Humans are not supposed to eat meat

>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat, a sign that neither their stomach nor their immune system are designed for meat. Real carnivores have stronger stomachs that also "eat" the parasites, bacteria and worms of rotting meat.
>Humans cannot digest meat well: mostly they have to cook it. Carnivores don't cook. Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
>Humans are the only primates that eat meat (any animal can eat meat in small quantities, but no primate eats meat on a regular basis).
>Humans who eat a lot of meat get heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and all sorts of degenerative diseases. Carnivore animals who eat a lot of meat live healthy lives.
>When they don't abuse of meat, humans live very long lives by the standards of the animal kingdom.
>Humans need to sleep about the same amount of time as other herbivores, who sleep a lot less than carnivores.
>Human "canine" teeths are shared with horses, not with carnivores. There is no carnivore that has teeth like our canines. Horses have them. Whatever their function, it is not to eat meat.
>Humans are the only carnivore that enjoys putting "sauces" on meat. In fact, very few humans would eat meat cooked with no sauces. What sauces do is to hide the taste of meat.

Other urls found in this thread:

>If a vegetarian diet were dangerous, half the population of India would be dead or very sick. On the other hand, in the places where the diet is mainly carnivorous, people do get sick and die by the thousands of all sorts of diseases.
>It is fairly easy for a meat-eater to become a vegetarian; it is difficult for a vegetarian to eat meat. This is a sign that the human digestive system has to be trained from childhood to digest meat, otherwise it wouldn't.
>As a world traveler, i noticed that the percentage of vegetarians among independent traveler is way higher than in any of their countries. After enough years, i started realizing that it's just natural selection at work: meat eaters are more likely to get sick when they travel, and therefore are more likely to stop traveling. All it takes is a slightly different way of cooking the meat and humans cannot digest it anymore. Over the long run, this creates a disproportional number of vegetarians among frequent travelers.
>At a personal level, i have always noticed that my friends who eat meat are afflicted with weak health, get easily injured and are more likely to get a flue. Needless to say, they would claim that this has nothing to do with meat, and that they would be sicker and weaker if they stopped eating it.

>There are both meat-only eaters and vegetarians on this planet. The former (the Eskimos) are rapidly disappearing, and had never been a vast population. The latter are tens of millions (in South India). The only recent scientific study of life expectancy for Eskimos ("Life expectancy in the Inuit-inhabited areas of Canada, 1989 to 2003" Health Reports 2003) showed that they lived about ten years less than the average in Canada; but, of course, this could be due simply to the fact that their lifestyle was so primitive in many other ways. On the other hand, life expectancy in southern India is actually higher than the national average, with Kerala topping the list, but then, again, southern India tends to perform better than northern India in many social indicators, not just life expectancy. So the real relationship is not between diet and life expectancy, but, with all due respect, between diet and intelligence: the vegetarians of south India have created better living conditions, whereas Eskimos have created worse living conditions. I am aware of Nobel Prize winners, nuclear scientists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs from south India, none from Eskimo tribes.
>Last but not least, most humans are disgusted by dead animals. If you see a dead cat or dog or raccoon in the street, brains and entrails splattered all over the asphalt, you are more likely to vomit than to salivate the way a real carnivore would.

You've actually got my noodle oodling, kind of makes me want to go back to being a vegetarian

literally did nothing wrong

OP you've never tasted my meat

does eating meat once a weak count?!

*week ffs

Tbh not many vegetables taste nice without sauces either.

What about sushi?

Beware of the vegan fruitcake. Raw meat is eaten quite often. Chimpanzee's are known to eat meat quite regular. Get the fuck off muh steak asspole!

Literally retarded. Humans evolved the way they did in part because they included meat on their diet. It's directly correlated with increased brain capacity.

Would love to see some evidence for that claim

1 Timothy 4

Jesus predicted vegetarianism as a sign of the end times.

>hoomans r bad for killing aminals
>cite sorces for other spiecies having the right to kill and eat meat because they are primitive
I bet you are white and perpetuate the idea that white people are evil and racist.

If it counts for anything, it came from my Anthropology class back in college, straight from the lecture and textbook. I'm too lazy to look up the source

An inquiring mind would go look for the evidence.
An intelligient mind would already know it is true.

You can eat raw meat if it's fresh you bumbling retard.
The problem is if you eat raw meat that's been raw for days or weeks. Our ancestors ate what they killed, when they killed it.

No animal save specific carrion animals can eat raw meat from something that has been dead for multiple days.

