Things in South Africa are going from bad to worse

Its seems that the situation in SA is goign to get a lot worse in the next months.

Whites are about to face wither genocide or mass exodus. Australia it seems to want to help.

So, there is anything anons can do to help this to reach 10.000 and more?

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they will laugh at you and mock you for your white privelege and deny reverse racism even as you're being hacked apart by a machete, if you are in south africa right now and you're reading this you gotta get the fuck out man

I would prefer white south Africans to blacks. Do you have a link to the petition so i can sign it.

Why dont they fight for their soil?
The fuck is wrong with SA whites they're being literally slaughtered and they're still hugely liberal and tolerant

this is good news
fuck off from africa. whites dont belong there period.

>I would prefer white south Africans to blacks.
Anyone would.

A really shame they are using it that is sponsored by Soros.

But fuck it. Desperate times. Desperate measures:

The entire goverment and midia apparatus is against them my man. You can't fight like that.

100 whites murdered= self defense.
1 white uses self defense= cities end up burned to the ground by gorillas.

>being this much of a fucking cuck

Men fought and died for that land you conservashit faggot

wish canada would take them over the mudslimes we get. instead, south africa will get another nobel peace prize for white genocide and destroying their country.

americans died for vietnam do you see millions of americans living in vietnam, kangaroo fucker?
fuck off back to europe.

Didn't America lose in Vietnam?

did whites win africa?
fuck off to europe.


oh wait, whites fuck off to europe.
you can stay in your spic shithole

Yeah because you LOST you fucking retard

They won for a good while until Europe sabotaged them.

I'm second generation Spanish and I'm going back to Spain, sorry lad but itt's going to happen.

whites dont originate from africa
theyre introduced there, like the blacks in america.
fucccck offfff

>Literally no one living in South Africa
>Show up
>Build shit
>You goddamn crackas stealing the black man's land gibsmedat

The boers have the only real claim to South Africa


Are SJWs this retarded?

whites lost africa you koala molesting dipshit. whites living in africa after apartheid ended is like the GIs living in vietnam after the vietcongs won

fucking retard ass abo

why doesnt pol just take south africa over

it was basically empty when the first whites got there

blacks have the right of conquest now
fuck off back to snowniggerland

Guess what happened to SA whites?

They lost too.

This guy gets it. I'm a veteran and have talked to my wife about going over to SA to fuck up some Marxist niggers if shit hits the fan there.

>whites don't originate from Africa
Your ancestors didn't originate from rural Mississippi, Cletus.

Squats also didn't originate in North America when are they going back soon?

Do you think they got any chance if war breaks out?

They need to get out of there. Let Africa be African. Let white countries be white.

Holy shit Cletus, they run outta oxy or something?

Read this when you have time. Is short and eye openning.

Realistic speaking, no.
Whites may have acess to guns, but that is not enough to be against the goverment. They also wuold not get any help because the international midia would put them as racists genociding poor black ppl instead of the truth.

Even a nigger army is still a force to keep an eye out when you are just a civilian with limited ammo supply and almost no military expertise.

Most of those white ppl are farmers and very few hunters t.b.h.

>were literally given the land after repeatedly losing
Black SAs have no right of conquest unless you think welfare is conquest AKA giving your slave bread means you're the slave

farðu að sofa


This is how i imagine it

You wish.
EVen with more modern weaponring today, the goverment simply limit the ammount of ammo you can buy monthly.

On top of that, to get the good stuff, you probably need a hunter license or some other burocratic shit so the goverment know what you have and keep dabs on you.

Just look at JOhanerburg. This documentary is spot on.

Its like the wild american west, but with niggers instead of ideals and morals....

The Negroes in South Africa moved there from other parts of Africa.

They don't belong there either using your argument.

I hate to say it but if there is a white genocide in SA and it gets reported in the media with footage of it. Might just wake up even more whites.

SA whites will be hacked/shot to death en-masse and nobody will care. It will be framed as "heroic African freedom fighters taking their land back from bigoted neo-Nazis" and everyone will celebrate it. Nobody gave a shit about Rhodesia and nobody will give a shit about this.

Thing is we're gettin outbumbered globally. Europe itself is compromised. Think of it as regrouping/strategical retreat. We can recolonize Africa later.

here ya go

My bad, forgot the link:

Gonna sleep now.

