Anyone else think satan is trying to destroy Iraq the most? Think about it

Anyone else think satan is trying to destroy Iraq the most? Think about it
>A lot of biblical history
>cradle of civilization
>satan knows its a historically holy/important part of the world/bible
>Us invasion, Isis, endless wars etc

We call him America, nowadays



ancient babylonians and assyrians were aryan

Yes, if by Satan you mean Jews

I mean Satan, but yes the jews of course too. They are his pawns


So is everyone just gonna WE WUZing everyone now?

So does that make me white or still a sand nigger?

As usual, fpbp

Were you born in the Babylonian empire?

Why do you want to be white? You should be proud of your country and history

We are more than both of them

You should be proud because we are the first men on earth

Yes Aryans in folklore around the world arrived during the age of Aries. We are entering the age of Aquarius now which is what is meant by "new world order". God is coming and we are the gods.

this, i am iranian but i will always respect iraq

> Us invasion
That's US. Capitalized.

I like to think of it as America finally making official its status as rulers of Babylon and all the nations from sunrise to sunset.

Lol, look at them putting their hand up and saying ''god bless America'' while not realizing they're destroying one of God's dearest countries

We conquered fucking Babylon. We are the new Persian Empire, the new Alexanders, the new Roman Empire, the new British Empire. We are the Empire, and we've come to bring you freedom.

lol ok bud, at the end of the day, I don't need to tell you on how America is the great satan, The bible already does.

Freedom from what? Life?

I'm pretty sure that somewhere deep down we've accepted that. I think it happened around the time that we elected Dick Cheney as emperor.