Burden of proof is not on me, my dude

Humans used to be able to eat raw meat you fucking retard. Our immune systems are just no longer capable since we started grillin'. Fucking kys.

Profit denial

Dude, science literally says exactly the opposite. Easily chewable vegetable diet of early settlers/farmers didn't need strong jaw muscles. Less muscle on temples = more space for brain expansion.

Also, sauces compliment meat, just like how sugar and alcohol sometimes compliment water. KYS

I eat rare steaks and burgers, sushi, oysters raw, even runny eggs. On Purpose.

Yes it is dumbass

Man Norway bro, how the hell do you do it?

>also who the fuck doesn't have adblock nowadays anyways?

I'm white true, but I eat some fish or chicken once a week because I workout without protein. Considering I posted a favorable Hitler pic I don't think I'm an sjw if that's what you're implying.

I'm more of a let the animal live 90% of it's life as nature intended and then humanely kill and consume what is necessary.

I don't eat meat because I think it tastes nasty and just in general is weird, it's not appealing to me.

Why do meat eaters get so triggered over this and get me a ton of shit, I literally don't care or say anything about ethical or supposed health reasons. It only comes up with co-workers or relationships and it's always so annoying to have to give the line, "uh I don't eat meat" - OMG LOL WHY THAT'S SO WEIRD ARE YOU A FAGGOT OR SOMETHING HAHA WELL I DO IT'S DELICIOUS GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT??

Just leave me alone fuck you

>If a vegetarian diet were dangerous, half the population of India would be dead or very sick.

Wow, their diet is about as good as ours, except they don't eat meat.

>why do meat eaters get so triggered over this
Probably because you try to lord over them with your self-percieved moral superiority, you lettuce-munching faggot

>humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat

Are you retarded?

Of course you get sick if you eat meat that's been left out in the August sun for three days. If it's fresh you'll be fine most of the time.

Besides, your arguments about fire are irrelevant.

We're not particularly strong, we're not particularly good at ripping bodies to pieces, we're not particularly good at eating them raw.
But we have a brain that allows us to make tools to do all of those things better than any other animal on the planet.
The only reason we can afford to have the massive brain we do is precisely that we sacrificed _some_ other capabilities for it - including a stronger immune system.
We don't need to be able to process shit quality food because our brains allow us to get higher quality stuff.

Its just abnormal behavior, most people get uncomfortable around people who are vegetarian. Just ignore them. Better yet never tell anyone ever.

>>Humans are the only carnivore that enjoys putting "sauces" on meat. In fact, very few humans would eat meat cooked with no sauces. What sauces do is to hide the taste of meat.

Spotted the nigger guys.

You will feel sick if you eat a raw potato too. Stop eating potatoes vegan potato killer.

STFU faggots. Why do you think we have canine teeth, etc.
hunting is for not just slaughter, humane purposes. Heard of deer herds?
Go ahead and grow soy man tits. Real attractive. Im going in my basement
now to do some tractor tire bench presses with the metal rims attached.

>even the first statement is wrong
lol herbivores

You're a real big boy

No it doesn't. That's your unsupported hypothesis. Actually scientific studies say that the other user is correct. The ability to cook, leading to great meat consumption, had a direct evolutionary impact on humans.

Stop just making shit up, faggot.

You are full of shit OP. We have carnivore teeth and carnivore eyes. Of course we are supposed to eat meat. We are omnivores

Look at Forks over Knives, What the health cowspiracy on Netflix if you wanna know more about the benefits of veganism

>humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat,

Obviously never been to Japan for one.

>Probably because you try to lord over them with your self-percieved moral superiority
I literally said I don't do that so no that's probably not it. Epic doge meme though upvoted

>Better yet never tell anyone ever
Impossible when you have to eat with them regularly, unfortunately. Otherwise I never say a thing about it.

>[broscience intensifies]

It's "literally" full of studies who directly correlate our ability to procure higher quality food (both in caloric value and protein quality value) with higher brain mass.

It's not a question of space you tard. Our brain consumes about 25% of our total caloric intake - even more if you do complex mental tasks all the time.
That's a MASSIVE drain on resources that we would not have been able to afford without meat.

Meat consumption came long before we learned how to farm high calorie plants. In fact, without it we might have _never_ learned to farm because we'd have been too dumb to.

I miss italian food.

Your flag implies you live in the south.
Call them faggots. If you can't handle the bants bant back, if they can't handle the bants fuckem.

