Are American rural folk as simpleminded, perverted and mean-spirited as they are made out to be in your films?

Are American rural folk as simpleminded, perverted and mean-spirited as they are made out to be in your films?

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Jews from New York and LA hate rural folk.
Theyseriously deeply fucking hate them
They deeply

Nope. Jews make films. Don't believe any of it.

What films exactly are you referencing? Because the rural gentlemen from Deliverance were just responding to a violation of the NAP


Platoon was written and directed by Oliver Stone, who is an American vietnam veteran you dumb fucking sap.

The movie literally begins with a fresh boot hick being a nice guy and ending up getting killed.

yes and no. Rural people are usually really nice and soft spoken, but to pretend redneck retards dont exist is silly.

Rednecks, Hicks, and Hillbillies have the most freedom from the Jew so it pisses them off

Oliver Stone's dad was a Jew... look it up, retard.

At least we aren't cucks. We have fighting in our blood. Why would you believe the jew?

Nope. They are generally very caring people who are quite skilled at many things. Most of my neighbors are self employed and make a good living. I'm ok with the stereotype though, as long as it keeps you city faggots from thinking you can escape here.

this. Stone dropped out of Yale in order to fight in the frontlines of the war because he initially believed fully in the cause and was disgusted by his conservative classmates who agreed with the war, but used daddies money to make sure they were never drafted.

And he's a buddhist married to a Vietnamese woman who actively hates and criticizes Israel. Maybe the dumb hick theory is right, you're a prime candidate for testing.

Stone was a cocksucker though.

>Trusting what some jews say
>Actually believe he went to nam

Come on, Jews LOVE to brag about shit they never done like it was a fact of life! Just look at the countless holocaust survivor accounts! He was probably one of those very peoples you claim he was against, else how could he even know of their existence? You'd think they would brag to some jews about skipping draft with daddy money, unless the guy was in on it as much as they were?

Everybody is armed though.

Stupid motherfuckers carrying a .357 magnum. And you can't carry a knife.

Who's the stupid one?

Not even close to the fucking truth. We're actually the nicest people. Southern hospitality exists, no one has ever gone to new york or california and come back amazed at how nice the people are.

These movies are made by people who despise what they would consider 'deplorables' they hate rural people for being religious, traditional, and patriotic. We're the antithesis to their worldview, so they make mockeries out of us in their movies. You want to see for yourself, bong? Go to any rural area in the U.S.


Rural southerner reporting in.

Yes and no. There are shades of realism, but the way we're portrayed is usually done as a joke. Rural folks, southerners especially, have great senses of humor about themselves. I will say that I've met some properly "trashy" people who I wouldn't associate with on my worst day. Some people, when I've heard them speak, force me to wonder if they've ever put forward an effort to learn the English language properly. But most people are very friendly, very mellow, and quite reasonable. As to whether they're mentally as slow, it's a mixed bag. I think every human being on Earth acclimates to their surroundings and if those surroundings are simple then their worldview and outlook will be a bit more narrow. In this way rural Americans are perfectly normal.

Well then in this instance it seems pretty clear that he just hates the US.

On average no. Rural folk will help you. Your car breaks down and multiple people will stop. I had a guy stop and help me carry kayaks back to my truck when it broke down and I couldn't drive it from the shore to the parking lot. They'll change a tire, give you a meal, and talk to you openly. On average, as supported by several surveys, rural people tend to have a tighter bond with their community and a less bitter outlook on people they come across. If you go into any metropolitan area you will quickly find that it can take very little to offend a melanistic urbanite. Living in close proximity to so many people creates a social habit of ignoring them. Just like averting your eyes in a public bath you overlook your neighbors in a crowded apartment complex.

>Jews from New York and LA hate rural folk.
Always believe the opposite of what the jews tell you. If the jews say they are ignorant and mean-spirited it speaks volumes about their character.

Did you get hit in the head with a hockey stick... I said he was a Jew. He is a Jew. You might think his self loathing and virtue signaling makes him less of a Jew. Swell. He is a Jew. Don't trust him.

I think he hated the rat infested plutocracy it is, not the America he lives and grew up in. You must hate your country seeing as though you didn't fight and bleed for it.

Stone did.

>don't trust him when he says Israel is a giant piece of shit

Are you sure you're not the Jew? Take that flag off.

