Do you hate liberals more than you love the rule of law Sup Forums?

Do you hate liberals more than you love the rule of law Sup Forums?

I respect the law Goyim but if it was the rule of law or my life I'd take a despot any day

False equivalence. Look at all the things liberals advocate for. Removing them is akin to upholding rule of law.

That's a tough one. Liberals really do suck.

We want to get rid of progressives, not liberals.

Liberals I can work with at a 9-5 job Progressives I cannot

>Outlaw liberals

I hate liberals more than I love anything, at this point I'm willing to kill them to rid the nation of them.


No one hates liberals, just leftists.

Right now conservatives ARE following Rule of Law. You'd notice if it were no longer the case, Rod


I would support the military rounding up and executing all liberals at this point, to be perfectly honest. Right vs wrong takes a back seat when you're dealing with people who genuinely don't experience empathy and are sub-90 IQ. Kill them all, make a memorial day for it, and let's get on with this fucking progress I keep hearing about.

Since when are they contradictory? Liberals break the law fucking constantly.

>eventually the right will have to choose between their hate of the left or their love for rule of law
>the majority of, if not all, major violent "protests" in the past 5+ years has been the left

liberals are expert trolls literally pulling at the strings of these cucked conservatives on a daily basis.

-Fat acceptance
-Trigger Warnings
-Pretending to embrace communism
-White Guilt

It's literally fucking genius. I'd probably identify as a blue dog democrat/conservative democrat living in the south, i.e. I believe regulation can be appropriate in specific settings: Sarbanes Oxley, etc. , but I will often pretend to be a social justice warrior because it's fun to get the christian right wing worked up.

Dude life's great, America is the greatest fucking country on earth, Heil Hitler, and have some fucking fun with each other!

Peace out, boyscout

You shut your mouth, they burn along with the rest

fahck da powleece

Oh, so do the democrats with their sanctioned illegal immigration represent the rule of law now?

I love the rule of law, that's why I hate liberals

I hate liberals more

I also want as much chaos as possible because life is boring otherwise

Stop with these threads

>Faggot wants attention for his Twatter account
>Faggot makes screen cap of his latter Twat post
>Faggot creates topic on Sup Forums
>Faggot links directly to his lattest Twat post

Stop falling for this shit Sup Forums. You're smarter than that.


what about an oligarchy, lior?

I read this like it was the lyrics to that Linkin Park song

Liberals hate the law unless it suits their agenda.

Suspend the Constitution and eliminate all liberal scum, then the USA can be reborn anew

What is he referring to

There hasn't been rule of law in the US for at least 70 years, maybe not even since the Civil War. If the courts can decide against free association, free duscrimination, etc, then there is no law but power. The Left must be destroyed, root and stem.

In what way is Trump not following the rule of law? Everything he is currently doing is repealing all the things liberals have done, that have circumvented the rule of law. For fuck's sake, liberal cities are "sanctuary cities" where they harbor millions of illegal aliens and criminals.

yeah dont speak for all of us fuckface. I hate liberals but I dont want to go back to the fucking old days. you're a child and you don't know how good you have it


"Rule of law" is how PC bullshit and our dispossession is enforced in Canada.

Leftists are not liberals. Most of them aren't progressives, either.

Excuse me?

I'm so trad I'd lock this faggot into a Judas cradle personally

the fuck does he think this is

>commie flag
>blatant ignorance
who would have thought it

you do realize that the majority of Trump supporters are liberals right?

without liberals, you have leftists, hicks, and fringe groups

The rule of law is a social construct.

> Rule of law
> 2017
> Giving in to Alinskyite swine