>Humans are not supposed to eat meat
do we really need to go through and debunk all of this bullshit one by one every fucking time? don't eat meat, ya attention whore faggot

Is it just a coincidence that epic vegan shitposting coincides almost perfectly with nigcock raids? It's almost like they're the same people...

Vegans have brain damage. Ignore them.

>Humans are not supposed to eat meat

tell that to my canines
tell that to my eyes which face forward
tell that to my digestive system

>most effective predator on earth
>not meant to eat meat

fuck off

eat meat is uma delicia

You know, a lot of vegans who preach this shit miss one point. There are not only carnivore and herbivore. There is also category in which humans fall:




so you have never gone hunting? have you ever eaten an old elk or deer, the meat is terrible. I do agree on the killing animals as painless as possible. but domesticated animals today we're raised for meat and food. a cow today compared to a cow before man domesticated them are not even comparable. our diets 10000 years ago may have been vegitarian, but today, even the tribal people need meat to survive. you won't be able to convince me that humans shouldn't eat meat, because it's what we have been doing before recorded time.
my main thing is that if, by some major argument, you got people to stop eating meat. you would kill a major economy. cows and pigs would basically become extinct, except for dairy, but they would suffer. meat is the best way to feed the masses, and in today's world that's what matters. you may live 10 to 25 years longer by eating vegitarian. but the value of vegetarian compared to being an omnivore dosent even compare. especially in a survival aspect.

tldr: I went on a rant that led no where


Do you eat fish or poultry, or is all meat off the table (get it)
Also what this user said


you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. where the fuck do you think you get creatine from? fucking kill yourself you fucking idiot


I eat meat almost every day, and my big ass dog eats about 3 pounds a day or so. I will soon be getting more dogs and more children who will all eat a lot of meat.

I know meat production is a resource intense and dirty business, so I'd like to thank all vegetarians for choosing not to eat meat, so that me and my family and pets can continue to do it.


>>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat

No we don't. Have you ever had beef tartar? Sushi? The only reason we cook food, now, is because we can't eat it immediately after killing the animal like our ancestors did.

Not reading the rest, gb2 reddit.


But meat is delicious lol

>If a vegetarian diet were dangerous, half the population of India would be dead or very sick.

Half of them look like they have AIDS cheeks though.

Oh my God, I want me some caviar blini right now.

Stop telling people how to live their lives.

Then hoe do you explain B12? Hmmm? Checkmate faggot

>>To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat...
>>mostly they have to cook it.
Homo Habilis invented fire and h. Erectus perfected using it. We've been eating cooked meat since before we were human.
>>Humans are the only primates that eat meat
Chimpanzees would like to have a word with you.
>humans... carnivores
We are omnivores that need a mixed diet.
>>Human "canine" teeth
Are small because we've had a million years of eating cooked meat.
because it's delicious. You vegans are fucking retarded.

If humans are biologically predisposed to not eat meat, why does your mom love mine so much?

The meat industry we have today is unsustainable. It uses large amount of water and destroys fertile lands and ecosystems.

I'm not saying we should stop consuming meat, just try to discourage it and reduce the consumption level to a point where it's not harmful to the environment nor takes large amounts of water.

Culture plays a significant role in meat consumption but if we can't combat, then we simply oughta make meat much more expensive. In the US, Americans eat 50 billion HAMBURGERS per year, hamburgers only, that shit shouldn't be allowed. Add a special meat tax.

>Cooking exists for 2.5 million years
>Anatomically modern humans exist for 250,000 years

We literally evolved to cook food. Of course our digestive system doesn't like raw meat. OP is retarded.

Explain the rise in overall intelligence when human beings started eating cooked meat. Also, it's documented that generations of doggos became smarter as we fed cooked meat while domesticating them.

Jack Lalanne, Vegetarian (with egg whites & some fish)
lived to be mid 90s, performing feats of strength in his late 80s, in control of his health until just about the last 6 mos.

The bible says that animals were created so that man would not be alone. Not to be eaten by us.

