User here to help confirm happenings. I'll make this quick

user here to help confirm happenings. I'll make this quick.

There are key people out of the country as I type this. Don't believe their social accounts.

Confirm their whereabouts.


Non-extradition countries I assume.

For what reason. Why would I want to hwndu random people, you didn't even say who's important.

Fake and gay

Bet it's that FusionGPS faggot

Back with one more

Who recently stopped posting on the social?

So who is out of the country that we can find out?

wtf is this LARP week?


Podesta....Get to the point. If the encrypted files haven't been cracked, I don't want to hear about it. There are HD vidz of these fuckers doing things you can't imagine. Roll the tapes or diagf. Present real evidence and 50 million Americans will converge on Washington DC and tear them limb from limb personally.


>There are HD vidz


You underestimate the plebs

lemme guess Chester Bennington?


>There exists video evidence. Do you disagree or do you misunderstand the concept of blackmail?


Word is, podesta's going down for some ukraine bullshit, rather than pedowhatever

Seems like they're just going to keep the pedophile stuff under wraps.

All of DC needs to burn.

Larp year.

Last post, before path reset

*My OP pic holds the key.*


One of you autists needs to do OP'n image.

Jessamine album: Long Arm of Coincidence
((( )))?


he hast twittered anything in like two weeks, right?

J00s exposed?