

if if if if

Please see my original post about the bell curve moron.

It's up to all of us to run a meritocracy and not be bunch of social justice warrior faggots. Justice is justice and that's the end of it.

>they support it because they want a centralized power

Thats my point though, Marxist-Leninism was a result of jewish hijacking, the USSR under jewish hands would never even attempt to transition.

Whether Stalin planned on transitioning or just wanted to keep the dictatorship I dont know.

If (((Trotsky))) took power, its obvious that the USSR would continue to be in jewish hands

Theocracy is the ideology of stupidity

They support it because they will always be more equal than others in a communist society

Theocracy does suck ass

And this is coming from a Christian

Again, academia didn't become leftist until Jews managed to take it over. Anglo-Saxons dominated academia for ages before them. It's not just that Jews are overrepresended in these movements in comparison with average goys; they're overrepresended in their IQ and socioeconomic classes as well. Jews are Boas, whites are Darwin

it sounds like you are making excuses for the failure of communism. "this and this specific factor caused it to fail". not that im attributing you this agenda, but if that is the point you are making, let me illustrate briefly why it doesnt matter, and communism will inevitably fail;

essentially, communism is just one out of numerous forms of extractive financial institutions. what i mean by this is that the financial institution (a country. any country that has ever existed with a government) exists solely for the purpose of enriching a select few. this has been the case for pretty much every financial institution in history, up until the glorious revolution in england, which then spread to, generally, most of western europe, USA, canada, australia, etc... the countries that are well-off today. these countries are successful because of a pluralistic power-balance in the state, which ensures no one gains a monopoly on power. because even if the guy who gains a monopoly on power is "a good guy" (they NEVER are, though), that position is now tainted. that position has a monopoly on power, so now every power-hungry bastard is gonna come for it. and inevitably, as it has with EVERY state ever (that isnt modern capitalism), it will fail, because when you have a government with unchecked power, they will do everything they can to extract wealth from the people. and this, as a commoner in such a country, you dont have any incentive to manufacture wealth, because whatever you produce will just be stolen by the government. so effiency tumbles, and the country gets put on a road towards being cunt-poor (except for the elite, who benefit from everyones suffering)

this is what communism does! thats what it is! and this is what "the jews" (who, again, people here who focus on the "racial" aspect of jews and stuff are morons. "jew" should be replaced by "rich-ass globalist powerhouse") want

>Whether Stalin planned on transitioning or just wanted to keep the dictatorship I dont know.

it's blatantly obvious that Stalin was in it for absolute power. Also, the Bolsheviks did try hardcore, moneyless communism during the early war years, but that was flying into the shitter with an extremely rapid pace

And there were plenty of cuntbag anglo sax back then too. Every race has their shitheads but it makes sense that according to the bell curve a race like the blacks does lots of little bits of damage but nothing really large scale in the grand scheme of things and that the jews who are represented with higher IQ's do more good and also way more damage when they go rogue.

"Trotzky" or those who believe in his ideology have retaken power after Stalins death.

>When Stalin took control, he purged the jews from power in the Soviet Union

Medical corporal Paul Lenz, Military Post Number 7 14 628 Posen, to the local group of the NSDAP, Arneburg:

Only a Jew can be a Bolshevist; for these bloodsuckers there is nothing better to be, for there is then nothing to stop them. Wherever one spits there is a Jew, whether in a city or a village. As far as I know (we asked the people, wanting to know the truth) not a single Jew every worked in the workers' paradise. Even the littlest bloodsucker had a post with big privileges. He lived in the best buildings, if one can call them buildings. The real workers lived in small buildings, or better, in animal stalls, just like day laborers in old Russia. It makes no difference whether one is in a village or in a city like Minsk with over 300,000 inhabitants, the stalls are everywhere. Even before the war, most workers knew nothing but hunger, misery and slavery. Some may be interested to know that there were theaters, operas, etc., even big buildings for them, but only those with money got in, and they were the blood suckers and their lackeys.

To why I am posting this, I have been talking with lolbertardians on discord

The more and more I speak with them the redder I get.

Dont get me wrong, I hate communism and the retards who adopt such ideology.

I am however growing to hate capitalism more and more. Especially Ancaps

read "Why Nations Fail"

...How do we even kill all Jews, besides bioweapons? I mean, not every Jew is easily identifiable.

>And there were plenty of cuntbag anglo sax back then too

oh, really? All the major intellectual movements centered around Rabbinic, Jewish father figures and at most had gentiles as window dressing.

>the jews who are represented with higher IQ's do more good and also way more damage when they go rogue.

These movements really do not gain their momentum from their intellectual intricacy, but from a dogmatic, cohesive ingroup work. If you read, for example, works of the Frankfurt school or Freud, it's clear that they don't stand up to scientific scrutiny; rather, they're the work of authoritarian Jews, tolerating no dissent, centering their verbal, laser-beam-like, genius on subverting gentile culture and its institutions. These works would have been left undone without these charismatic Jewish leaders

What you should hate is the Jewish hackneyed version of crony capitalism we see today. Simple solution: get rid of the kikes, and reasonable competition can be re-established to create a thriving market

That much I can agree on.

So you're a fascist who likes Capitalism?

To understand what you're seeing you need to understand that there is no monolithic Jewish conspiracy. Instead, you have varied Jewish populations, each acting on the instincts bred into them via distinct selective pressures during the middle ages. For over a thousand years Jews maximized their reproductive opportunities by demonstrating their fitness in two distinct ways: inward success and outward success.

Inward success was gaining status within the Jewish community itself. The dominant group within the Jewish community were the Rabbis. They controlled the Jewish community via being the most pure and persuasive champions of Judaism, which means they gained, held, and wielded power via IDEOLOGY. This made ideological purity and persuasiveness the trait that Jewish population was selected for.

Outward success meant gaining status within the surrounding non-Jewish community. This required demonstrating sufficient talents and skills to prove themselves useful to the rulers of the non-Jewish cultures they were embedded in; typically via commerce and finance. This made industriousness and intelligence the trait that Jewish population was selected for.

What you see in the conflict between Communist Jews and Capitalist Jews is the product of these divergent selective processes. Communist Jews found a route to modern success via an ideology which let them control non-Jews in much the same way the Rabbis used Judaism to control Jewish communities in the middle ages. Likewise the Capitalist Jews found a route to modern success via their marketable skills, with a strong focus on commerce and finance.

maybe get your economics from some other source than populist speakers; it is intricate stuff, after all. The fact is that Feder's book (the one that turned Hitler into a Nazi) wasn't that impressive stuff.


When Marx composed his theories, Jews were a minority in Europe in extreme population boom, not the elites of today. His theory was a plan for judaic domination of the the current era. The (((proletariats))) which he meant indead had no fatherland at the time being.

>I hate communism and the retards who adopt such ideology.
>I am however growing to hate capitalism more and more. Especially Ancaps

You should remember that "Capitalism" was invented by Karl Marx. He was the first person to propose it as a distinct ideology, and he used it as a strawman attack on Western civilization. The free market economic systems people call "Capitalism" is simply a byproduct of the western value of liberty, specifically private property rights. However, that value is not supposed to operate in a vacuum. It properly operates in the context of other western values: christian compassion, loyalty to family and community, obedience to lawful authority, etc.

Capitalism is simply a mirror image of Communism; a materialistic ideology offered in contravention of western values.