Chinese already a step ahead

The Chinese are engineering smarter children! I am very interested in this field and understand that it's very expensive and difficult to make significant gains this way, there are other options though the Chinese could start a study on the smartest ashkenazim and use their genetic material to make more geniuses! This would be a great investment in Chinese bio power what do you think about that do we need to copy china and invest in eugenics?

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Montauk and project pegasus wants to talk with you china

You can be sure the west is also doing it secret. The leaders of the west have no morals. They only virtue signal.

RIP west

Yet Chinese research cannot be reproduced in the west, to the degree that biotech firms dont even bother subscribing to Chinese journals of science any longer.

The Chinese can only lie and copy other peoples ideas, they cannot into original work themselves any longer, no thanks to their cultural revolution.


chinese people will fail miserably trying to embed a soul on a body with science, 100% that they will get a ded fetus or a baby with austism

tfw dog in china

Well presumably they'd want it to be Chinese, so I don't think they consider that to be a problem at all.

Here's a pretty cool site if you want to follow some of China's advances

Main site of the think tank:
Directory where you can explore different research areas:

Genetic research:

>messing with a childs brain at early stages
Yes im sure thats bound to go well. Only way to breed smarter children is to make smarter peope havemore kids, their smart genes will be passed on. You could also have one average intelligence woman and one smart man, and it would at least bring the average up, altough much slower.


>The Chinese are engineering smarter children!
The Chinese are actually dumb as fuck, so I suppose they need all the help they can get.

>The Chinese are actually dumb as fuck

But they aren't. The average peasant in inner China has an IQ of 105. It's scary to think how much potential they have when you see the huge disparity between China's most technologically advanced cities and some backward village lost far inland.

You can find evidence of things like this in every country if you dig the history hard enough.

>Chinese research cannot be reproduced in the west

i wonder if that's on purpose

nahh china is dumb, burgerland's mixtape physicists and twerking doctors will prevail

yeah, the chinese have a very long tradition of writing exams, and having a ... social approach to determining the "right" answer...

very book smart, but it falls apart in reality because the vision/creativity is actually stifled.

Not saying its not there at all, but its certainly not as prominent as it is in the west.

>can engineer smarter children
>can't engineer female children and turn your country into a giant sausage fest
what's wrong with you chinks

>IQ of 105
You are making that up lol. The average peasant in inner China wouldn't take an IQ test.

> average peasant

china's not an agricultural society anymore

>The average peasant in inner China has an IQ of 105.

Chang, I like your sense of humor.

>i wonder if that's on purpose

Legit made me laugh. Please stop, Chang.


You're wrong. Chinese people in US universities (I went to top 25 in country) are always caught cheating and stealing hw and all kinds of stupid shit. Chinese people being smart is a meme.

Yellow stone is going to erupt in 4 days me kcehc

lecturers almost condone it
the ones that have been here for years don't but the FOBS do

I study Mandarin (don't post the picture) I've already seen it hundreds of times) and in my first year one of my lecturers had just come in from China. A few months down the line, we had a test and she was walking around and looking at what everyone was doing. There was one question I was really struggling with. She went from "Have a look again" to "the answer isn't A or D and you know that come on" and finally she told me what it was

>Falling for meme iq