Nope. They are usually big, strong, and do manly shit... and work hard. They usually drive a pick-up truck, get a bunch of their friends, ALL the girls are smoking hot... and they drive down to a lake and all go swimming, get drunk, fuck, and repeat.

Hey Canuck, my flag was earned by the blood of my ancestors ... while yours were ice fishing and fucking walruses and inuits (in descending preference).

Liberal kikes don't like Israel.

The only bad people in America are the leftist. We gave them an inch and they took a mile. Then one day,Election Day,we told them to fuck off. And know we are drinking their delicious tears.

It like The boy who cried wolf,really.

Always archive it

Yes, absolutely. That's why it's imperative that everyone try to get away from us. You need to help those poor negroes find their way back to africa to escape our cruelty. Californians and new yorkers really need to not move here. We are that bad.

Not really. Generally we're talking about blue collar workers, I would call them simple people, but not necessarily simple minded.
This is pretty much the opposite. The more rural, small-knit you get, the more religious and wholesome the people. The perverts almost always flock to metropolitan areas.
Absolutely not. Be respectful and polite, and they will probably be among the most gracious and kind people you will ever meet.

They project those qualities onto rural whites because if they assigned them to the correct American demographic it would be rayciss

>Rural folk tend to be more conservative
>(((liberal hollywood))) bashes them
huh really makes you think

never believe any lie the jew tells you friendo. take EVERYTHING they say with a grain of salt, if there is truth its a spec and its twisted with lies.

And while those Californians and New Yorkers are at it, they should help those poor poor blacks in our states to leave as well. Pic related is what most white liberals prefer not to think about. Otherwise it might spoil their social and political narrative.

Your flag wasn't earned because you lost the way. Take it off and reveal yourself to be the larping faggot you already would have been if you were a southern American.

Now back to what we were talking about, so I take everything a Jew says as the opposite? So when someone like Oliver Stone rails on Israel and US-foreign policy I should take that as him liking Israel and somehow defending it and US-foreign policy? Is that right?

Fuck me, if that's how your pea sized brain operates then no wonder the south lost the war.

So don't trust what Liberal kikes have to say about Israeli kikes? What the fuck, make up your goddamn minds you double thinking and speaking dumb fucks.

>don't trust him he's a Jew
>okay, don't trust him because he's a LIBERAL Jew

Move those goalposts any more and you're going to be on Mars.

There are definitely mean rednecks but the people of the Midwest are some of the nicest people around and they are so much more grounded than the giant egoed faggots on the east and west coast.

Yesterday I was in rural Alabama and stopped by the gas station to ask if they got lighter fluid, a local overheard and told me I can use his in the truck. Saved me a couple bucks. Rural people are cool as hell

There was an experiment ran long ago, I think it even had some video. They left cars out on city streets to time how long it took for them to get stripped. Repeating the same experiment in rural areas was frustrating for them because no one would steal the car and someone even let the hood down because it was raining.

Looking for the source but it was a long time ago, maybe some user read this article also.

I don't trust mudskins. I trust whitey.

I'm from rural TN. The majority of people I come across are polite, well spoken, decent people. They're also the type of people that would socially shun you and physically defend a woman. Some are rather dull but I think that's the case with any group of people. Even the dull ones are better than our smartest niggers, though.

Obviously, this is all our fault, and they'll become the spitting image of 1950s WASPs when they move away from us.

lol no. Some rural areas have your typical trailer trash but you'd be surprised at how intelligent some southern and midwest folks are. Just like cities have their niggers with an average IQ of a wet fart. The accent comes across as kind of stupid but many of them are pretty smart.

Had a friend move here from Georgia. Raised on a farm. Most polite person in genteel speech and manner I'd ever met. Yes sir, thank you ma'am, my apology miss, after you, good evening, etc.

Takes his hat off, waits for everyone else to be seated . . .

Couldn't help noticing how polite he was.

It depends. Most of them are just decent people who have to interact with the natural world more than urbanites. That gives them a perspective about the world that is lacking in much of our urban population, and lacking that perspective is not a good thing user. Where rural gets really shitty is where you start getting into areas where crystal meth is a big thing. Methbillies fucking suck. They can be violent and they'll steal shit from their own friends and family. They're the niggers of the white world.

(so I take everything a Jew says as the opposite?)

No, dumbass... it means you look for their motive and their angle. They will intermix truth and bullshit to get to their objective.

And when the South "lost" the war... we all lost. Look at the results.

