The patriarchal idea of sexual purity is over. Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past...

The patriarchal idea of sexual purity is over. Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past. When will you guys realize that you are a minority in this world that are pathetically clinging on to days past?

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It's time to get over your insecurities.

>Are you feeling insecure that your girl has been with a lot of guys? That she’s had sex with two guys in one night…had tons of low quality sex – like the guy from San Diego she hooked up with just because he offered to pay for her trip?

>When you find out that your girl had a lot of sex with guys, does it make you feel insecure, upset and mad? This is normal for the majority of men out there. There’s a simple reason why you’re mad, upset, jealous and insecure — you’re not maximizing your potential with women. In fact, scratch “maximizing your potential.” You’re not living anywhere close to it.

>Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past

Hi Mr. Haven,

Please stop using this site as a vehicle to advertise your article.

Thanks and have a good day.

sorry. sluts have always been and always will be trash. and guys know it. good enough to pump and dump, never girlfriend material. certainly not marriage material are you insane.
sorry, slut.

It's true. The few who choose to cling on to the disgusting idea that is somehow matters are ostracized.

oh god, its written by a guy! fucking beta numales LOL thank you for existing to be your female friend's emotional tampon before she comes to my house to fuck and suck, chump
No woman respects this white knighting bullshit, grow up faggot

No, I think it's just western women.

Ostracized by libcucks and sluts

That's a good thing.

It doesn't matter. Genesis answers all this so simply. There's no need for threads

You are a faggot.

>Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past.
Fuckbuddy, sure. Wife, hahahahaha no.

>file size

Yes, men no longer care about women's sexual past. Just like

>women no longer care about their boyfriends' financial situation

Something this retarded could ONLY come from the mind of a liberal

This bitch.

really makes you think

wtf I love low quality marriages, divorce, and depression now

This is a great theory you will be able to discuss in great length will your several cats while you grow old and alone.

If the left agreed with me on anything I'd be disgusted in myself.


>that flag
>when you find out your girlfriend has a penis


>When will you guys realize that you are a minority in this world
The moment that liberals realize that this means they have to start being tolerant and accepting of our viewpoints.

>sluts believing anyone cares what they think.

>Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past
Which is exactly why they're girlfriends and not wives.

>Western world is the majority
Nice joke slit eye retard.

>Promiscuous women are the reality of our society – whether you agree with it or not.

>The good news is that relationships are about the bond and quality intimate time spent together. She may have had a thousand and one penises in all her holes, but as long as she has deep feelings for you, chill out.

Why are you guys still clinging onto your rapidly fading idea? Why does it matter if your girlfriend slept around before she met you? Admit it, you feel insecure to a sexually liberated woman.


Leave the cuck posting to us, Taiwan.

>You must accept roastie sluts and their side order og Gonorrhea.
Yeah, no thanks.


NOW, will women stop giving the slightest fuck about Men's sexual past now too? Or is it a one way street YET AGAIN

lol why do shill journalists not learn from their mistakes?
>guys my opinions are facts
>things that don't match my worldview are over
reminds me gamergate, very triggering.

>falling for the "wait for marriage" meme

>falling for the roastie jew

good goy

marry that used up slut who's sucked 30 dicks before you. she's liberated

what a fucking cuck

>That guy who says he likes to fuck girls who have had sex a lot because they'll "know what they're doing"

Based stealth MGTOWposter

>The patriarchal idea of sexual purity is over. Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past. When will you guys realize that you are a minority in this world that are pathetically clinging on to days past?

There are scientific studies that show that women with more partners can't hold stable relationships because they're unable to pairbond with their mates.

You're a fucking brainlet ideologue, and don't know anything about science.

This woman is to admired
The dumb slut commenting should have her head stoved in


But SCIENCE! shows us again and again that hardline leftist materialism is the only truth


>Your girlfriend is HIV positive and isn't telling you about it
>But that's okay!

Oh okay, for a second there I thought it wasn't okay. Good thing I've been appropriately re-educated.

This is only if you live in America where 98% of the women there are sluts and suck their first dick at like 15


This girl/guy thinks with feelings and ignores science about promiscuity being DIRECTLY irreversibly damaging to the female brain!


HIV positive people (emphasis on positive and emphasis on people) can lead long, happy lives

The matriarchal idea of sexual purity is over. Women no longer care about their boyfriends sexual past. When will you girls realize that you are a minority in this world that are pathetically clinging on to days past? Just because a man goes to Brazil and Greece to fuck cheap whores does NOT make him dirty.


>Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past
That's what I always say to hit that pussy
heh heh heh
Not the smartest ain't ya^

>Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past.
lel. I sure do care.

what age do mexican girls suck their first dick? I can get them through the wall and they can be with a gringo.

That's totally untrue though

You will never get men to stop caring about that

Even if I am the minority I'm still good looking enough that I can afford to care about it.

Nothing more unattractive than knowing woman will meet up with some random guy and fuck him for a paid trip to san diego.


What if you're the guy from San Diego?

>Makes you feel insecure or jealous
Was this article written by a woman? This is not how guys feel on the matter. It makes me distrustful. Such behavior does not simply go away.

