Korea Happening Imminent

>North Korea preparing for another ballistic missile test; same transporter erector used in July test:


China preparing for collapse of regime/US military strike by bolstering defenses, forces, along border w DPRK:



>"China Sends Troops to Korean Border Ahead of US 'Military Strike'":


>Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairmen warns Americans to prepare for possible military confrontation w DPRK:


>"Chinese Jets Intercept US Navy Surveillance Plane":


>US to Conduct THAAD missile defense test from Alaskan shores next week:


>"Is North Korea Beating Sanctions?"


>USS Gerald Ford a "100,000 Message to the World"?


>July 25: Russian deputy nuke negotiator visits DPRK:


>"The South Korean government is pushing to revise the missile guidelines developed with the United States to double the maximum weight of warheads on Seoul's ballistic missiles from the current 500 kilograms to counter growing threats from the North, sources said Monday."


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death to america

Gas yourself kike

anyone have latest news from Chinese/Indian border confrontation?

reminder that America has the largest Jewish population of literally any country. fuck off you literal circumcised kike

oh shit nigga

please let it be real

your silly little meme flag says it all, Ira.

I hope so too, brother

Let them blow up Hawaii first

lol check this guy out

>no arguments, just adhominem

thanks for playing.

Funny you should say that:

>"Hawaii Prepars for Potential Missile Strike...":


Also, I know you are singling out Hawaii because, as a leaf, you are jealous of our yawning pacific empire and many rape babies therein. No offense taken

fucking lets do it already. been waiting forever here

tfw I hear (((some))) say Chinese border army won't mow down every single NK comrade attempting to seek refuge in China or enslave them.

Always archive it

i mean north korea is probably just gonna shell you guys as soon as they're losing if not earlier
i would be a little worried

CNN isn't a real news site. And that isn't just trump campaign shit, people haven't watched cnn for 5+ years. The DM is most read online news source, and usually (other than the gossipy showbiz shit) they do a good job.

...you realize he put like 50 other links there that aren't CNN right?

You are a legend, and thanks

Thank you.

Yes I agree. CNN is clown-jizz. Must be getting close if they aren't burying these developments beneath the latest nothing burger RE: Russia/T_ump

Why is Kim begging to die? Contrition over Warmbier?

just seoul, im sure we can take it. dragging the situation out is more detrimental in the long term.

not that anyone here cares, but word has it that some shits gonna happen around mid to late august.

Yeah, jesus. Your anxiety probably far greater than American LARPers on Sup Forums. Though, I've also heard you guys are totally numb/indifferent to this kind of shit. I mean, look at Yonhap. Very real threats of annihilation are reported with the casualness of a weather forecast.

>transporter erector


And why are we keeping him alive?



>just seoul
shit man
that's the world capitol of wifi
ill feel pretty bad if it gets glassed

but yeah it has to happen eventually
too bad there's no way to stop artillery like we stop missiles

Heh erector

>kys kike.

>gets glassed

I feel like DPRK will save the best toys for US/Japan. Seoul, on the other hand, will be rolled over by a volume of 155mm shells and grad rockets the likes of which the world has never seen, and only imagined during the CW.



All that shit is a repeat of what always happens. You'll know an attack is actually imminent if military families are ordered to evacuate.

Ohhh noo that country that does nothing in international stage is scary and evil better force them to be like us

Fuck I hate this world sometimes.

>Sup Forums waiting for North Korea happening

I tend to agree, simply out of an unshakable skepticism. You don't feel that events have been building to a greater crescendo than usual, though?

9 days

This. If Americans are pulled from South Korea = military strike imminent.

I'm sayin' 2

i know someone deployed on the boarder and its not happening

will we hear about military family and civilian personnel on E Pac bases being evac'd? Or does Trump consider that "showing his hand" or however he phrases it?

Getting ready with chaotic ritual sex magick. Fucking kikes.

rough idea of how many Kiwis stationed on the peninsula?

a handful of peace keepers

need I say more...

probably around 7

It is too large thing to be kept secret. Too many people need to stay quiet. Every family pulled, everyone involved in it.

It will leak. At least when their massing americans in planes some gook will make a weird blog about it to tourist website.

this is the number 1 reason Holocaust isn't fake.

Some family members would probably leak it on social media even if they were ordered to keep quiet

what the fuck am i watching


The NK battalion north of the de-militarized zone has enough firepower to hit every 3 square metres of Seoul with a shell, essentially turning the city to ash without even using a nuke.

Yeah lets do it!

Shock media.

Guys, I flip burgers at Nintendo and my uncle says it's not happening.

U mad Mick?

You should be scared of this, not of Retarded Korea

the destruction of seoul is already a given and it can be rebuilt. more worrisome is the political aftermath, if china takes over. they already own a shit ton of assets not to mention pretty much all of southern jeju island.
ima be so pissed if my children end up having to learn chinese in school.

