Something found in the sea

Something found in the sea.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Peru

Dammit, even I know enough to include a link...

Its not alien
its evidence of pre cayaclysim advanced society that existed before the Younger Dryas period

looks like a old structure build by unknown civilization.

Just let me say something.....We as today was not the first advance civilization. Millions of years ago there was something on this earth. Don't know if they were humans or maybe different species existed on this planet and want off out in space.

>Its not alien

How the fuck would anybody know if this was humans or whatever beings that build it. This could easily be millions of years old.

Looks like it can do the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs.

looks like the millennial falcon

Lame ass stone structure. Next.

we have no evidence of any "aliens" building anything ever on earth

we do have evidence of a global scale impact event at the end of the ice age causing a "great flood"

Oh shit

Shut your mouth. Humans lived in caves until 3000 years ago.
Proof coming soon.

KotOR 2 remastered and completed confirmed.


The Asteroid that killed the DinoSoros was actually an alien spaceship CRASHING?

>Stop drinking and driving GLITZGHKOR

>*blurp* mmmmmmybbbbad

this isn't /x/

What can change but always remains the same?

an ancient relic of the hyper-borean finnish empire

Except that meteor hit near mexico and this is in the baltic sea.

>Millions of years ago t
Earth is only 5,000 years old, idiot.

I also think this, though we can't say for sure without checking it out.

>baltic sea

Arsenal gear


Explains Finns. They crash and settle nearby, keep their strange language and develop a taste for alcohol.

Nah more like the Ebon Hawk you filthy casual

the entire ancient aliens thing is a red herring propagated by academics married to orthodox geological history

They want you to outright dismiss the notion of lost human history because they have dedicated their entire academic lives contributing too what could be a flawed theory

US politics.

Finno-Korean Hyper war never4get


Remnants of the Finno-Korean Hyperwar

The grainy sonar image in the corner is the only real picture and could easily be just a rock formation.
The larger picture is an "artistic construction" and therefor nothing of value.
At any rate this is not Politics related and should be on /x/ or Sup Forums

I will nevar4gets.

Don't worry user, that is a natural rock formation

This. It's not "evidence" of anything as long as no one gets close and takes a proper look at what it's made of.

>we have no evidence of any "aliens" building anything ever on earth

We don't have any evidence humans build it either. I could easy come with some old structure.

Picture related, megalithic boxes in egypt. These boxes are not made by the egyptians and are much older nobody knows why they are there underground. These boxes was made inside in that tiny room. The boxes never had graffiti on them until the Egyptians found them and made hieroglyphic on them.

Nobody knows what they are used for. They are much older than anything in egypt.

Looks like the Ebon Hawk

With the steps its likely a building

>boxes never had graffiti on them until the Egyptians found them and made hieroglyphic on them.
>They are much older than anything in egypt.

they dont know that. it might be just slightly older.

>These boxes was made inside in that tiny room.

how do we know the tiny room wasn't constructed around the boxes?

Massive rapid geographic changes took place at the end of the ice age

Any guess as to what it might be?

I don't think it's a UFO as there are clearly stairs to the bottom of the picture. Looks more like a temple from a pre flood civilization

Maybe whites lived in caves around that time, ancient Peruvians were doing coastal cities of (4-15k population) 10'000 years ago. I am sure people in Asia and Middle East had complex societies too around that time.

that area was covered with ice


>cant tell if this is bait, or you are actually retarded.

your mum?

Archive it nigger faggot.

he's a protestant

looks like some broken shale. the bigger picture is of course completely bullshit

Ancient Aliens is a documentary user. Watch it.

That checks out

Finnish Lutheran.

No, proof coming soon. Both South America and Egypt.

the pyramids themselves and the sphinx are pre-flood, as evidenced by water erosion along the sides of them. also, the same design techniques and precision are found in similar structures in MExico, Thailand, Nepal, Peru, etc. Whoever built these structures, clearly had access to all parts of the world. Assuming this is pre-ice age flood, it would make sense considering more of the earth was walkable. Also, all of these sites follow a distinct straight line across the globe, and they all converge on Egypt. The pyramids also have a calculation for the speed of light

I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hara-Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!

