"I Abandoned Antifa For The Identitarian Movement"

In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange talks to one of the leaders of the defend Europe project by the identitarian movement Robert Timm. Who was a former member of Antifa in Germany but changed his political beliefs and became apart of Antifas arch rivals the Identitarian movement.


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>Hopping onto the alt-right money train just like Sargon

You forgot to take your flag down, subversionist.

We should be wary of converts from the left.


I don't give a shit about antifa or identitarians

>scared that people are abandoning his shit ideology

Yes, but sometimes former Commies become the best NatSocs.

I was also a Commie when I was 15, but once I became older and my brain was more developed I changed my political views. Now I am 100% National Socialist who loves Hitler.

>now I'm 17 and know shit and unironically support Hitler cause I wanna fuck Evalion

did Luke's family get KRAUTED?

His ancestry is Polish but he has an Aryan phenotype.


You seem mad that 'alt-right' people can actually afford to pay for their own political movements and propagandists without stooping down to sucking the feet of capitalism and greed incarnate aka. Soros?

Has it ever crossed your mind that those you accuse prostitution of opinions are actually genuinely concerned about the future of Europe?

It certainly is summer in here.

Many of the posters on this board were once liberals who got burned hard. Those converting today could just be the rats abandoning a sinking ship.

> replying = offended
> /b tier logic
> Invokes the boogeyman known as Soros
>Forgets alties are funded by Koch Bros, Israel and Russia
> 17 yrs old summerfag confirmed


you fucking retard, theres nothing political about wanting to save your homeland.

That's right!

do the 14 without the 88

>Communism has not been tried before
Making the same mistake again and again and again is truly the sign of the imbecile.

I think you replied to the wrong comment.
If not, your post was irrelevant

>do the 14 without the 88

>Your (((ideology))) falling again and again
>Not relevant
Take a load of this Goy

lol what!? Hes a fucking mix breed kike. He looks like David Duchoveny who is also a mix breed kike.

But pointing out how communism is eternally a failure is always relevant tho

Why the fuck is there a sandnigger on the left?

He used his brain commie

>forgets that the Bolshevik revolution was led by Jews
>forgets that Jews still push communism and other forms of egalitarianism to this day

Because this is not a WP movement

>Now I am 100% National Socialist who loves Hitler
Grow up

>if i post with a natsoc flag it gives me legitimacy

>Identitarian movement in favor of a multiethnic society

Retarded desu


>religion banned by Marxists
>thinks Marxists are Jews

try again, pupper

I did, that is why I support National Socialism.

>traded his principals for shekels

>implying we aren't all converts from the left, before we took the redpill
Come on, fess up, what ideology were you when you were 15 and edgy? I was an Anarchist, I admit it.

What did you stand for when you were a precocious teenager arguing politics on the internet? We all know it was stupid, just fess up how stupid.

>Come on, fess up, what ideology were you when you were 15 and edgy? I was an Anarchist, I admit it.
I was a socialist hippy probably closest to a buddhist.

Found the highschool kid.
>supporting any form of authoritarianism
I pray you aren't American

When getting bullied at school wasn't enough

Happy to see not all are lost forever. I feel most hard leftists are, but maybe some have a heart and can be shown the light.

Sounds like someone I wouldn't want around my movement. These guys are retarded if they let this guy in. This is how you get leaks. He once though it was correct and moral to be antifa, he's still the person who did that on some level.

Purity spiralling is never good, but changing opinions before Trumps election is ambivalence, but suddenly changing sides when King Nigger is out and the pendulum swings this way is LITERALLY jumping a seemingly sinking ship.

Dumb nigger.
>That flag of losers, disgraceful cock worshippers.
Hmm I wager you are a literal Nigger.

>Yes, but sometimes former Commies become the best NatSocs.

That's because the two ideologies are basically the same.

he was born in Poland retard

I was dumb dumb, nigger tier retard. Like most people my school and peasant tier family were Labour voting kike fodder.

Until I was 16 I had literally never heard a conservative opinion. The brain washing is real. I wouldn't call myself a liberal though, I was openly racist all through high school and I was never given the opportunity to be exposed to conservative ideas until I stumbled upon them online when I was 16.