"You can't turn a whore into a housewife" -Grandpa

>Not dating 20 year olds as a man in your 30's

That meme doesn't reflect reality, just propaganda.

For women

then you've got a sandy eggo

>pathetically clinging on to days past
It's interesting that we've cultivated a courtier class that believes its own propaganda in the media, and that distinct memes like this one emerge:
>what has been the universal norm for human societies for thousands of years can be completely and permanently reversed by 40 years of propaganda in the West
The mental illness that adopts such views isn't what's interesting so much as the way propaganda mass produces such mental illness. Nature created these norms, and she's not a pushover for cultural marxist ideolgues who think they can simply will reality to be whatever they like. The bottom line is this:
>its not going to take more than a few generations of women being given a free hand and destroying everything they touch before society collectively reverses its mistake and the "norms" rubberbands back to be more conservative than it was 500 years ago
Enjoy your time bitches, you did it to yourselves.


I will just settle for a loyal asian wife. I mean, shouldnt be too hard for western man and it makes white girls mad so its basically to birds with one stone.

>sluts have always been and always will be trash

Says the Mexican

How many years older than you is your mother ? 12? 13?

> woman cheats on boyfriend/husband
> sexual liberation

> boyfriend/husband cheats on women


It does matter. It matters a whole fucking lot. This is why you don't marry a woman who was over 24 when you met. There's still a chance they're decently inexperienced by that point. But you need to check and be certain before you marry her.

It's important that we continue to ostracize sluts and leave them with the bottom of the barrel men to choose from. Nothing makes me happier than seeing that lonesome 34 year old, used-up skank sitting at the corner of the bar scanning the crowd for that potential white knight who's never going to come for her. She'll be there 10 years later, doing the same thing, every night, forever.

Women, you 'play the field' when you're young, then you realize you've let your best chances slip right by you when you overestimated your sexual value. You should have been looking for commitment, dedication, reliability. You shouldn't have jumped on every man who offered a drink and a night at his place. Now you're worthless to literally everyone, and you'll never turn heads again. Wouldn't it have been much smarter to marry and have kids? Well now you can't.

> fucking beta numales
Well, at least he isn't a manlet who has to brag about being manly on the internet.


Did anyone in the article notice how he constantly refers to girls with extensive sexual pasts as nothing more than temporary flings? He never says these people are wife material from what I saw.

exactly, it makes my little white cock cum even harder when I am inside my gf and realize that her cavernous pussy was once filled by a black man's superior dong
anyone else know what I mean?

>Are you feeling insecure that your girl has been with a lot of guys?
Women definitely do, that's why these articles exist: to help suppress female regrets.

Sweden, drop the meme flag

Girlfriends != wives

Some whore that I use to relieve some stress will not be the woman to raise my children.

Easy buddy, this might be too hard for the fucking autist who wrote this article to read.

>What women could have been


You guys need to start slut shaming. Go on all the apps and match with tons of girls. Gotta meme this into reality.
Don't be immature about it, or it won't have credibility, just play up the trad angle and convey disappointment and plant that seed in their heads

>Something this retarded could ONLY come from the mind of a liberal.


Sex before marriage is a sin.


>When you find out that your girl had a lot of sex with guys, does it make you feel insecure, upset and mad?

Nope. It shows me she has commitment issues and poor judgement. That's why I would immediately drop her like a bad habit.

Please tell me more how I think!

Fall in love.
Travel the country and make young promises.
Get left for a cokehead old flame that she can go to concerts with.
No. A slut is a Shut, there will always be something wrong with it.

Go home, white piggu, and stop spreading your degeneracy in Taiwan.

Shouldn't it matter if I don't want a disease.



Get the fuck out of my country you fat English teacher kike


So, just implying, that I wouldn't have a moralic problem with her being a slut, why should it be okay, that she might has a fucking sickness?
People who do onenightstands tend to do that often.

Besides that, no, I won´t take a slut as girlfriend, just because failed existences like all the endthirdy-women without husbands feel lonely.

>Men no longer care about their girlfriend's sexual past
>desperate men don't say anything they need to say to get laid

If you let so many other men fuck you then leave with little effort on their part then why shouldn't I do the same?

This has nothing to do with outdated statistics that are decades old. A woman who has a high partner counts scares you. Admit it, you are INSECURE. That's why you want to go back to the days where women were forced to submit to their husbands, because otherwise you pigs could never handle a woman. If you were REAL MEN something as insignificant as sexual history wouldn't scare you.

>Admit it, you feel insecure to a sexually liberated woman.
Of course, it can't be that women who are whores will probably cheat on you, or have some sort of std.

Fuck off, you retarded fucking niglet.

whats this instagrams name?

>Fact #1:
Your attractive girl has been approached by more men than you can ever imagine: She has been hit on since puberty. The UPS guy was trying to get her into his truck when she was a 14-year-old playing hopscotch Sex, sex sex! Everyone wants to bang her.



15, that's rather generous, puberty for the Starbucks cunt starts around 11-13 of age...

Promiscuity is not and will never be a positive trait for anyone (male or female). I don't want a dumb bitch that has poor impulse control and bad decision making and easily caves in to base desires without thinking of the consequences.