>Liberal kikes don't like Israel.
I always question the extent to which they dislike israel. A lot seem to criticize it but maintain citizenship, go over every few years. Some criticize it but send money to politicians that support it. Sure there is a vocal fringe that are against zionism and call it an apartheid state, but it is relatively few and far between.

I went to California in the 80s and the people there were unbelievably nice, trusting and friendly. 10/10 gorgeous teenage girls wanting hitchhikes and weed from total strangers. It was unbelievable. Probably why they had so many serial killers back then

why? ive been seeing his lately and I dont know why

This. Rural people are pretty cool in my book. Honesty, I would much rather live among 'rednecks' than among niggers.
I have met some pretty cool country people over the years while buying and selling things online. Sure, there are plenty of stereotypical trashy ones, but they are generally still nice if you are nice to them. However, to my surprise there have also been several highly educated people who may look like rednecks at first glance but it turned out that they had STEM degrees and just prefer living away from the cancer of the cities.

>Are American rural folk as simpleminded, perverted and mean-spirited as they are made out to be in your films?

They are mostly defiantly and intentionally retarded, despite being average or above intelligence. Like, for instance, they do shit like this:

The culture surround in retarded but Billybob, the gun with more guns than teeth, can engineer a fuckin car while smoking meth

No. It's quite the opposite.

It's certainly our fault. We've created a faulty system of...syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyystemic problems.

Have you noticed how some people use terms like "systemic" or "privilege" like they've taken a tiny hammer, broken a glass box, and removed these emergency words like a fire extinguisher? It is so goddamn strange how language changes so suddenly in our discourse. It's almost enough to make you think someone is behind it all.

Don't matter. Oliver Stone is our guy.

You dumb fucking niggers are the reason there are dumb fucking niggers on this continent. Thanks, you dumb fucking nigger.

What motive does Oliver have? Explain this to me to the best of your dwindling ability.

No. I grew up rural and honestly, Hollywood has always misrepresented us this way. Why? Because it reinforces their message that Urban is good, rural is bad. Don't be rural or you will be bad.
Thing is, to me, there is nothing better than being able to drive hundreds of miles and not run into a city. I can be alone if I so choose, or I can wander up to my VFW or American Legion, sit down, and have drinks with the guys.


This is skewed by higher concentration of negroes in the south.

Russian immigrating to the states when I was a child, rural folk are the most down to earth chill people to be around. It would be cliche to call them simple and they aren't dumb. But there really is a heart to them you simply don't notice in people let's say where I live now; which is Seattle. Compared to visiting a friend's apartment in Seattle to going to dinner at a friend's home in Iowa... there is a certain warmness completely missing in the former example.

This post is incoherent. Learn to fucking control your sausage fingers you subhuman ape.

Bingo. Yankee Jew filth love to mock and slander Christians. Many rural Americans are hard working, family oriented, often spritual people. Jews have contempt for that, as they want a societal breakdown, the destruction of family dynamics. They promote homofag transcunt commie facists divisive trash, and mock people of high moral and ethical standards. Rednecks are annoying niggers, and hick methheads exists, but generally speaking, rural America is based.

I can't fathom what motive a Jewish Hollywood director would have... let me get back to you

>I went to California in the 80s and the people there were unbelievably nice, trusting and friendly. 10/10 gorgeous teenage girls wanting hitchhikes and weed from total strangers. It was unbelievable. Probably why they had so many serial killers back then

That sounds amazing but that is not the case nowadays, at least not in my experience. Now it seems like they're all assholes and huge SJW's. California has changed a lot. My moms favorite city used to be san francisco and when we traveled there a few years back she said it had completely changed since she went, she went in the 80's now that you mention it

They're worse. Absolute subhumans, on the same level as niggers. Evil incarnate

Of course not, here is an example of a typical redneck
As you can see, they're actually very progressive

So would The Deer Hunter be considered a more accurate depiction?

If you break down in a white area, ppl will help you. If you break down in niggerville they will steal all your shit and might beat you.

Platoon is an epic movie.
I would prefer it if less people came to my rural town. I'm not a mean person but I would rather keep to myself.
I have a hard time not getting mad at other people when I have to go into large centers of population.
There is too many people and not enough land, I don't care who says otherwise.
Politics man, it's politics.