My man knows

this is extra parts from a tau broadside battlesuit

Man human DNA bottle neck is so much older than what we first taught modern human appeared from. And our ability to destroy each other, that it wouldn't surprise me if its... ancient humans. Indians had lots of guides on how electricity works and other physics principles in their folklore literature from thousands years ago, a joke for our scientific standards but almost alien for someone in the middle ages.

Thanks, Randall Carlson.

>the same design techniques
You mean stacking stones on top of each other, with a base broader than the top because that's a stable configuration and because it gives you access to the higher levels as you build them?

Pyramids are a universally obvious shape when you want to build tall things without having big and strong cranes and scaffolds.

The fact that we are finding them all over the world means that people of these ages *were not* very advanced, and thus they had no choice but to use pyramids for building tall.

I completely agree with you. The red parts of this map used to be land. Daily reminder that sea levels around the world were 400 feet lower just before the end of the last Ice Age.

Near the end of the last Ice Age 12,800 years ago, a giant comet that had entered the Solar System from deep space thousands of years earlier, broke into multiple fragments. Some of these fragments struck Earth, causing a global cataclysm unseen since the extinction of the dinosaurs. At least eight of the fragments hit the North American ice cap, while further fragments hit the Northern European ice cap. The impacts, from comet fragments a mile wide approaching at more than 60,000 miles an hour, generated huge amounts of heat which instantly liquidised millions of square kilometres of ice, destabilising Earth's crust and causing the global flood that is remembered in myths all around the world.

A second series of impacts, equally devastating, causing further cataclysmic flooding, occurred 11,600 years ago, the exact date that Plato gives for the destruction and submergence of Atlantis. The evidence for all of this shows beyond reasonable doubt that a civilisation at least as technologically advanced as 19th-century England at the onset of the Industrial Revolution (if not more) that flourished during the last Ice Age was destroyed in the global cataclysms between 12,800 years ago and 11,600 years ago.

A distant memory and a warning to the future - for the comet that wrought such destruction in remote antiquity may not be done with us yet.

(((snopes))) say this is a hoax

I can read it,it says "The freer the markets the freer the people"

>We don't have any evidence humans build it either.

Really, you stupid faggot? Who else would have built it? Do you even read the garbage you type?

Listen you won't teach me what I saw first hand. Peru is and was the land with most complex societies (we didn't cut each other heads like the northern natives) and for 10'000 years ago phishing supported this large scale places with public buildings, way before agriculture was developed.,_Peru

Pic related

(((They))) would. Keep looking into this, it's real.


It's the preflood Korean Hwan fortress built to defend against the Finnish horde.

It's my fucking ride I lost

>ignoring the precision of the stones
>ignoring the fact that all these were cut and built without iron tools
>ignoring the plethora of astronomical information these structures were clearly meant to relay

Assuming the Pyramids are actually 68,000 years old, and align perfectly with the constellations and equinoxes, should clearly be alarming at the very least


nah, its just a rock.

they dont align perfectly though... they are slightly off... evidence of a human hand

If youre an alien with an intergalactic space ship youre not going to make shit that is slightly off

There were protocivilizations everywhere, Peru wasn't special. The most complex and technologically advanced civs were in the Middle East, Balkans, India/Pakistan, and China

Were Atlanteans based Aryans before the Nazis?

Red pill me on Atlantis Sup Forums

this is much better

Humans are BILLIONS of years old and are NOT NATIVE to Earth. Here is merely SOME evidence (though DEFINITELY not ALL of the evidence) suggesting not only a human presence on Earth BILLIONS of years ago, but also suggesting complex human civilisations on Earth BILLIONS of years ago:

* A human skull fragment from Hungary dated between 250,000 and 450,000 years ago
* A human footprint with accompanying paleoliths (stones deliberately chipped into a recognisable tool type), bone tools, hearths and shelters, discovered in France and dated 300,000 to 400,000 years
* Paleoliths in Spain, a partial human skeleton and paleoliths in France; two English skeletons, one with associated paleoliths, ALL at least 300,000 years old
* Skull fragments and paleoliths in Kenya and advanced paleoliths, of modern human manufacture, in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, dated between 400,000 and 700,000 years
* Neoliths (the most advanced stone tools and utensils) in China of a type that indicate full human capacity, dated to 600,000 years
* Hearths, charcoal, human femurs and broken animal bones, all denoting modern humanity, in Java, dated to 830,000 years
* An anatomically modern human skull discovered in Argentina and dated between 1 million and 1.5 million years years (eoliths -chipped pebbles, thought to be the earliest known tools- at Monte Hermoso, also in Argentina, are believed to be between 1 and 2.5 million years old).
* A human tooth from Java yielding a date between 1 and 1.9 million years years
* Incised bones, dated between 1.2 and 2.5 million years, have been found in Italy
* Discoveries of paleoliths, cut and charred bones at Xihoudu in China and eoliths from Diring Yurlakh in Siberia dated to 1.8 million years
* Eoliths in India, paleoliths in England, Belgium, Italy and Argentina, flint blades in Italy, hearths in Argentina, a carved shell, pierced teeth and even two human jaws all bearing a minimum date of 2 million years (end of part 1)