And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: what whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

>Real carnivores have stronger stomachs that also "eat" the parasites
false. carnivores are riddled with parasites. you shouldn't have to lie to push your agenda.
>Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
this is contradicted in it's entirety by all archaeological evidence. homonids have been eating meat long before and since the use of fire.
>Humans are the only primates that eat meat
false. baboons eat plenty, chimps and many new world monkeys are omnivorous.
>Humans who eat a lot of meat get heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and all sorts of degenerative diseases
false, these are associated with lipid intake, which comes from oils and not necessarily meat.
>Carnivore animals who eat a lot of meat live healthy lives.
carnivores in the wild die at the human equivalent age of 35 riddled with parasites.
>When they don't abuse of meat, humans live very long lives by the standards of the animal kingdom.
which they also do when they eat meat. inverse error fallacy.
>Humans need to sleep about the same amount of time as other herbivores, who sleep a lot less than carnivores.
because felines don't sleep more than humans. if you have to lie to fit your agenda, your agenda is shit.
>Human "canine" teeths are shared with horses
no they aren't. what? stop lying.
>Humans are the only carnivore that enjoys putting "sauces" on meat.
humans are the only carnivore that makes sauces. this is getting outlandish. literally every single thing you are saying is wrong or stupid.
>If a vegetarian diet were dangerous, half the population of India would be dead or very sick.
india's average life span is a decade lower than the US. statistics reinforce a meat heavy diet if you're going to pull that card.

everything after this is anecdotal crap. grow up.

*forgot pic*

In your opinion, O.P. Not really, though.

I've known several people who eat completely raw hamburger from the package. OP BTFO from the start and sage.

I literally have to be fucking dying of hunger to be able to consider eating that raw.

This. Threads over guys, pack it up.

>more taxes
Fucking leaf

That you hunt and clean, or store bought? Modern meat cleaning makes store bough properly processed meat much safer to eat.

The high demand along with the pressure to keep prices at rock bottom also lead to unnecessary animal suffering. Higher prices for meat would improve so much, but people are too attached to their habits to consider it. You don't need beef twice a day.

Only because cooking meat led to a higher calorie intake
higher calories = more energy to evolve and grow a bigger brain
BUT these days we have an overabundance of calories, which is why meat is not necessary.
The negative connections to eating meat ( heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis as OP said) are true.

Stopped reading at the first sentence, you obviously don't know what the fuck you are talking about, kys shill, saged

Nice try, we literally have a protein to transport heme (blood) from our gut into our body. Our bodies are fully equipped to eat meat.

no, I've never gone hunting, (I wouldn't be able to pull the trigger on an animal going about it's life, just nothing logical about it, maybe if I'm starving in some apocalyptic scenario). I've killed severely injured animals without being dramatic about it but I will walk around a bug rather then step on it. I'm not convinced about cutting meat from human diet either (except red meats and pork).

I'm NS so I'm not interested in animal farm economics to feed Africans or the obese. Nature decides and there's nothing natural about industrial farming. I would prefer less global population even among whites with an emphasis on high quality breeding and modern eugenics.

If we can find a way to reduce meat consumption through other means than taxes then I'll gladly take them. I personally have nothing to benefit from meat being taxed, but I do want to see less animal cruelty.

You obviously understand but we can't force meat prices to go up without taxes, that's the problem.

Meat has become way too cheap, many Americans would rather take cheap meat over expensive salad any day of the week, resulting in great demand for meat and huge slaughter of animals.

Humans are omnivores, we still need some meat in our diet, but no way in hell is the large amount of meat consumed natural or the way our bodies were intended to take in meat, we need to reduce meat consumption ASAP and taxes seem to be the best option.

We are meant to evolve out if it. It's barbaric and unnecessary and we are progressing to a higher level of consciousness that values and protects all life.

>nature decides
>nothing is natural about industrial farming
>yet industrial farming exists
obviously nature doesn't decide. go shoot some small animals with a .22 and man up.

>humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat

I would drown you in poop if I had the resources to do so.

Honestly, this is probably hell for people in this life who continued to eat meat despite everything that they read and saw and fought against it without even trying.

b t w, I lmao at your tldr description.

More from hell

I'd prefer a minimum price on finished meat, so the money ends up with the farmers rather than the government, but also greatly strengthen and enforce animal cruelty laws. The added money from the price increase would offset the costs associated with the new laws, allowing fewer animals to be kept, and in more humane conditions, while still keeping the farms financially above water.

Ever noticed that ominvores are smarter the carnivores and they are smarter than herbivours?

You do realize we are the ONLY animals that cook anything. Not being able to eat something raw (potatos, chicken) does not correlate to us not being supposed to eat it.

Fish can be eaten raw, and so can beef.

Stupid argument. We're omnivores. Too much of anything is always bad for us.

The last comment is especially dumb. Disgust is an emotion taught. You obviously have never been to East Asia.