Can we get a local politics thread going? Do any anons have sound advice for breaking into politics at the local level...

Can we get a local politics thread going? Do any anons have sound advice for breaking into politics at the local level? Which positions are usually best for a first timer and what kind of strategy is to be used etc.?

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Suck and bounce on a few dicks

FUCKING KEKKkkkkkkkkmjmfb

How would neets know this
Did u join ur local govt org yet?

Lol go fuck yourself, you think you can just waltz in, and things can change??? Grow the fuck up, most senators for the fucking fed are retarded with no idea about whats going on.

The only good thing to do is avoid the government at all costs, including a "public sector" job. They are just gibs for sitting on your ass all day. Fuck that system familam

Are you jewish ?

Agreed. You need to be doing a job that betters the society as a whole, being a worthless bureaucrat that makes tons is draining the country of money and not providing much service.


Get the fuck out. You're either a Libertarian or an Anarchist. Trying to mix the two is just as retarded as NatBol.

Holy shit you are retarded

Ancap is the most natural system, and yea, a few jews fucking the whole population over(today's """""capitalisim"""") is not natural one bit.

Anarcho-Communism seems in that ball park. I think it's just a way for high school and college kids to rebel and get a spiked mohawk.

Anarcho-Anything.. wut?

We should stick to ideologies that are applicable to the real world. not mental ideals.

Except that Jews have been screwing over everyone in history using capitalist schemes. Fuck Capitalism, Fuck Democracy. We need people who get things done in the name of God and hold up human rights and gun rights. We can only pray they're benevolent. That's why this is going to be directed properly, there can be no salvation without certain things, and one of them is the 4th Reich and the return of National Socialism.

Pretty easy. Just be good friends or family with someone who is already in local politics and you'll be a shoe-in. At least, that's how things work around here. It's nepotism all day every day, no exceptions.

God doesnt exist, good doesnt exist, existanxe is inherently the problem.

Another way to write this is that ancap is the MOST efficient way to make sure whover is here deserves it (natural selection). It blows my mind that people want their shitty crack addicted and dumb human neighbors to be around and leech value from those better suited to create it

2/3 posters you mentioned were criticizing anarcho movements. We find them to be oxy-morons.

And no, they use regulations to move the money to where they and their friends wants itRegulation creates more regulation, and it snowballs into today (bin that knife laws or losing your liscence doing 160kph once)
Just line up the leftists and have them shot, im not even being edgy, just practical

This is laughable. I don't know how people with this level of intelligence gather the confidence to post stupid shit like this. "Good doesn't exist"? Right. At that level everything doesn't exist. Good, like bad and everything else in life is illusory, doesn't mean it doesn't exist like the screen right in front of you doesn't exist. Good is there to make us do things that protect and put value on our species so we can survive longer. It has to be this way. It DOES exist though, and it makes us FEEL GOOD to BE GOOD. Yeah baby yeah!

Fascisim is based on the notion that people need to be led, buy the better people.

We are humans here, we have the one shot to be anything, imagine a world of only capable men and women.

Natural selection is our friend, is strong mens friend. Needing a govt is pussy

Dude you need to take off your fedora and put your katana away for a second; this is real life.

No, humans need something existential to make our descisions for us. Thats why to some, god exists. Its scary to our brain to not be able, or to know. Because humans are little beta shits, programmed for only their own self interest

Even in a perfect society there needs to be a leader. Ones to lead are just as important as the workers and farmers.

So fucking what. It is just going to get worse. Time only moves in one vector, friendo. We have no idea, not one of us, what the fuck is the consequences of fucking this up,

Humans=life out of control.

Join a party and join their meetings, most politicans start at very young age. Their whole life has been inside politics, thats why they have 0 clue usually.
Join a local party, call the head and tell him you want to be active and he'll let you join a campaing probably where you'll meet other party members. After thats its aall about sucking dat dick boi, aint no dick gon be dry inside dem pants namsayin?

Exactly, no more, no less. Everyone needs to be united.

That is a defeatist attitude, but you probably find it kinda sexy because it's kinda nihilistic and makes you feel badass. Fortunately for you, it's not true.

Committeeman for your local ward. Sorta like a deputy Alderman. If you live in a blue city, you can run unopposed for your party's committeeman position. Boom. Welcome to local government.

If you want an actual job in politics quickly, see if there are any positions that are being run unopposed (railroad commission, school board, whatever) and run against them on the opposite major party ticket. Most people vote a straight ticket, and it's very possible to win from that alone.

Otherwise, school politics in general are easy to get involved with, and that's easy to parlay into other positions in local government. Only caveat is that you probably should have kids enrolled in said schools, first.

What if you've only got a 4.6 inch (erect) dick though?