May repost this tomorrow to get more streyans to sign the petition.

Night m8s. Stay safe.

south africa is in africa
saying the blacks dont originate there is like saying whites dont belong in greenland because they dont originate there

also ive been seeing this bullshit fake news since forever
wheres your fucking proof kangaroo fucker?

ofc not. whites dont belong in africa period.
get the fuck outta there or get hacked to death

wtf... how do you not just start shooting people at this point?

Fucking nigger apologist

Undertand now why the second ammendmant is so important and US will probably be, for a long time, the only country to let its ppl have the constitutional right to bear arms???

Goverments are a shit.

>Asian average IQ increased when raised by white parents
>Asians have the highest IQs of any race
>Asians being raised in Asian households some how have lower IQs than the ones raised in white households.
Somethings not adding up here....

Its the power of a diet rich in bacon

>Undertand now why the second ammendmant is so important and US will probably be, for a long time, the only country to let its ppl have the constitutional right to bear arms???
Don't think you understand the US history.
The government is allowed to do things until we say no.
You'll notice things around election time,
and this is why elections are way more intense in the US
than pretty much anywhere else in the world.
Every single national election, multiple people are caught trying to hurt the reps.
They ever attempt to really attack the seconds amendment,
they wouldn't see their next election day.


Then why aren't they fighting now to keep it? Wipe out the niggers and keep what is yours.

That's the "right of conquest". You don't just win and keep something forever. Sometimes you have to defend and it seems like they're losing.

>Played games online with a group that had an older south african about 5 years ago
>Thought he was just being edgy when he supported apartheid
>Turns out he was just redpilled as fuck

I hope so but I doubt it, it'll be the same as the terrorist incidents - #NOTALLBLACKS and "Well Africa BELONGS to the blacks so no wonder, it would never happen if they were a majority in (insert Western nation here)".

It'll give people who are already afraid of it more ammunition and backbone, but it won't shift the pro-immigration crowd, which in the UK is all government - the general populace has been anti-immigration for years by a huge margin, but both our main political parties just don't listen and the public refuses to stop voting for the """safe""" 2 parties.

South Africa seemed so comfy in the beginning of The Gods Must Be Crazy.
I am guessing those days are long gone.

Nice try faggot nigger lover

let the Chinese replace the Whites in Africa

thats actually a good idea. the chinese dont put race first, as long as you speak their language they will treat you as an equal unlike whites the eternally racist fuckers.

I wish I could attain my life purpose from something as redundant as trolling on a Mongolian cave painting appreciation fourm

I'm sorry, but the whites of South Africa must be eliminated. Their genocide is the only thing that will wake the middle class white lefty up. Genocide happens no matter the race, we must secure our own future.

>cant refute a single one of my points
>youre just trolling lmao
dont waste my time like that
hang yourself already wombat anallicker

They will never wake up. Put the white liberals on the Straight Talk Express to Hell with 'ole McLame. Seriously, fuck 'em.

whoever won last has right of conquest

I'm in a relationship with a white South African whose family came here to Canada 3 years ago because a number of her family and friends on farmland were being systematically robbed/killed by blacks. It's horrible and we need to do something about it. Blacks ran a fine country into the ground and will kill every last white person on the continent unless something is done. We need to get the UK and Dutch governments involved, unless they're fucked.

Aussies want white bodies for the race war

Does anyone have a way to get Trump on this? I want Trump to accept every god damn white South African that he can. We need a migrant infusion that is white for fucking ONCE.

It wont let me sign it. Soros owns I guess it got shoahed

things that happen in your head isnt real.
blacks own africa. dont like it, FUCK OFF.

libya is also in africa faggot. is that nigger homelands too?

niggers dont own shit in africa but the equator

This is litteraly what they are trying to do with the pertition, please if you're going to troll stop being a retarded

why no coloreds and asians? they get shit too.
why arent other western countries like uk holland canada usa not on this. Youd think trump will take the lot and upgrade that rugby team

i started my post in this thread by saying its a good thing. I was replying to the deluded fucks here that's against it.
Learn to read.

since when is Libya a white country, dumbass?

>right of conquest
thats nigga tier logic. But of course zhang will say that

That is like niggers in america trying to fight.

They are absolutely outnumbered and out gunned. South Africa was dead the second apartheid ended. There is no hope for white people in SA.