What a propaganda outlet it has become. In their entire article about bill nye and gender, no mention of this part.


the tau empire wont exist for another 36 thousand years, dum dum

folloer i imMYn

(start of part 2) Curiously enough, several of the very earliest artifact discoveries display a truly extraordinary level of sophistication. In Idaho, for example, a 2-million-year-old clay figurine was unearthed in 1912. But even this discovery does not mark an outer limit. Bones, vertebrae and even complete skeletons have been found in Italy, Argentina and Kenya. Their minimum datings range from 3 million to 4 million years. A human skull, a partial human skeleton and a collection of neoliths discovered in California have been dated in excess of 5 million years. A human skeleton discovered at Midi in France, paleoliths found in Portugal, Burma and Argentina, a carved bone and flint flakes from Turkey all have a minimum age of 5 million years.
How far back can human history be pushed with discoveries like these? The answer seems to be a great deal further than orthodox science currently allows. As if the foregoing discoveries were not enough, we need to take account of:
* Paleoliths from France dated between 7 and 9 million years
* An eolith from India with a minimum dating of 9 million years
* Incised bones from France, Argentina and Kenya no less than 12 million years old
* More paleolith discoveries from France, dated at least 20 million years ago
* Neoliths from California in excess of 23 million years
* Three different kinds of paleoliths from Belgium with a minimum dating of 26 million years
* An anatomically modern human skeleton, neoliths and carved stones found at the Table Mountain, California and dated at least 33 million years ago
But even 33 million years is not the upper limit. A human skeleton found in Switzerland is estimated to be between 38 and 45 million years old. France has yielded up eoliths, paleoliths, cut wood and a chalk ball, the minimum ages of which range from 45 to 50 million years.
There's still more.

(start of part 3) In 1960, H. L. Armstrong announced in Nature magazine the discovery of fossil human footprints near the Paluxy River, in Texas. Dinosaur footprints were found in the same strata. In 1983, the Moscow News reported the discovery of a fossilised human footprint next to the fossil footprint of a three-toed dinosaur in the Turkamen Republic. Dinosaurs have been extinct for approximately 65 million years.
In 1983, Professor W. G. Burroughs of Kentucky reported the discovery of three pairs of fossil tracks dated to 300 million years ago. They showed left and right footprints. Each print had five toes and a distinct arch. The toes were spread apart like those of a human used to walking barefoot. The foot curved back like a human foot to what appeared to be a human heel. There was a pair of prints in the series that showed a left and right foot. The distance between them is just what you'd expect in modern human footprints.
In December 1862, The Geologist carried news of a human skeleton found 27.5 m (90 ft) below the surface in a coal seam in Illinois. The seam was dated between 286 and 320 million years. It's true that a few eoliths, skull fragments and fossil footprints, however old, provide no real backing for the idea of advanced prehistoric human civilisations.
But some other discoveries do.
In 1968, an American fossil collector named William J. Meister found a fossilised human shoe print near Antelope Spring, Utah. There were trilobite fossils in the same stone, which means it was at least 245 million years old. Close examination showed that the sole of this shoe differed little, if at all, from those of shoes manufactured today.
In 1897, a carved stone showing multiple faces of an old man was found at a depth of 40 m (130 ft) in a coal mine in Iowa. The coal there was of similar age.