The final stage of communism is supposed to exist without a state, I guess anarcho-communism is just the last stage but forced, so it's fucking retarded. Anarchy wouldn't work by itself either because it's based in respect, and there's a lot of human garbage to be wiped off this world. Then, we could have a peaceful anarchist world. Maybe.

>there's a lot of human garbage to be wiped off this world.

We'll pick 10,000 of the best humans on earth and wipe the rest out. I'd be safe, would you?

>That is a defeatist attitude, but you probably find it kinda sexy because it's kinda nihilistic and makes you feel badass. Fortunately for you, it's not true.

>man in sky
O shit th goyims found out thats impossible, lets just call him omnipotent, that will get em real good!

Seriously senpai "god" is utterly retarded to somone that doesnt need him. There could be somthing but "intelligence" somewhere else is stupid.

When shit goes down, then the people want to talk to jesus. It makes so much sense that humans invented god, practially any life form that can think for more than 2 seconds would scream there is a god. It is time to let go brothers, if there is somthing, it is definitely not anything close to a god. When humans die out in a billion years and something new happens, ypu better bet those new cavething species would have a god to worship

Its time to let go, and take responsibility for your decisions in life.

Im a atheist leaning agnostic

I want to know the entry requirements, nothing defeatist about that, in the same way I couldn't enter the hot political battle arena if I was 6 years old.

What definition(s) of "God" are you referring to?

You think we are something, how do you know? What if we are nothing, only relative to ourselves?

I dont fucking know what stupid watered down version of god you have to have to for Him to make sense, enlighten me

According to einstein, e=mc^2, so this universe is literally nothing to an "outside" observer

Where does your idea of God come from? You clearly have one because you have rejected religious ones in favour of it.

Pretend to be hardcore leftist. Say all the typical leftist bullshit. Global warming will kill the world if white people don't spend an obscene amount of money. Mixing races is great, especially if it reduces the white population. Crime committed by whites should be held accountable to the people who committed them, non whites that commit crimes should be lifted of responsibility etc etc etc. Then when you are at the top, go full fledged white nationalist and burn the shit to the ground from the inside out. Realistically you aren't going anywhere unless you toe the party line and hardcore preach leftist bullshit. Trump is a unicorn situation that caught the leftists completely by surprise.

>entry requirements
>4.6 inch (erect) dick
I got sum bad newz for u cuz.

There is religous nut god, which is in the bible, and there is beta god, whose definition changes everytime it doesnt fit societys narrative, and I have no idea what its like to be a normie beliving in the latter. Probably a lot of not thinking

If you can judge Gods as bad, then you must also have an idea of what a good God is. What is it?

Local government Mohammed not a seat on the senate.

Give me a sec britfriend need cig

Currently ITT:

Oh jesus. Sorry guys, I'm stoned.

The most commonly unopposed local posistion is "Sanitation Supervisor". Good luck.

>Can we get a thread going?
>1 post by this id

Its depressing tho, like a good god wouldnt let me be alive, or a good god would make me a happy goyim

Who is letting you be alive?

Me and me alone, my fear of not knowing keeps me alive

Fear of not knowing what?

What is this, 20 questions? It is what it is, im afraid of not knowing

What I'm trying to say is, isn't the closest thing you have to a God, yourself? God isn't letting you be alive, you are. God isn't making you unhappy, you are.

But my thoughts are on literal rails, i dont decide where which neruon goes, i pretend i make a decision when my computer does it all.

My computer? So you own it?

No, not at all, I fucking hate my brain. Im saying that no matter what I think, a previous thought caused it. I can make decisions, but i dont get to decide what i am deciding, or the options. They are just there.
At the same time, its all just an illusion, who the fuck knows whats actially going on to make me do stuff irl.
Doesnt look like owning it to me

I dont get to decide to stop thinking about the world

who cares what you are , you're a degenerate kike

> a literal nobody

Don't budge anons, become MORE Christian

You are addicted to thought.

>pseudo-spiritual twattle
Christ . . .

It's pure logic - please try to refute it.

>humans are little beta shits, programmed for only their own self interest

You just summed up ancaps perfectly, nice projection!

Kek alan watts was so 3 years ago, one day I looked at my youtube homepage at all that crap thats reccomended, and it reminded me of the books my dad and my mom have, scared the shit out of me, and i never went back although I do appreciate what alan did for me, he is one of the few positive influences on my life

Checkmake christfags

No, self interest as in humans as a whole, as they are. Self-self interest is good

Sorry gnomesayin

Thomas Aquinas is logic; this is twattle. And it has nothing to do with local government. Good job derailing this thread for whatever reason.

Alan Watts died in the 70s. His gauzy spiritual pablum seeped into the American psyche, and like fake currency replaces good, contributed to the erosion of Western morality.

There's a lot of spiritual bullshit out there, but Watts keeps it real.

