Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe
>right wing
Western Europe
>left wing

Red state America
>right wing
Blue state America
>left wing

Rural areas
>right wing
Urban areas
>left wing

is anyone noticing a pattern here?

That you're so dim witted that you have to summarize entire areas into labelled pairs because anything more complex is just unfathomable to you? yeah we noticed

Yeah, hard times bring tough men and vice versa.
Congrats on taking another bit of the pill.

Eastern Europe
>99% white
Western Europe
>full of non-whites

Red state America
>60% white
Blue state America
>full of non-whites

Rural areas
>99% white
Urban areas
>full of non-whites

yup i see it

Republicucks don't know what's best for them.

Can tell you right now that the west is more right wing than the east, fucking amerifag who knows nothing about Europe shoving his commie propaganda down our throats. Bluepill harder "goym"

t. rural retard


Being poor is better?

Too bad this was also blown out of the water with the whole higher income voters went with Trump.


Oh sweetie. Your bait is adorbs. But this is off topic

Fuck. That's some scary ass tubbies

So non-whites = more money?


so why are they not white?

Never liked the Hipster Liberal Urbanites Anyway

lmao a swede making fun of other euros.

Urbanite leeches and non whites will ignore the fact the southern states that take in more than they put out are full of negroes and Hispanics and act like big cities aren't heavily segregated and full of inequalities.

yes its an old one, political opinion depends on background and whether you feel pride or shame about it, so the poor and proud chill with the rich and ashamed, and vice versa

Yeah I think I see your point


I dare you to come to capital of Slovakia and find more than 10 shitskins :).

Why are right-wingers so poor and stupid?

>Eastern Europe
>>right wing
Don't be retarded.

Not even close to true. In WY, 50% of the population is state workers, red as hell, there isn't even income tax or tax on food, most spending per capita and their single state university is ranked as the best value, out of every college in the country, by Forbes and a few other places. California used to have free college for residents when they were a red state

>is anyone noticing a pattern here?
Good goyim are rewarded with fleeting diversions

after spending years in a enviroment like that you would cry from happines at their sight.

the pattern is that office cucks get things they dont deserve

HIgher than white

>people who riot in the street demanding over throw of bourgeoise - left wing
lefties are self defeating cucks who feel like they have to politics for success of the west. Not falling for that


you don't know what "right wing" means

Yes, your mother gave birth to a retarded communist faggot

Comfort breeds faggotry?

>talking about who's white who's not

when you're rich you don't know or have forgotten or don't care what life is like not being rich, then you hang around with other people like you, who will be rich also (rich people are unlikely to hang out with poor people) then your world view gets skewed and you believe that everyone is the same as you and you through your minuscule brain can't fathom for a second that there may be other people out there who aren't like you and in fact are very different and very poor. it's interesting though how they can view people outside of their own countries as being poorer, but poor people in their own country are overlooked as being non existent in their world view.

I probably glossed over a lot of important factors but there are too many to list, it makes sense in my mind why the left is retarded, it just doesn't make sense in theirs.

truly revolutionary tale chap

>Eastern Europe
>>right wing
Lived under left communism explotation and war for 3 decades
>Western Europe
>>left wing
White Europeans
>Red state America
>>right wing
Full of niggers
>Blue state America
>>left wing
Used to red, built by whites, shitskins flooded after was already built
>Rural areas
>>right wing
No shit Sherlock, rural areas have less access to anything
>Urban areas
>>left wing
Built by whites, used to be red until oversheltered pieces of shit though Marxism is good

In all honesty i wouldn't really care if major cities collapse under its own systems