Why is it that nazism used to be comprised of extremely healthy, hard working, strong...

Why is it that nazism used to be comprised of extremely healthy, hard working, strong, moral individuals but now it's either prison murderers or neet parasites.
What happened?

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Jordan peterson explained how nazism is related to the personality trait conscientiousness in overdrive. They were obsessed with cleanliness and purity. Now that a few decades have passed its just another thing for fat losers to hold onto for a sense of identity.

If you look up their rallies everything wss perfectly organized. Thousands of people in perfect lines. Conscientiousness has a lot to do with things like working hard and being clean.

Because neo-nazism =/= national socialism
National Socialism is appealing to the best individuals, those who are compassionate and want a world with minimal conflict, while neo-nazism appeals to the lowest of subhumans, literally Judaism for white people

>or neet parasites
Anybody has a nazi pepe wrapped in a blanket?
The NEET nazis are probably the ones most likely to be joking about the whole thing.
Like the weeb nazis.

Weeb neet, what's the difference? These characteristics walk hand by hand

People who hold many of the same values as nazis know that associating themselves with one of the most universally villainized and hated groups is counter productive to their cause so they flock to other movements.

Or maybe the guy from the boomer generation that was subjected to the most intense anti-Nazi propaganda in history doesn't have an objective view of the most lied about, controversial period in political history.

There have always been criminals, vagabonds, and degenerates. They simply believe the propaganda that Nazi = Evil, so they think they are being evil for their weird social groups. Hitler would have despised them.

I dont really think he was commenting on it from a positive/negative perspective. Its more about the personality structure of Hitler. Not sure how that has to do with propaganda but ok

Peterson is very critical of Nazis and believes the vast majority of false propaganda spread about them. I think the title of whichever video that was has "Nazi" in the title if you want to find it.

Peterson's explanations for these sorts of things are way to simple to have any credibility against deeper analysis

Honestly, everyday that passes it's obvious nazism/fascism will never rise again, at least communism won't too
Truth is both expectrums are filled with the human garbage that no one will ever take it seriously, I think it's time for me to leave.

Because neo-nazis get their ideas about Nazi Germany from their elementary school teachers like everyone else. Neo-nazis want to be edgy and "evil" so adopt the mean evil ideas that Ms.Goldberg taught them in 3rd grade. They are a product of fake history.

Communism is on the rise. The youth carry around their flags and no one blinks an eye. In places like Spain communism is very popular. One of the major candidates there (pablo iglesias) is an open communist and widely supported by the youth. Communism is not dead.

Alright thanks, so what would you reccomend instead?

This board needs more people acting like Nazi's and less like skinheads.

weren't the nazis, before they were a party, basically a mob?

They call themselves nazi to be feared or accepted by a group. The true nazis today don't shout it loud because they know the consequences and want to keep their lives in order, be influential and be seem as an example.

In terms of the Nazi period? Worldviews? History in general?


Disproving propoghanda i guess. Or all of the above.

Well the most obvious place to start is looking at the messaging from both sides of a political controversy.

This is one of the best ways to get a perspective on things. Some good examples are things like the initiation of wars and other conflict. Germany vs Poland, for example. Hitler explained that he was on a timer to save the ethnic Germans being persecuted in Danzig and that he offered more diplomatic concessions than ever to be able to simply build a railroad to Danzig and supply it, but was met with an unreasonable Polish government which was pressed by France and Britain. The other side of that is what we learned in school, that Hitler led a racist expansionary war of aggression starting with Poland.

The real answer is almost always just diplomatic breakdown. It seems to always be sparked by silly things like false intelligence information, a trade ship in the wrong waters, etc - In reality something like war is probably preventable by either country involved.

Aside from that, high-level and non-political historians generally provide a rigorous depiction of truth. I'm thinking the Institute for Historical Review, which says the holocaust "may have happened", which is completely reasonable. ihr.org/jhr/v11/v11p251_butz.html

With history, there is such a large selection of events to choose from that if you want to paint a picture of how things went, you can just selectively choose events, put your own spin on them, and leave out others.


If you want the best depiction of the other perspective of the Nazi period look up the documentary "The Greatest Story Never Told". It is definitely biased towards the Nazis, but having both perspectives is always a good thing. It was also very entertaining.

Another one of those high-level non-political historians on my mind is John Taylor Gatto - youtube.com/watch?v=YQiW_l848t8&list=PL463AA90FD04EC7A2 Here's a good interview of his (skip the autistic intro)

In regards to worldview, Peterson is definitely on the right track when it comes to acknowledging humans as evolved creatures, their tendency towards tribalism, and classifying the way they think. But this model falls short in that it is too simple, so it does not describe things as well as it could and often misses the mark.

