smoothe criminal



sauce this dude is hot as fuck. I just imagine him making that face as he fills me up in the missionary position


>his face when you give him a prostate blowjob

>in b4 moldylocks

What makes you think this is OK?
What makes you think you're the superior race!?



YoU jUst Got KnoCkEd tHe FuCk oUt THe pUnIshMenT FitS ThE crIme So KeEp YoUr Hand heLd higH And YoU’Ll fiNd ouT whY ThaT tHis RaIsEd FisT aiN’T afRaiD To fLy 77 sInCe tHe 88 HAd To lOok aT mY phOne 'cauSe I couLdN’T BeLievE thE daTe It's 2017 But in a 40’s tRend WitH A rAcIst PreSiDenT thAt's “maKinG EverYtHiNg gReat aGaIn” BuT teLl me wHen thaT tHis waS fuCkiNg oKaY All thE stReeTs AnD tHe sCreEns PopPiNg tRiPle K’S You wAnt the peAce? uh-Uh, nAh ThAt won’t fly hEre 'CAuse if yoU BlinK tHeY'Re PuShIng You baCk 300 yEaRs CAll It wHat yoU waNt But It's An Eye FoR aN eYe I’ll mArK yoU wItH A Down rIghT DowN - riGht uP riGhT THey’Re TryiNg To cEnsoR That thEy’Re the fUcKing oPprEssoR And all you saY iS That iT's wrOnG wHen tHey’Re sWingIng aT SpEnceR? BraNd YourSelf liKe A BulL whEn iT sEes rEd “MakE The liE Big” ThAt'S whAt he Said FucK hiM aNd fUck you tOo, And aPprEciaTe ThAt iF yOu pReaCh hAte, thEn eXpeCt hAte YoU JusT goT knOcKeD tHe FucK oUt THe puNiShmEnt fIts The cRiMe So Keep yoUr hAnd hElD hIgH And you’lL FinD oUt whY THat thiS raIsed fIst ain’t AfrAid To fLy LoweSt oF tHe low, RatS oUt Of TheiR HoleS We nEvEr usEd tO leT TheSe dicKhEads havE AnY coNtRoL SpEeCh iS “fReE” bUt iT ComEs wIth A pRicE ANd if YoU’Re sPeakIng Out somE BullShiT I'Ll gIvE yOu AdVice Hit 'em With a LeFt A lEfT aNd a riGht GOt 'eM DropPinG LikE fLieS With thE StaRs in tHeir eYes So fucK thEm aNd fUcK yOu toO anD aPpRecIate tHat if yOu prEach hatE, tHen ExpeCt HaTe YOu jUst Got KnOckeD tHe fUck OuT THe pUnisHmeNt FiTs thE cRime So keEp yOur Hand helD hIgh anD yOu’Ll fiNd oUt Why ThAt thiS RaisEd fIsT aiN’t AfraId to Fly WhaT maKes yOu thInk ThAt thiS iS oKaY? WhaT maKeS yoU thInk YoU’re tHe SuPeRioR rAcE? WHaT mAkes you tHinK ThAt tHiS iS AlrIgHt? GoOdNiGhT alT-RigHt If yoU prEach hAte, thEn eXpEcT hAte NazI pUnKs fucK oFf


post more spencer's

>ANTIFA needs to make an insufferable larp song to look like tuffguys while accomplishing nothing in the streets
>meanwhile confirmed remover of satanic commies, Varg "23 stabs in self defense" Vikernes proceeds to have six white kids and lead a happy life after deleting commie cancer





seriously. this guy has every shitty marker known. Bleach blond stringy hair. bad teeth. head and face way to squished. shitty teeth. obviously short. He's like the Henry III of hardcore. I grew up on hardcore. Agnostic Front, Youth of Today, Integrity, Blood for Blood, etc. this kid would have been killed by SFU or DMS.
Its sad and fucked up. this is what Earth Crisis's abortion looks like

I cant believe these are actual lyrics.