The colonization of Britain

A 100 years ago the British were at the peak of their colonial expansion. Now the people of those colonies have taken over London, Birmingham, Manchester and many other cities of the colonizers. It might be a slow process but so was British colonization for most part.
The greatest colonizers are being colonised everyday in front of our eyes........
Every year one more British city becomes British minority. That's something to behold.....
And this is not going to stop anytime soon just because of the differential birth rates.
The complete colonization of Britain and many other parts of Europe by the formerly colonised is the greatest event of our times.
What do you think /pol?

100 years ago , no one would've believed it. What will the next 100 bring.

And that's a GOOD thing.


>what will the next 100 bring?

Millions and millions more nogs and sand people into Europe.

It was always going to be difficult, a struggle or huge war to keep their homelands and their people. But instead of even trying, the majority of Europe surrendered.

Not that we will fair much better. Nor Australia or Canada or NZ for that matter.

Enjoy the twilight of the white man while you still can because shit is gonna hit the fan real quick and this world we all know will be gone forever.

The ratio of white Brits in the countries they "colonised" NEVER got above 1%. Those same countries saw the quality of life improve immensely and life expectancy increase by 20+ years, we left them with functioning cities and infrastructure, a legal system and economy which exist to this day, but all they do is complain and disparage white Brits!

>Those same countries saw the quality of life improve immensely

I would not go that far. British colonization was mainly a n exploitative endeavor. The quality of life increased all over the world due to scientific advances but markedly less so in many places colonized by England. For example the GDP of India grew at less than 1% yearly under British colonization and rocketed up to 6-7% after British left. It's a clear case of British not investing in the people of colonies. And this was why they were kicked out of India.
So this rosy rewriting of the bloody history of British colonization isn't helping your argument.


I live in Blackburn, every day I wake up in this shithole is a fresh hell desu :^)

I live in Blackburn too, wat

Rivers of blood lads, just think of the rivers of blood.

Is it just pockets that are taken over by the Muslims or is it pretty much the whole city. Did you have a lot of Muslims in school?
How does it feel being slowly colonized?
How do you see things going forward?

>a clear case of British not investing in the people of colonies

And yet they're still shitting on our railways to this very day.

It's the whole country and everywhere special to us that's now being desecrated and spat on by these animals. Yes muslims are in almost every school and they are segregated.

We're being quickly colonised, and it feels horrible.

I don't see things moving forward for us as a white Christian country, I'm leaving.

Railways were hugely profitable venture for the British.
Used by British to ship raw materials to ports. But paid for at exorbitant guaranteed interest rate by Indian taxpayers. Plus all the no bid contracts were given to British contractors at huge markups and all the well paid jobs were reserved for British.
All in all railways was a massive welfare program for the British financed by the Indian taxpayers. Read book about all this once.

No will to stay and fightback with a big family of 8 kids?

And? What are you, a fucking communist?

The women are trash now it's unbelievable. It's not worth having so many kids to a) risk your/their lives being ruined due to your opinions b) spend our lives worrying about them being groomed and raped, aswell as indoctrinated at school and taught that they're inferior to brown people. There's so much more but I just woke up

There is difference between capitalism and corrupt crony capitalism. The British colonialists were not capitalists. They were corrupt oligarchs and often pirates.

Where do you plan to go?

What part of East India Company did you not understand?

Those stats are way worse now. I find it hard to believe Bradford was 60% white in 2011. Its almost completely non-white now.

Im enjoying it, I get kebabs

Fuck racists

Before I even decided how much I'd hate to stay here I was already emigrating to Japan via university.

>tfw your children can walk to school happily and you don't have to worry about Ahmed chopping them up and making a kebab out of them

The colonisers have become the colonised. Karma

Kek it's happening to you too, Chang. Kill yourself traitor.


Chinks are still better then nogs and paki's though...

Retard logic, dropped.

Doubt poles can out breed muslims. Also rampant alcoholism is killing too many Slavs and keeping their numbers low. That's why Russia is probably going to be Muslim one day as well.

Hope you don't ever have a girlfriend or a daughter living around muslims. They will rape them half to death

They do worse than just rape. They appropriate your daughter's/sister's wombs to create more Muslim babies who will be your future enemies. That's why I think Islam is worse than anything we have seen so far.