An analogy of Peterson's model would be classifying every human in the world as either "light skinned" or "dark skinned". While this is useful and headed the right direction, it would be much more useful to understand people as Amerindians, Europeans, Meds, etc.

A better model is the "humans evolved to be irrational" model. npr.org/sections/13.7/2016/09/06/492779594/what-if-evolution-bred-reality-out-of-us

This ties into cognitive science, which matters hugely to historical and world events. Scott Adams and Robert Cialdini explain this in terms of "persuasion", which is an incredibly useful worldview.

>unarchived shill

>youtube com/watch?v=YQiW_l848t8&list=PL463AA90FD04EC7A2
>npr org/sections/13.7/2016/09/06/492779594/what-if-evolution-bred-reality-out-of-us


Our natural understanding of the way people latch onto memes, interact with shills, become influenced and all that stuff here is already a sort of understanding of cognitive science. This stuff is easily apparent in things like the clothes people wear - they look for trends and what others are doing, tendency to stand out in a group, sexual motivations - white knighting etc., people putting themselves into social groups, selfish motivations - people won't do anything unless there is a perceived self benefit.

The great thing about the Nazi era is that the
German leaders readily acknowledged the impact evolution had on their society and accounted for it instead of ignoring it and pretending it doesn't exist like we do now. Recognizing racial in-group out-group preferences and placing the importance on the in-group before others is the most natural evolutionary truth we live by, like it or not.

In terms of the Nazi's being "obsessed with cleanliness and purity", that's an overemphasized political framing by the other side. Every country and every society had an ideal to strive for, the US included. But this gets hugely blown out of proportion.

Hitler had brown hair, Goebbels had brown eyes, there was a half-jew in the high ranking SS, Hitler allied with Muslims and gave them Korans as gifts, allied with the Japanese and declared them Honorary Aryans, shook Owen's hand - and people call him a hypocrite - What is more likely?



>used to be comprised of
>what happened

your naivete is all too typical of your sort
people are just random slags
nothing has changed in thousands of years
you are like a child given a children's book
and think the propaganda was a true depiction rather than a set piece designed to bullshit you
nazis had the state behind them, and uniforms and dress code, all worn by retarded catholics and lutherans just as sleazy and skanky as today's heroin addicts, but they had meth back then too, govt issue.
Movies are made to bullshit you as to how it was, because everyone wanted their memories to be heroic and would never show the crap you see on the internet - but they had it back then too.
Where's the ww2 movie that shows the criminals commiting horrific acts of abuse and torture? And because they didn't put it in the movie you are fooled into thinking they never did anything stupid or evil, but always dressed to the nines, clean-shaven and always polite.
nobody on any side in ww2 was above reproach.
many horrific things were done and everyone kept their mouths shut about it.
why don't you even think of stuff like that?
maybe you are too young and naive, too gullible and foolish to be allowed outside without adult supervision.
war is rarely done in a "nice" way because there are no rules, anything goes.
but here you are sounding like a child who has watched nothing but disney movies and are still new to the internet.
but you might be old. i've met gullible idiots of all ages. nothing personal, but stop trying to be edgy. nazis were stupid fucks with flashy uniforms. it takes more than disdain to win a war.

Tattoos and piercing are degenerate.
Nothing on you should advertise or obfuscate who you are.
Your body is a temple.

In the 1960s, when Christianity was the dominant philosophy of most of the establishment, members of the lower class who wanted to be seen as bad-boy rebels would present as Satanists, using props of flaming skulls and so on. Nowadays, when Political Correctness is the dominant ideology of most of the establishment, members of the lower class who want to be seen as bad-boy rebels present as "Nazis" with props of swastikas, World War 2 helmets and so on. It's essentially performance art, and not a political movement. Which is why when some anti-white calls you a "Nazi" for merely taking a pro-white stance, you should say how do you define "Nazi" and have them prove themselves to you, not yourself to them. A false religion like Political Correctness is, at the end of the day, not a whole lot more than a lot of hot air...

we need the tattooed degen skinheads as our frontline warriors

OK completely unrelated but what do I use to get my hair to stay like that without looking greasy from a pomade or similar?


Only a criminal/scumbag/neet has little enough to loose that they can reveal their power level.

MSM has conditioned people so heavily that any association with nazism destroys public perception.

Almost half of americans still voted for trump even though he was branded as "literally hitler" - they will just use the defense "look, ive just had enough of tax hikes" or "thats an exageration".

Remember "They're sending drugs, they're sending crime, they're rapists"

That man won the US presidential election

>what do I use to get my hair to stay like that without looking greasy
use 100% pure aryan cum

Water based shine pomade - it has very low shine

Try wax, lad.

i use coconut oil