Labelling oneself Liberal is retarded, a willful denial of reality and closet Marxist at worst (most likely the latter).

it's called southern Europe

Shut up kaffir we're actual Africans we were kings while you were indians shut up you dirty ape we ruled the sands and ride that bitch ass you call mother I'll punch you in the cock if you ever dare to insult my family I swear to Al·la you infidel

There's a reason your country is falling apart, Cletus. There is no social cohesion or unity in
America. When Trump won the election half of your country wanted to secede (and they would,
if they could). Whenever brown people cross the border you people put your hands in your pockets
and say "well what can ya do, let people be themselves, we're all americans right?". It's
pathetic. People that grew up in a European place know what it is like to be part of a Volk,
to belong somewhere, with people just like you. All that the white Americans have in common is
that they fly the same flag on the 4th of July.

We have too much personal freedom. Jews thrive off of this. The state should make sure that our identity,
our people, and our culture are preserved. If they do not, all off these will slowly wither and crumble until
there is nothing left, until your country is a degenerate Weimar Republic.

How many synagogues did the Bolsheviks torch again?


Clever divide and conquer there m80.

Even mussolini was a commie before he got FASHionable.

what we call freedom in America is actually slavery

it's slavery to sin.

The only problem with my country is too many niggers and spics

torched synagogues arn't high on my list of concerns, desu

perfect example of
>before 25 we're mostly liberals without knowledge of why
>early 30's you're conservative
>35's+ nationalism ain't that bad

>Implying that commies are not the one being paid by the eternal jew

Yup. Marxist socialists share a lot of common ground with national socialists economically speaking. The big difference is that marxists are interested in destroying traditional social structures while natsocs are interested in strengthening these structures, which is to be admired.

Inb4 child slaves. Stfu go read Hoppe to dispel this fiction.


I was the worst of all... I was conservative that thought we were actually conserving something. Now I like fascism and NatSoc.

yeah, I've grown to dislike the label conservative because the conservatives of today were the liberals of yesterday.

I like the label traditionalist, though I waver between monarchy and fascism. As a Christian I view God as the ultimate source of authority, and therefore hierarchy as necessary. This "small government" talk is stupid.

I agree with this world map, but Greenland should be under the United Sovereign European Nations too, since it belongs to Denmark.

youtube.com/watch?v=kuUgjGo4t48 Is there even an identity left to save?

not in it's present state

it must be torn down and reborn

I feel similar to that. I just look at what the conservative party of Canada has become or perhaps... what it's always been, and I don't see my views represented. Worst of all, here in Canada we don't seem to have an identity Evropa or a generation identity.

We should be wary of subversives and false flaggers like you. Almost everyone here came out of some other philosophy before simply being pro-White.

you've got Soldiers of Odin but they're pretty much just larping retards

i feel for you leaf, I really do. At least here in the states we've got right-wing paramilitaries springing up

Thanks man. I'm going to be going for my gun license soon (I know I should have had it already) but the laws are so retarded here for guns. Five bullets is all you can have in a rifle magazine.

wtf? So you can shoot 5 people but anymore than that isn't ok?

Yeah it's absolutely cucked. I can pay over two grand in Canadian pesos to buy a Kriss vector, but only load five bullets in the magazine. Handguns get 10 bullets in a magazine.

I like your post. I like Spain. Madrid is a beautifull city.

Youre right. The entire styling of the party was chosen to attract leftists, to get a chance to speak to them and get them to listen. Many leftists who oppose capitalism realize the flaws of marxism/communism etc, and are prime targets to be converted into National Socialists. But yes, as members of the SA, these people could potentially pose a threat, so their past allegiances cant be totally ignored. Even Goebbels was a communist, in his early years, I should add. He was one of the best opponents because he thoroughly understood the problems with it, and why National Socialism was the solution to everything, the Jewish question, the economy, racial survival etc. He was enthused and joyful when Hitler came around with his ideas, a mixture of individualism and collectivism.

Read a book, like some of the mandatory Sup Forums reading you TRS scumbag subvert. Go look up David Lane, you obviously dont know who he is.

so you re like nazi-lite?

you're still in your teens aren't you


You realize "14 without the 88" is a metaphor right?

>Yes, but sometimes former Commies become the best NatSocs.

>Come on, fess up, what ideology were you when you were 15 and edgy?
I was full fledged leftist sjw. I wouldn't think of me that way though: I considered myself "normal" and everyone who disagreed with me a dangerous deviant.

Feels bad man.

Now I'm unironically a 14/88er.

Feels good man.

How did you get into the SJW stuff if I may ask, friendo? I started as a useless trad con then went 14/88 so I'm curious.

>allowing spies into your movement
>he guys i was only kidding with the commie stuff besides it never hurt anyone let me join guys i swear i love the white race now