ITT: famous people from history you would want to meet

ITT: famous people from history you would want to meet

>inb4 he was black

Jesus or Mohammed

I don't really want to meet anybody. I don't like anybody enough to really give a shit or ask anyone questions.

Odysseus, I would want to travel with him and see what actually happened during the Iliad and odyssey

He said history, not fucking fairy tales.
Guy Fawkes from history
Pinocchio from fairy tales

Are you saying that Jesus never existed?
Do you have a single fact to back that up

Thank him for his sacrifice

This. Odysseus. I hate all Abrahamic figures, kiked as fugg. Odysseus liked to fugg pussy and steal treasure. I'm all about that.

All abrahamic (kike) stories are fairy tales. Why do you count them as real?

He was fictional

I don't think Sharia allows you to insult the prophet, Harry. You better be careful


diogenes is the only correct answer
>maybe lao tzu

And I'd probably meet Augustus

This definitely

But of course

I'd also talk to JFK about secret societies

Hahah seriously? That nigger would just fart in your face and piss on your leg, and all the Athenians would laugh at you, stinky-piss boi.

>All abrahamic (kike) stories are fairy tales. Why do you count them as real?
I do not, he does!



good enough for alex the great

My hero Heinrich Himmler

Yes, there's no evidence that any of it happened. They didn't have cinemas in those days or radios and you've surely heard what happened when war of the world's was first broadcast. The desert trilogy has the exact same effect on stupid people, still, to this day.

Why would you want to be near a public masturbating pot man

George Washington, if solely because no matter what I'd say, he'd just end up talking circles around me and it'd be great.

so I could join him

I could understand seeing Jesus as a partially or largely fictional character but Mohammed? He actually formed a small empire that would end up becoming the largest in human history up to that point about a century after his death.

First be ready to get beaten up with a stick.

I know my systema, I aint scurred

Muhhamad's life is largely fictional. His book wasn't actualy written by him but people after his death, some fragments century later. It's entirely possible that he wasn't even a religious leader but just a succesfull warlord.

Isn't the foundation of the different Islamic sects mostly a difference in opinion of Mohammed's surviving family members?

Jesus I can forgive you for though, I think it's illegal to learn about him over there.

Kaiser Wilhelm II Hohenzollern
Give him all knowledge on beating the entente. Stop this world from getting worse

Historical proof of jesus is one line from tacitus written 30 years after his death that says that christians believe in his existence. If the line real that is. Given how christian apolgetics never used it in pre-fall rome it's quite suspicious.

That is a death cult. Just imagine what it was like back then. It's like people today reading Pinocchio and totally believing every word, forming a cult to avenge the puppet, utterly ridiculous.

Hitler,mussolini,robert e lee,josef mengle,john b kennedy,jefferson davis

Leonidas. Id go drinking with him and try not to get stabbed.

There's ancillary data like the existence of John the Baptist and his execution, the lives of the apostles and the fast spread of the faith in an empire where they were persecuted.
There's a lot lost to history but to say there's no evidence of Jesus' existence just isn't the whole story.