Easy - make friends with local developers, swear secret allegiance and they will fund you to do their bidding. Local government is about developers vs. homeowners/NIMBYs/voters.

Derailing a thread is good for serious discussions

Only Thomas Aquinas is logic? That don't make no sense.

You clearly have better spiritual logic if you judge Watts' as bad. Please share.

>Do any anons have sound advice for breaking into politics at the local level?

1) Start listening to TRUNEWS -

2) Michael Snyder is running for a House seat, check him out -

We should start with key senate races

You need a big dick and a whole lotta money. God speed patriots.

Start getting to know your community
Best way to get a vote is to get a good rep about yourself.
Go to community gatherings
Donate to a number of different charities.
After that, you have the town talking about you, announce your run for anything below mayor level.
Look at past elections and go for anything that is normally not ran against.
Keep the donations and community/rep building going and run for mayor of the town in the next election after that.

It's really a good boy ladder system at local level, national level is when you gotta start playing dirty and sucking lobby dick.

Essentially, be fake.

It's all lies and pleasantries.
But that's true when wanting to get anywhere in life.

This. It's not only there, it's everywhere.

I guess in the future there will be more transparency (e-govt etc) and a flag would be raised if someone suspciously close to you, whether it be friends or family opens your door in politics.

But right now and probably for all of our lifetimes nepotism will be the way to go.

>ywn defend your haram from Leroy Jenkins
Why live?

Ever heard of "tragedy of the commons"?
Fuck fakeness, I have no friends because I hate that shit, and its the fucking problem

Everyone needs to b themselves really

So you're lying right now?

Then probably politics is not your thing desu

Theres not much left for me to like anymore then

>running for office

Are you a child molestor, a drug addict, or a closet communist? Perfect!

That's a belief, not reality.

Air your views
Stand for office

Thats politics

I like pre 2000 cars, psychedelic rock, and hippie drugs. I pretty much hate everything and everyone else for being there and not thinking. A lot of things are impossible to get into without spending money im never going to have

Here's your answer:

1) Take a civics class: there's some good free online course. Not just some 3 minute video - an actual course with coursework.

2) Start attending city council meetings, election meet and greets, and public meetings. Make contacts - lots of contacts.

3) Only go to party meetings if you want to join a political party. If not, don't bother - they hit you up for money.

4) Find a problem - a real problem - and work on solving it. Most politicians look for non-problems, spend money to make it worse, and then claim credit during re-election. What I did was fight for deregulation of backyard small livestock for folks on food stamps (chickens, rabbits, quails, et al); there was some opposition, and some negotiating, but we all came to a reasonable consensus on it.

5) You won't change anything quickly, and people on many sides will give you grief. Politics may be Hollywood for the ugly, but it's also for the mentally insane. You'll need to get yourself in proper order before going in.

Hope this helps.

is the blonde guy supposed to be german? why does he have lee enfield?
4/10 i give on the painting

What happens when the bearded man without the glasses gets replaced by a fuckable twelve-year-old girl? Does that change your stance?

>twelve-year-old girl

To get into politics, you're going to have to at least be 30 to be considered somewhat credible and anything. That being said the initial break through in politics is a lot of ass busting and long hour days. You're going to have to volunteer at your community for events at least once per week. Go to council meetings, participate in council meetings (with civility). Get your name known in a positive manner around the city council. Once a runoff comes up in a area you might be remotely competent in you should volunteer to help the current candidate to poll and win. Get on their good side. It's going to take a few years of slow progress.

Once you're good with a councilor and I mean like going to dinners and invited to their house good. Then you can start to vulture for an opening seat or chair. You have to be patient, polite and seem competent.

Again all of this is coming with lots of volunteering after work, shaking hands, making phone calls and getting your name known. However, the payoff is when your break through at ANY elected seat, it will give you some legitimacy in the election circles. So-and-so was such-and-such for so many years, he has experience.

This is why all of the politicians were so mad at Trump "skipping the line". These cocksuckers have been pretending to be decent people for decades. Who genuinely wants to clean up parks that niggers destroy and hang out in? Depending on your charisma and wording on here you may or may not try to indulge the power of Sup Forums to shitpost for you or trash the other guys.

There are very few ways to skip this process (i.e. have loads of cash, be born into an affluent family with a decent bit of cash, be a politicians child, mostly nepotism and money will let you skip the line).

Looking good and dressing nice are also a must. Shave, get a short hair cut, and get some real clothes.

just prairienigger things here senpai

Anyone's fuckable if you're brave enough.

Yes, but that doesn't mean you should do it. Even MILF teachers banging their 17-year-old students have faced 20+ years in prison, just because said students were "fuckable".

st louis police too scared of criminals to do their patrols, so they hide in their offices instead