Poland's President Andrzej Duda vetoes law on courts

Polish fascism delayed.

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Shut the hell up. We are getting there.

Brawo Adrian

what a cuck .. look at his stupid cuck face


I dzisiaj znowu na ulice, tylko z hasłem 'Mój Prezydent' na ustach.

He vetoed it because it was the wrong version.

Polish source: prawo.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1059647,reforma-sadow-senat-przeglosowal-zla-ustawe.html

Wrong, listen to his speech. And if it was the wrong version he could've just send it to TK.


Why are you so againts this reform anyway? It was not so bad. Fucking with the eu is always a plus.

He's not satisfied with the bills. Says they weren't consulted with his chancellery, will prepare his own.

It was fucking abysmal. It would literally destroy the judiciary system in Poland, potentialy turning it into the instrument of oppression.
I'm not against reforms, but this was fucking shit.

>potentialy turning it into the instrument of oppression

I agree. But that depends who is holding said power. Pis is patriotic there is no doubt about that.

Jaruzelski was patriotic af and where did it lead him?

To a very comfy life after the fall of communism.

Well kinda yeah, you're right.

Different times, you have to look who is the one mainly to be worried about. Pis is kinda crazy, but they genuinely care. Others are sold out to the eu, especially the Po they should be disbanded alltoughter.

Not my place to comment lads but what about who comes after him? Gotta future proof that shit. God speed regardless.

Pis is gaining in the polls at the moment. And the party has few candidates already select most likely.

He begged Soviets to invade while pretending his actions were because of threat of Soviet invasion. How was he patriotic?


How does it feel being on the wrong side of history, Kaczyński-worshipping fags?

Trump is only able to do half of what he's done because of powers Obama took. Don't be the Obama in this situation, giving your enemies power in the future for short term gain.

He meant 10+ years down the line.
You know, if something happens and suddenly ONR or new communist party gets 30%, which tend to happen sometimes.

not gonna happen

our comrades in Brussels are working to ensure Poland will be multicultural.

>wrong side of history

Who is the right side then?

Stay in your own shithole.

I am aware.

Shit I mumbled that up there I was trying to say what you just stated there. Make sure whoever gets into power in the future doesn't just undo it. My bad lad.

>He meant 10+ years down the line.

Yes, and 10 years is alot of time indeed.

>It was not so bad

Yes it was and it is.
Do you really trust the party who keeps sperging out how Smolensk was totes an inside job to respect votes if they lose an election and not just use the very judges they appointed to tamper with the outcome?
How gullible are you?

Also our youth fleeing the country to work elsewhere and we needing to take in Ukrainians to fill the gap in workforce is a DIRECT RESULT of PIS fucking over small and medium-seized business you mong.

Can somebody give me a quick rundown on this shit? I'm in poland for some days and have no idea wtf is going on.

Poles are pussies, what's new in the world. It isn't just bad luck that Poland keeps getting rolled over.

>Pis is kinda crazy, but they genuinely care.
No one is saying that PO is great but saying they care is a load of crap. They are thinly-veiled socialists.
Look at how they worked hard to bring down every single hero of solidarity and shit on them and tards like you eat it up blindly.

tell me, polish faggets, how did you pick your judiciary so far? I mean almost everywhere it's appointed by the legislative branch and the executive branch, sometimes the president, sometimes the prime minister...

I will try to explain it in US Terms: since the fall of communism our supreme court, as in the judiciary, basically decided between themselves who would be the next high judge so they could be impartial from the legislative and the executive.
PIS had the genius idea that that is anti-democratic and should stop and the TEH PEEPL should elect the judges instead, here is the thing tho: when they mean THE PEEPL they actually mean themselves. What they actually want is to have command over the supreme court so they can force through laws that go against the constitution.

>I mean almost everywhere it's appointed by the legislative branch and the executive branch, sometimes the president, sometimes the prime minister...

Which if you think about it, is a terrible idea because how easily you can misuse and corrupt that.
Now I am not saying the the supreme court deciding themselves who they appoint as judge is without flaws but I still see is as harder to tamper with than the first option.

I see, thanks.

He is a traitor. But it doesn't amaze me because I know he was in libcuck party in early 00's. His father is radical catholic cuck supporting bringing illegal immigrants to Poland.

Jaroslaw was betrayed by many and it will not make him collapse. I hope this faggot president will lose next elections. He most likely won't be the candidate of PiS

Poland needs to be Africanized.

What what a traitorous fag

>how did you pick your judiciary so far?
in Poland judges basically appoint themselves couple that with them standing above the law and lack of any commie purge after '89 and you end up with a "special cast of people" - as they call themselves - that is utterly corrupt and complitely outside of peoples control to the point where the judges openly claim that it's not the people who are the source of power and legitymacy but law's interpretation provided by judges

we actually fairly recently had a case of high level judge being caught red handed setting up the court's judgement in favour of previous president - but he's colleges decided that it is not a serious crime and they've sentenced him to be moved to another court

so yeah