Kek will confirm brother

2017 Is year of war

How many times a year is there an "eminent NK happening"?

So can we just fucking nuke these dumb chinks already? Seriously cunt.

I'm going to South Korea in 6 days. Beside that fact, if I was a military general or the president I would order for North Korea to be invaded immediately and bombed to the ground.

How can you possibly let a nation so fucking publicly willing to call for the death of civilization cuz muh communism or whatever the fuck.

The west's biggest failure. Letting North Korea become the threat it has turned into today. For nothing. They're dumb dirty gooks.

I would choke that fat cunt until his squinty fucking eyes popped out of those supposed eyelid slits that have been panned onto his face.

the real (((threat))) never for a moment leaves my mind

so you flip your fellow countrymen or what?

just throw a revolution and beat some chink skulls in if they try forcing your land away from you

Your uncle doesn't want to scare you.



itll be ashes by 6 days senpai

Shoot some bottle rockets across the DMZ. And be sure to stream it.

nothing is going to happen

They do this every year...

Not just USA vs north korea
But also
India vs china.

This is gonna be a fucking ride.

North Korea will not fuck with me. If that big lard mess of a gook ever made himself present, I would fucking be so quick to snap his neck, tear it off and bring it home to put on my wall as a fucking trophy.

the other Aussies/Aus-kin on this thread...
... should learn from you, user.

Nah cunt.

I've had enough of this fucking fat panfaced fuck. He should've been burnt to ash by a Nuclear blast long ago.

Him and the whole fucking population.

I admire your spirit

I admire your fucking head cunt.

>just seoul

isn't seoul responsible for like, your economy?

Dear North Korea
Please make sure you target israel with a few of your nukes after we leave you no choice but to launch them

Fuck mate have a cone and chill the fuck out.
We'll war it out soon.
Well i fucking hope we do.

yeah but its bound to happen. better sooner than later since the country is already tilting towards china.
its economically better to level then rebuild rather than drag it out over generations

It's not happening fuck off

>ima be so pissed if my children end up having to learn chinese in school.

why? did you used to use chinese characters before? then ya'll can read classical chinese again

fucking this

We've been doing too much fucking chillin bud.

I've had enough of this fat cunt popping up on my board and on my TV screen with his death to the west shit.

heh. this works too

>is the official state ideology of North Korea
>In On the Juche Idea, Kim Jong-il stated, "Self-reliance in defense is a fundamental principle of an independent sovereign state".

Americans have military bases in many countries and many times test missiles, if nowhere else then in war. North Korea only has practice in own country and isn't on anybody else's territory.

>its bound to happen

ANZAC reunion party when?

Realistically it probably won't happen until early-to-mid-2018. Trump is exhausting all options possible because he knows that the moment he orders that strike, Seoul is completely fucked, which means that the next few months are going to be nothing but sanctions, begging China to deal with the problem, and stern warnings. Unless Kim wises up and opens up to diplomatic talks, or caves into sanctions and agrees to denuclearize, then we're probably going to have to invade soon.

yeah but Norks aren't like these capitalist utopia so its a terrible country and they must be liberated like people under Gaddafi



Dear Palestinians
Make use of the walls they built to hide behind afterwards. Keep them in.


>Kim wises up and opens up to diplomatic talks,

it's china and russia calling for diplomatic talks while trump is saber rattling

>eu flag
opinion discarded

classical chinese is fine. whatever the fuck they use now aint.

let him destroy US and EU

North Korea is better then both and has waged less wars the muricans

They are liberated, they want to enslave them with foreign banks and foreign military. It's amazing such small country like North Korea even developed such military. Priority should be to kill Mexicans and Africans storming blitzkrieg style to USA and Europe. North Koreans pose no threat to us at all, neither did Gaddafi.

there is virtually no "off ramp" left to the regime in Pongyang.

Until a year or so ago, when this chubby fuck started purgin his senpai, there was some hope that an insider putsch might lead to negotiations w Seoul following a consolidation of power. Highly unlikely now. Total economic collapse not really an "option"--China doesn't want to deal w the """"refugees"""" from that scenario any more than they do those from a military strike. Further, do brainwashed people rise up/revolt in the face of starvation? It was hard to imagine an uprising in Qaddafi's Libya--which was far from starving--but that shit happened, so who knows. However, I am 99% sure we dont have the agents provacateurs in the DPRK which we had/have in the MENA. Ladder of escalation is down to the top rungs (and that little fuckin shelf where you rest your tools, which you're not supposed to step on).

>Unless Kim wises up and opens up to diplomatic talks, or caves into sanctions and agrees to denuclearize, then we're probably going to have to invade soon.
More like nukes are the only thing keeping americans in their place. He would be mad to let go of them.

Go live there then.

I'm am not Donald Trump but I approve this message

reminder that America also has the largest white population of any country