That little pot of food and pile of meat in the sidebar looks fucking delicious.

sign canzuk so that straya doesnt take whole load

'reverse racism' is a Psyop term.

the real word to describe the situation is Bigotry.

If a SJW ever trys to bait you into saying 'reverse racism', 'racism' or anything else, call them a bigot, and shut them down.

cuz white man cant hump
soon their lands will be a dump
their skin cant hack the sun
soon their race will be done
no lie
their race gonna die
less then 2.11 fertility rate
so beta, their women dont want to mate
yet somehow blame it on the coloreds
when the men look like buzzards
mentally they are sick
now they encourage sons to cut off their dicks
always shoots up a public place
yet almost always kills his own race
cries about white genocide
but yet no need to hide
cant keep a marriage worth a fuck
all because their dad is a cuck
now their moms eat love and pray
as she encourages her son to be gay
now they both can chase 50 shades of dick
his dad watches his son get mentally sick
who needs a bomb
when you got a hoe for a mom
now he faps to lolis furries ponies and traps
all cuz his cultural values are crap
with the whites what went wrong
as we see the last of their swan song

If you think the Chinese treat anyone who speaks their language as an equal you are dead wrong. Anyone who isn't Chinese isn't part of the hive overmind


fuck youre a weird cunt

its an arab country. niggers have never lived there just like niggers never lived in south africa.

if niggers think they own the whole of africa then why dont they invade libya?

What's spooky to me about South Africa is that European presence their is only slightly younger than the European presence in America, their roots go back hundreds of years. I can easily see an alternate universe where the Louisiana purchase and Manifest destiny never occurred, the European population never exploded in comparison to that of the Indians, and Whites find themselves a minority in a similar predicament as contemporary South Africans after being pressured to grant equal rights to Indians and Blacks..

There were plans to bring Boers to Hungary, but the project pretty much dead. The South Africans' visit was postponed last year, and that's it, the entire project went silent.
It's a real shame, the population would've welcomed white immigrants.

Mate. There were no blacks in SA until whitey came and built a civilisation.

I know plenty of blacks that speaks chinese. The chinese treats them just like the chinese treat other chinese. The blacks even encourage other blacks to learn chinese because they say they're the future or someshit.
btw the chinese speaking blacks are really smart, very hardworking and money first its almost they're chinese people with dark skin.

Arabs are muslims and muslims dont care who you are as long as you're a muslim. Go to saudi arabia blacks, chinese, arabs as long as they're muslim they're all treated equal.
fucking sheltered dumbass

>The chinese treats them just like the chinese treat other chinese. The blacks even encourage other blacks to learn chinese because they say they're the future or someshit.

have you seen this documentary?

>I can easily see an alternate universe where the Louisiana purchase and Manifest destiny never occurred, the European population never exploded in comparison to that of the Indians,

>I want Trump to accept every god damn white South African that he can.

Better yet, a citizen swap. 100 of our black Americans for 1 white South African.

Arabs hate blacks you nigger ironically using a confederate flag. Niggers are fake Muslims that think Mohammed was a nigger.

>it happens
>they send us the blacks instead
>every suburb within 20km of a city gets its own Apex Gang

Screencap me.

then the race war can begin

Honestly all I would ask at this point is that all the Africans and Pakis and Arabs get put into Greens electorates. I think you'd even have a hard time arguing against it. They're the ones who have requested them.

>There were plans to bring Boers to Hungary,
come on now. i dont like the boers but they dont deserve to live in a shithole. not even refugees want to live in hungary.

there were no whites in africa before they infested it with colonialism period.
fuck off

Just genocide the niggers.

ever heard of a "tactical retreat"

reconquista is inevitable

what the fuck are those white doing in this aids/crime/poverty shithole when they can go to europe?


When something "infests" a place, it generally doesn't improve it.

I'm sure they'd use some advanced mental gymnastics to justify it, you know 'poor Africans don't know any better so you just have to let them be criminals' ect ect

yes. the black chaplain is treated by the chinese like any other chinese chaplain. as you can see he's also the most successful black man there and the only one who speaks chinese.

>Arabs hate blacks
no you fucking dog eating sheltered retard. go out of your moms house and go find a black muslim and ask him how arabs treat him in saudi arabia.