Partitioned Russia

Ok, so....
You have the north-west BENIS :D
The western ruthenian, or ukrainian lands...
The southern Cossack state and islamic Caucasus federation or shiet.
Idel-Ural Turkic State.
Idel-Ural Federal State...
Siberian territory and some east gook shit.

Any questions? You don't like this? Well stfu.

Russia is already a federation.

Place Novgorod instead of BENISland. Fucking Finns, should've been annexed by Swedes again.

Good map, but Mari El and Mordvinia belongs to Finland.

Fuck off roach :D

>Ural turkic state

kek Fuck turks they're arabs and deserve no european caly


Sorry m8. Turkics live between Ural and Volga. As well as ugro-finnic minorities amongst there.
Mostly assimilated by the muscovites (russians).

The Ural Flag isn't completely the same with the Kekistani one.
But a more accurate separatist flag would be this.

China will invade and annex anything that will no longer be under Russia's nuclear umbrella.

10 new states with nukes
1 of them a durkashit

Theyre all chinese anyways, if russia wanted more whites (yes i am hesitantly calling slavs white) there'd be more laws protecting marriages from feminism and outlawing contraception. There arent.

Hi jew. We all know about your ancestral hatred for Russia and Christianity.

Still better than now.

D i c k h e a d
Your mom is jewish. Russia is an euro-asian hybrid state that has been conatantly assimilating othe rtribes and peoples.

Who gives a shit about Christianity anymore?

This would never work.

You know nothing about Russia, EU scumbag!

Eбaть ты!

Starvation was something that was unknown in the Ukraine before the jews arrived.
You must be retarded to even consider pinning this on Russians, the jews were known to have caused famines in the Ukraine during the rule of the Russian Czars.
With their usury they got to confiscate most of the grain production of the Ukraine which they then diverted towards the production of alcohol instead of the production of bread.
And once the (((Bolsheviks))) came into power these jews deliberately created two more artificial famines in the Ukraine.

>You know nothing about Russia

That's where you are wrong, мocкaль

>Starving cuckholes is a bad thing

Yawn... don't care. Muscovites are muscovites. Even before the bolsheviks, the massive famine, genocides and gulags, it was still pretty shit.

You should be sorry for your brothers being mislead by a mostly Jewish regime into destroying themselves including their own women and children.
The Ukraine is one of the saddest cases in history of a people that has been lead for centuries like slaves by a foreign minority.

Starving muscovites is a lovely sight doe.

Mыkola, stop hiding behind this yuroshit flag, show the real one instead.

>Cossack American national alliance as source
>From 1962

That's some real autism right there

You should be sorry for having idiots, celebrating 9th may and glorifying these euro-asian subhumans.
I know that the jews are responsible for those cases in Russia. But what makes you think Russia is jew-free now? And no... don't talk about Soros. I will cut you.

Here's something that Trotsky said:
"The cossacks... the only part of the russian nation that can be cooperative and organize itsself. That is why it must go down first."

you know that guy was crypto-gülenist proxy american agent right? of course you don't. you also don't deserve kola peninsula.

It's real autism how you defend the Siberian Union, faguette.

Mocкaль, I will turn you into a кypицa.

I know that you can't be a Slav just by the way you respond. Even the most nationalist Russian will find some place in his heart to show mercy towards the Orthodox people in Ukraine, recognising that they have been tricked by greater forces towards their own destruction.
Even a Muslim can show in some cases this decency towards foreigners.
A jew never will, he is completely devoid of humanity for he is filled with a Satanic hatred, just like Jesus said.

Mate we don't want those areas they're full of russians and they're are pretty low quality humans.


But they were ugro-finnic before, right?

Since you are such a hardcore christcuck and put religion, over blood, ethnicity or nation, I won't bother responding about religious shit, about muslims and kikes and what not.

False. Hatred exists in many peoples, no matter how many or much.
>Croats and serbs hate eachother
>Russians and ukrainians hate eachother
>Red-pill belarusians hate russians, because they can't become better, with Moscow hanging them
YOU, austrian person, need to stop thinking about desert religion. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are trash. They are all trash, that must go back to the Middle East. Pagan Europe - Best Europe.

Oh, I am a Slav from one of those countries who are supposed to hate each other.
I can guarantee you that it is not a general sentiment.
The only identities that enable people to live in harmony among each other for centuries are religious identities.
The only identity that exploits and destroys civilisations again and again is - surprise - a religious identity. Judaism.

Pan-slavism is a lie. It's just a tool, used by Moscow to make It's imperial ambitions a lot easier.
Literally every red-pill eastern european (minus russians) knows this. That's why there are eastern europeans that hate Russia and It's propaganda.

Also, quit talking or bringing religion about this. Here is what type of jew you are. I am none of them. Because I took my red-pills.

By the way: Pagan identity has been tried in modern times and it failed miserably.
It is not an identity that can enable a people to live peacefully (=prosper) side by side with another people.
The same is true of white identity, it wont work either as it will alienate too many people and create hatred.
Christianity will work though perfectly fine. It contained jews very well, it would remove almost all of these people creating troubles these days in Europe (mostly non whites) and all of this without creating unnecessary hatred.
How could Arabs argue against this since they practice the same stuff in their own countries, forbidding Christianity to spread there?

Where did I mention Pan-Slavism? I'm talking about enforcing Christianity as the norm.
This means jews to the pale of settlement, Muslims cannot spread, no one can enter who isn't Christian and behaves like a Christian. (so no degeneracy)
Solves pretty much all of the problems that are constantly mentioned on this board.

What does Paganism solve? Allowing people to read the future by cutting up some animal and looking at it's guts?

central mainland russia would be a communist/liberal democracy puppet controlled by the west

north is finland anyways so it would continue to be such, just in a different country

caucasus would be an islamist shithole that others would reluctantly visit to bolster their ranks

don district would be a civil war torn shithole with communists and cossacks pillaging the countryside

urals would be a putin worshipping imperial 16th century state fighting everyone else to death

siberia would be annexed by croocked-eye dog eaters

how close am i?

>t. slav-hating butthurt divide-and-conquer shill
go kys

Close enough, but It wouldn't be a liberal democracy, unless the west decides to brutally opress the moskali like what the allies did to Germany after 1945.

Slav hating? Mate, muscovites (russians) are slavic-speaking euro-asian mešanici.

Varg needs to teach you some lessons.

I've watched enough of his videos to have an educated opinion about his views.
Sorry, I do not see what problem Paganism is going to solve that we actually have these days.
I do not want to live in primitive mud hut societies of people raiding and robbing each other and where often children did not even know who their real father was since so many men fucked their mothers.

>The southern Cossack state
Wont exist. Cossacks are dead and thats not their rightful clay.