>a civilisation at least as technologically advanced as 19th-century England at the onset of the Industrial Revolution (if not more) that flourished during the last Ice Age
then why isn't there any archeological evidence for that? if there was a civilization that modern and advanced, there has to be a shit ton of evidence. not just some strange pics of underwater spaceships

(start of part 4) A piece of coal yielded up an encased iron cup in 1912. Frank J. Kenwood, who made the discovery, was so intrigued he traced the origin of the coal and discovered it came from the Wilburton Mine in Oklahoma. The coal there is about 312 million years old.
In 1844, Scottish physicist Sir David Brewster reported the discovery of a metal nail embedded in a sandstone block from a quarry in the north of England. The head was completely encased, ruling out the possibility that it had been driven in at some recent date. The block from which it came is approximately 360 million years old.
On 22 June 1844, The Times reported that a length of gold thread had been found by workmen embedded in stone close to the River Tweed. This stone too was around 360 million years old.
Astonishing though these dates may appear to anyone familiar with the orthodox theory of human origins, they pale in comparison with the dates of two further discoveries.
According to Scientific American, dated 5 June 1852, blasting activities at Meeting House Hill, in Dorchester, Massachusetts, unearthed a metallic, bell-shaped vessel extensively decorated with silver inlays of flowers and vines. The workmanship was described as 'exquisite'. The vessel was blown out of a bed of Roxbury conglomerate dated somewhat earlier than 600 million years.
In 1993, Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson reported the discovery 'over the past several decades' of hundreds of metallic spheres in a pyrophyllite mine in South Africa. The spheres are grooved and give the appearance of having been manufactured. If so, the strata in which they were found suggest they were manufactured 2.8 BILLION years ago.


proof of ancient outer juden civilization

>clearly meant to relay

People can find numbers and meanings in all sorts of stuff. I could pick three random objects from my room and I'm certain I'd find some important natural constant or value in their dimensions, ratios or whatever. You have no idea what was meant to be conveyed, if at all.

Also, you can rub stones of similar hardness together to cause wear. No need for iron tools.

"Advanced Egypt" is a very, very, *very* weak hypothesis.

You need to spot exploring this rabbit hole for your own safety.


(start of part 5) What are we to make of these perplexing discoveries? They cannot simply be dismissed. If even ONE of these discoveries is TRUE (and I believe that MANY if not ALL of these discoveries are TRUE), then it changes EVERYTHING that modern mainstream anthropologists THOUGHT they knew about the human species. (end)

You're underestimating how devastating a celestial impact could be

A comet hits earth today how many of our great creations would remain?

it looks like blueprints for a weapon to surpass metal gear

Carlson never makes any claims about the status of civilization. He simply looks at evidence for the Younger Dryas impact theory. You are thinking of that loon, Hancock, who does not base his claims on the scientific process, while Hancock does. Though Rogan helped a great deal to popularize Hancock's work, convoluting it with Hancock may have tarnished its perceived legitimacy.

I mean in the region. Yeah you are right-

dey prolly where black, fucking whiteys always claiming shit theyrs

I present to you the Nampa figurine (placed next to a coin for size comparison). The Nampa figurine is a tiny figurine made of clay found in 1889, when workers were drilling near Nampa, in southwest Idaho.

“The record of the well shows that… they had penetrated first about fifty feet of soil, then about fifteen feet of basalt, and afterwards passed through alternate beds of clay and quicksand…down to a depth of about three hundred feet when the sand pump began to bring up numerous clay balls, some of them more than two inches in diameter, densely coated with iron oxide,” geologist of Boston Society of Natural History, George Frederick Wright (1838-1921) reported in his book “Origin and Antiquity of Man” (1912).

The Nampa figurine appears to be of a female human and was discovered at a strata dated to about 2 million years.

don't wake the sleeping kangz

Uhhh. We know exactly what those are. Those are the sarcophagi of the Aphis bull.

ancient alien theorists are low energy imbeciles who never passed the third grade, or so ancient alien skeptics believe.

and yet they required no mortar, and fit perfectly with each other like a puzzle.. some of the stones were cut to have 17 sides..

A coin with curious and indecipherable inscriptions was discovered in Illinois in strata that would date it between 200,000 to 400,000 years ago. The finding was reported in 1871 by William E. Dubois of the (((Smithsonian Institution))). What makes this coin so significant is what Dubois said about it - he described the UNIFORM THICKNESS of the coin and concluded that it must have "passed through a rolling-mill; and if the ancient Indians had such a contrivance, it must have been pre-historic." Pic related (it's a depiction of the coin).