Why does white nationalism have an image problem? Why aren't we taken seriously?

Why does white nationalism have an image problem? Why aren't we taken seriously?

kikes control the media
>solve captcha ten times goy

The people who are anti-democracy were the types to get bullied in school

Most white nationalists are losers
They are pathetic beta numales who can't get any girls and got bullied by nonwhites in school, so they hate white women and blame nonwhite males and Jews for not getting a girl
I was redpilled long before finding about Sup Forums, and this was through researching racial differences out of interest and not out of hate, and not through being a pathetic loser like most people on Sup Forums

>degenerate trailer trash who never contributed anything positive to white society justifying their superiority over other races by dickriding the accomplishments of other whites

Golly, I wonder...

cause if you're a white nationalist, you are a pathetic loser. that's a simple fact- good people don't become racist.

like most social movement the stupidest are usually the loudest and most noticeable.

Because you're posting an image of Styx and not someone else.

>"Hail victory, hail Trump!"
>audience throws up Nazi salutes
>2 million+ views

Kikes control the Alt-Kike

>that's a simple fact- good people don't become racist.
Racist is a Communist thought crime. The Left is obssesed with race and they are always caught talking shit about other races.

>good people
You're in a cult.

Racism is a natural occurrence due to our ingrouping biology. Only whites are discouraged from having racial identity. Black pride and spic pride are fine, but white pride is 'supremacist'

NeoNazism is kept alive by leftists as a conveniant honeypot. Full of plants and cranks.
If you want to know of a legitmate ideology and how it is treated differently just look at Fascists. Completely verboten. No movies about them, no one knows anything about them, people can't even explain why they are bad.
They are who the leftists really fear.

>white nationalism
white isn't a nationality

its a life ender to be found to have had the "wrong thoughts" so only people who already have nothing in life are willing to publicly expose those thoughts, but if you look at the rise of it, you can see it's going mainstream

Ethnonationalism with a specified preference
Keep up Radovan

Because white nationalism is for mongrel Americans who have roots in X different countries. It's literally white BLM.

>got bullied by nonwhites
what part of this is acceptable

says the jew

>identity politics
>says red pilled unironically

Wew lad not sure you're in any position to criticize others.

>got bullied by non-whites in school
What part of this is acceptable.
We didn't send our children to school to be warriors, we thought we could send them there to get smart in peace. If we wanted this our kids would be sent to the zoo every morning and learn how to kill animals. This isn't Africa.

Easiest way to find tumblrinas.

White nationalism caused a World War.
BLM burns a bunch of trash containers and that's it.

>no one knows anything about them, people can't even explain why they are bad
This. The only people who know anything about fascism are either fascist themselves, or very well-read people.

Fascism is just synonymous to "a thing I don't like" in most people's vocabulary.

My dad once told me that he lived through fascism. In communist Bulgaria.

Every movement starts with a fringe who don't have much to lose from stating illegal or unfavourable opinions

The handsome, the attractive, the wealthy, the popular, the talented - they all come after the radical, the outcast, the fringe. Autists paved the way and now we're gathering steam and more and more normies are listening to us and joining.

14. 88.

We're all endangered by the current state of the world. The white people here would fight for the white people in europe.

We are taken seriously, TOO seriously, in all the wrong ways.

this is exactly how every single shitler and nazi larper on /pol looks like.

just imagine that face yelling "kike!! kike!! kike!!!!" at the computer screen, while his mom is gathering his dirty underwear in the background.


This guy isn't a white nationalist he's a cuck nationlist

let these guys take the heat. operate behind the scenes.

t. israeli

ITT: mad as fuck antifas.

Every single person in New Zealand is a loser though, most of you live like trailer trash rednecks.

why are you all posting in a shill thread?

This obese legs meme needs to stop.

I need money to prep first, I'm not appearing next to anything right wing till then because my career track is ultra left

>Why aren't we taken seriously?

It is because most sensible people find identity politics to be a waste of time, especially in Murrca.

The White Race will not go extinct in your lifetime. Find a new hobby please.

if you yelled kike it fit OP's pic pretty nicely....
try again.

Black nationalism destroyed many nations in Afrika. They might even have racked up a higher death toll in related causes like starvation and diseases not found anywhere but a third world shithole.

We're only discouraged because we did it best.

>The white race will not go extinct in your lifetime
No, but it might in my grandchilds. Our grandparents tried to give us a beautiful place to live, and they did. Through blood and sweat. We took ADVANTAGE of the machine they built to keep everyone save and perverted it.
>tl;dr: so our grandparents should've stayed at home instead of fighting WW2

>white nationalism caused a world war
Pic related

That's fine, your roots are here; don't feel offended if we do not share the same sentiment towards your country. It's too big to liberate and maintain, not to mention your country can better undergo a massive reset because fubar (i.e. cede western territories to beaners, the southern marshes and swamps to niggers, etc) -- if American whites isolated themselves in pockets up north, maybe that'd work more favourably.

Not offended at all really. Once we fight for you valiantly and victoriously i have no doubt your opinions of us will change.
Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury to cede shit. Our nuclear and other military arsenals are too spread out and too valuable to lose.


>infrastructure upkeep

You funny.

>white nationalism have an image problem
It doesn't anymore.
>Why aren't we taken seriously?
Because there are certain groups trying their hardest to discredit WNs.
And they are succeeding because of the WN's inactivity in countering that.