No denier will be able to answer 1 (one) of this questions

>No denier will be able to answer 1 (one) of this questions

Really makes me think...

Other urls found in this thread:

Um sweety no polack will ever reply to this thread so just give up now honey. Its a safe space

Don't expect any arguments OP. At best you'll just get called a kike shill.

You go girl!

Were jews incarcerated? Yes.
Were jews killed during these incarcerations? Yes.
Were 6 million systematically exterminated? Unproven.



>why would Jews inflate the number of holocaust victims

oh I get it the person who wrote this was retarded

this image is how I imagine destiny would debate the 'holocaust'

>yo, dawg, why would they just inflate the numbers huh huh huh

if you would have ever read revisionist books you would have known the answers for these questions.

Like question 7.)

Every inmate was getting his hair cut beause of lice that carried various diseases and of course the hair was disinfected with Zyklon B or HCN acid in order to make it safe to process and not spread deseases.
What is actually very much unlikely that you would gas people, then cut their hair while is dripping wet with HCN that would poison everybody near the body for hours and it would be also very unpractical to do it after you gassed somebody.

youre forgetting that people her see the world through a Jewish prism.

there's almost certainly nothing that anyone here could say to convince anyone, and even if you did they would never admit it.

literally all the questions in this image are like asking 'if Christ wasn't real why does it say in the Bible that Jesus Christ was put up on the cross?'

21 questions for atheists

'in the bible why does it say Jesus Christ is the son of God?'...

>the jews were put into internment camps
>lots of jews died because of harsh conditions and brutality and famine
>the jews were systematically murdered by gas chambers and incineration rooms
>6 gorillion jews

who cares. hitler did nothing wrong

OP why is it that the only camps that were labeled as death camps were the ones liberated by the Soviet Union?

to be fair the first question is valid

they were used to combat partisans. people sometimes miss label them as "death squads" when they actually mean "action group"

wait sorry i meant #2

why is it always some amerilard 4000 km away who is the biggest holocaust denier?
btw your map is missing so many more concentration camps or masscre sites like babi yar


some say they were drugged, some say coercion, some say they were protecting their families. i personally dont believe those excuses because i do believe there were mass killings

not 6 bazinga tho

>missing Jews=my worldview confirmed!
Woah... so this is the power of unfalsifiable claims...

regular German troops were used to fight Partisans, and yes, commit attrocities. Einsatzgruppen were purely deathsquads for Jews, intelligentsia and communists.

kek no one cares about the jews

Jasenovac was an extermination camp


>No denier will be able to answer 1 (one) of this questions
That's because Holocaust denial is retarded. Deniers are the ones that contribute the most towards the Holocaust being discussed and compared non-stop today. It's also odd that there isn't 1 denier that's credible who's standing today with an actual argument. Not 1.

Einsatzgruppen were counter-terrorist units.

they were

>babi yar
not to sure. I'll have to look into it but i'll assume youre right. but alot of the ss were ukranian so it could be score settling, duhno?

>How many gorillions of Jews did the Nazis kill?
The real answer is not enough.

outright denial yes. but no one other than loony american skinhead groups claim that no jews died

>No denier will be able to answer 1 (one) of this questions
This is bait, but just to educate the Newfags, i'll answer 2 (two) of them.

>what was the purpose of the Einsatzgruppen
Fighting Partisans and communists

>How were they different from the Sicherungsdivisionen
One answered to the Wehrmacht, the other to the SS.

2) The Nuremberg trials weren't about the "Holocaust" and people like Eichmann testified very easily provable lies.

See how easy that was, and I'm not even denying the "Holocaust".

"Zum ersten Mal werden nicht andere allein verbluten, sondern zum ersten Mal wird dieses Mal das echt alt-jüdische Gesetz angewendet: Aug um Aug, Zahn um Zahn!"

>For the first time it will not just be others that bleed out, rather for the first time we will apply the truly old jewish law: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

The jews are responsible for a world war that killed 8 million germans, so from what I see they owe us another 2 million jews.


bump your sister, this is jewish bait

there are two sites that have all the answers

goygle them

i like to agrue

suck my clit, christnigger


why did the Jews inflated the numbers since ww2 ended?

You're drunk, Kikepotatonigger, isn't it time to take a nap and sleep some of that booze off for a bit?

Is it illegal to question it anywhere in the world?
It's fake. End of discussion.

thought it was the templar fleg. i'll let her die

>hurrdurrr why didn't the nazis deny the holocaust during all those years after the war?
Well, for one thing holocaust denial is illegal, Dummkopf.

And besides, many of them did deny it.

>>lots of jews died because of harsh conditions and brutality and famine
That's enough to talk about genocide.

Oh look. It's the anti-White portugese holocaust believer that will never ever consider any evidence that proves the holocaust didn't happen.

>1 post by this ID
and he's hit and run as well now.