>Have you noticed how some people use terms like "systemic" or "privilege" like they've taken a tiny hammer, broken a glass box, and removed these emergency words like a fire extinguisher? It is so goddamn strange how language changes so suddenly in our discourse. It's almost enough to make you think someone is behind it all.

That is the jew style of thinking. You invent a premise out of wholecloth and proceed to develop an elaborate self-referential line of arguments out of it, nothing of which has anything to do with reality.

It isn't just the south. Throughout the midwest, even in rural parts of california. Rural conditions make people nicer. They aren't bitter, they are more patient and giving in social interaction. There are always assholes but if you see 1500 people in a day you will have to deal with a lot more of them.

That guy is such a douche. While he started out halfway reasonable, he's clearly performing a character now. It worked. Good for him. He's in Hollywood now. He told the right people what they wanted to hear.

I don't believe it has to do with rural or urban but rather the region of the country they come from. I moved to the south and southerns are extremely rude and closed minded compared to the south west.

You have no argument because you're fucking retarded. I guess Norman Finkelstein's motives are suspect on the basis of him being a Jew and not the words that he says, like Oliver Stone.

rural folk can be uneducated, but usually it comes down to lack of knowledge on a particular subject and/or poor grammar; they are still capable of logic, reason, and kindness.
Piss them off and they will resort to calculated violence though.

>The Deer Hunter

Wasn't that based in Pennsylvania?

It's similar to how British made films/tv shows made in London pretend theres a magically 50% "minorities" in a small English village.

Actually you have running in your blood.

Uh...probably. I haven't watched it in maybe 15 years.

Yes, I am suspicious of every Jew. Every damn one of them. Some are not the problem, but their culture is.

Sorry if it makes you sad.

>be me going to college in Iowa
>car breaks down, rural farmer sees me walking down the road (before cell phones)
>farmer pulls up and asks if I need a ride
>gives me ride out of his way to my dorm

The rural people I've met will literally help you out any way they can.

This fucking guy, jesus, I hate this guy. I feel like his accents fake too

And mexicans in the southwest. Regardless, that's our country now.

Putin said that at least 80 percent of the members of the first Soviet government were Jewish.

“I thought about something just now: The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish, thankfully, those ideological goggles and faulty ideological perceptions collapsed. And today, we are essentially returning these books to the Jewish community with a happy smile.” Putin said June 13 during a visit to Moscow’s Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center.

americans are receptive.
prepare for armageddon

Or maybe you're just a dickhead?

>Some are not the problem, but their culture is.
And Oliver Stone is a practicing buddhism American who actively speaks against Jewish supremacism and Zionism.

You really don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Take off that flag, you're probably a goddamn leaf.


T. A rural retard

No, that's just a byproduct of the vast majority of film and TV writers being far-left liberals.

If you take any "conservative" show like Last Man Standing, you'll find the characters are stereotypes spouting what liberals think are conservative talking points.

>Tee hee!
>Look at that mean man think Obama's Kenyan!
>What fun!

This has contributed greatly the infantilization of our politics.

I think it was a small town full of steel working Russian immigrants in Pennsylvania.

Some of them are. If they think they got the wrong end of the stick in life they can be downright nasty. But on average they are much nicer than city folk.

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Chumpf. All the intelligent city people voted for Hillary.

As a sountherner... come take it. Moose fucker.

You trusting little bitch, no wonder your Country is being prob voted for Trudeau, and married a mudskin.

>Now it seems like they're all assholes and huge SJW's
Because now they have a large metropolitan area all along the coast, where 95% of the population lives. Cities make people assholes.

Some of them? sure. Like all populations they are made up of all kinds of different people.

This is why we keep these folk in rural areas ,as we do with livestock

>I have a hard time not getting mad at other people when I have to go into large centers of population.
Everyone does. It contributes to stress, avoidance behavior, and makes most people quick to anger. Living in a city is like this all of the time.

There will come a day when the left can meme.
Today is not that day.

>no wonder your Country is being overrun.
Says the faggot with a country of 52% white.
Get outta here.

>There will come a day when the left can meme.


>rural folk can be uneducated
I wonder how true this stereotype is. It originated at a time when rural areas barely had schools. Now many professions with the means to do so escape to a rural setting, where as anyone without skills or education moves to a city to find work. Inner city schools are on average worse than rural schools. I have no data on the rates of college and graduate degrees but giving the demographic composition of most major cities in america I suspect rural is higher.