Human Competence and IQ on the decline

People are becoming extremely incompetent due to technology.. Everywhere I go, people are bad at their jobs, and people are getting worse at human interaction in general. This is indicative of a mind that is used to being prompted instead of consciously thinking. So people are less and less conscious, less often using the prefrontal cortex as you do in meditation. It's essentially a type of human that is running more on auto-pilot. There is a sense that anything can be looked up in an instant. These are problems I encounter every day.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Talking over me on the phone. If I need to interject before they go further, they continue on ignoring my interjections until I scream at them to stop and listen. People are too narcissistic to listen and their short-term memories are atrophied so they cannot wait as long to spit out their thought or fear that they will lose it
>Walking through me in doorways/elevators like I'm not there. Increasing awkwardness with various customs of this sort due to cultural diversity and gender role confusion
>Language getting dumbed down to the level of the negro.
>Inability to distinguish rhetorical statements from non-rhetorical ones. Customers greet me with "how are you," which can be rhetorical or not (depends on how it is treated). I reply with "I'm doing great, how are YOU?" which is not rhetorical
and they ignore it and look down at their phone, as if I just said "what's up?"
>Word-merging (great and good; amazing and good; imply and infer; the literally conundrum) reduces communicative power of the language by reducing subtlety.
>"really good" and "great" are distinct because great is a superlative and needn't be modified. But if you modify great, assign it degrees, then there is no longer a differnce between great and good. So now everything is great.
> Dumb words like amazeballs and ginormous come up as a result of word-merging/reduction in communicative power.
>Apps that are used by millions and millions, and worth billions, are poorly designed and vulnerable
>User interfaces are nonsensical due to understaffing, underpayment, or just a market-wide lack of intellectual resources.
>Entire companies that make multi-millionaires out of people may be utterly incompetent from top to bottom

People are not meant to live like this. Not in these numbers, and not under the old reproductive methods. We have far too many maladjusted, unfit people. We're running on fumes as a civilization and we're not even close to any type of singularity. Every low tier Uber job has 10 niggers that will do it part time. Every middle class job has up to a thousand who will apply. Every nation is drowning in debt and being actively subverted by its own shadow government of unelected bureaucrats/oligarchs. South Korea turned out to have an illegitimate shadow government and nobody cared. It's obious why: because they're all illegitimate. On top of this there are potential flash points all over the middle east, Europe, North Korea, and so forth. I believe we are making a beeline to the end times, and I mean within 5 years

yeah, we're gonna be like those fat people in wall-e

You mean the NPCs of current year. They are bots.



>5 years
damn i gotta hurry up and get my hands on some guns


Non player character

But that's the thing.

If I need to fix something, do something, repair something, I don't even bother trying to figure it out on my own. I go look up a YouTube tutorial.

It saves me a tremendous amount of time and effort.

Also is probably turning me into a complete retard who can't function without the internet.

But that's the way we're going.

if you look it up, then reflect on WHY the thing worked, its pretty much the same

when i have to google something to figure out why somethings fucked, i always try to think or read about why the fix worked

Archeological Fact:
Human Brains have been getting smaller since people began living in large groups and started using only limited skill sets. The more specialized and repetitive ones life becomes, the less important different skills become.
Far greater knowledge was required to survive in a tribal/Nomadic settings.

>Be good with computers
>Computer breaks down, know how to test for the problem and even fix it.
2 days later
>A/C breaks down
>Im good at computers
>I cant fix it, Look up how to fix it / diagnose the problem since its not my specialization.

Im sorry but people back then had "Trades" and people today do too. I think we do MORE now trying to fix things with the internets help than the people back then did.

top kek, I refer to most people as NPCs nowadays, because it is as though they are soulless husks following a basic program.

>People are becoming extremely incompetent due to technology.. Everywhere I go, people are bad at their jobs,
like the draftsman who use CAD softwarer to make 0 mistakes so that welders dont lose time fixing someone elseĀ“s mistakes?
or the people who use simulation software to get data in order to save time and build better and cost efficient products?

>people are getting worse at human interaction in general
"boss we have encountered, problems X,Y,Z, this are the possible solutions * explain solutions*"
this is one of the most basic skills that you need in order to hold a job
Go fuck yourself stupidest post ever, the 56% meme is true after all

but EVERYBODY seems that why until you actually get to know them

trust me, that is not true. I've talked to some of these "people" and they aren't human, it is as if they have been assimilated like the borg.

A lot of people are still like that even when you get to know them. They're so horribly mundane, they follow trends mindlessly and consume anything put in front of them. They're not masters of their own destiny, they're just drifters, drifting through life.

>Every nation is drowning in debt and being actively subverted by its own shadow government

I have everything I own in gold/silver/bitcoin
I can't buy guns because I was arrested two times with a little weed, 2nd time they said it's felony possession because I didn't learn the first time
my plan is to buy a farm within the next 2 years

my parents are utterly clueless, they think the economy has recovered and it's doing great, people are getting great jobs, and it's my fault I'm failure.
It's partially my fault, but my investments that are anti government anti banks made me wealthy
I can't find a job and refuse to risk my savings in this garbage country/economy so I live like a neet and look at logistics on buying a small farm

your post about the average person is true with some people
people used to need each other to survive and lived in small groups around 30. Now with everything connected you can be a narcissistic retard and get by fine.
I can go on and on but it only makes me upset

You can still get air rifles. Good enough for Lewis and Clark, good enough for you.

the idea is that now simulation is better than reality, for so many things. i first had the idea about this when playing video games, but after growing away from them and reading some philosophy i realize now that society is now just one giant simulation of itself.

games like grand theft auto and call of duty have minimaps, to better process information as to where you're at, where you're going, and who's around you. if you've played a game like dota or starcraft this is taken to even higher extremes. thats why they're perfect for to explain this phenomena, because the minimap is a simulation inside of a simulation. one of the main goals that you subconsciously have when playing one of these video games is "how do process this information in the best possible way?". the answer is pretty much 100% of the time to look at the minimap to make the correct decision, and then look at the actual game itself.

so how does someone playing a video game bring itself towards our decision making in real life? you watch porn because the simulation of sex is better than the sex that you'd actually get if you put some effort. you might play a grindy mmo because it makes you feel like you're working towards a structured goal, while working some bullshit wageslave mcjob can actually hurt you in the long run worse than being on welfare. you use google maps because having your phone tell you exactly where to go is easier to process than making a mental map of where you're going yourself and possibly getting lost. you refresh Sup Forums for 5 hours a day because its easier to process than real social interaction. i could come up with more examples but you get the idea.

i'm not really sure where we go from here as a society, because at this point its clear to me that these fucks in silicon valley aren't programming computers, they're programming people. i think the only individual solution is to actually accelerate your usage of technology and basically live your life through computers

that's not why the iq declines