Redpill me on bologna, guys. Is it a legitimate type of meat or just another Jewish trick? Also...

Redpill me on bologna, guys. Is it a legitimate type of meat or just another Jewish trick? Also, why did Italy name a city after it?

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it's called fritz

I think it's hotdog pressed into a different shape and sliced.

Sage. All day

Italian bologna is the shit
American bologna is pretty good but can't compare to the real deal

dude, that's meat for sure


fry it in a pan with onions
put provolone on top
serve on bread with mustard and thick sliced pickles

even shitty meat can be legit bro, its all about the preparation

>Breaking Global Rule #7. All day


I fucking love bologna on some French bread, drenched in mustard with some lettuce (and maybe potato chips) for some crunch

(((M E Y E R)))

u do the math

Yes, bologna is a conspiracy. Good thing you come on Sup Forums so much and were able to figure this out. Bologna, Pepperoni, Priscuitto (but NOT Salami) are all examples of meats for which a secret tax is paid to Jews.

based salami

> Jewish trick
> contains pork

Think, OP, think.

is it, dare i say it /ourguy/?

For fuck sake you really think we named a city after that?? Bologna, the city, has been there for three thousand years or maybe even more LOL!!

That type of meat is named after the city, and I have no idea why, because we don't have a meat called Bologna here in Italy. The closest thing we have to that is Mortadella.

ah so just ground up innards then

It can be tasty...but just don't ever ask how it's

So we call it Mortadella, or could be called Mortadella Bologna if it's the variety made in the city Bologna.

It's good food, why do you care?

Also, how it's made, it's pork meat like Salame or Prosciutto, at least here in Italy. The one made in the US, I have no idea...

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shoulder tenderloin pork meatball swine ribeye tongue alcatra filet mignon sausage biltong kevin flank chuck. Flank shoulder prosciutto capicola pancetta. Biltong leberkas pancetta landjaeger chuck. Beef ribs frankfurter tenderloin shank sausage.

Bresaola drumstick shankle pancetta boudin. Turducken turkey tri-tip, alcatra pork chop ground round chuck doner andouille tail short ribs landjaeger sausage. Drumstick chuck landjaeger, sausage pork bresaola brisket jowl beef short loin shoulder alcatra frankfurter. Hamburger pork belly sausage turkey ham capicola.

Andouille ball tip picanha shoulder corned beef kielbasa ground round chicken ham beef ribs swine ham hock shankle. Chuck biltong ball tip doner, capicola sausage flank andouille leberkas pig. Drumstick meatloaf turkey doner rump strip steak hamburger. Pork chop drumstick alcatra biltong andouille swine pig shoulder filet mignon bresaola tongue frankfurter. Pastrami beef corned beef burgdoggen capicola tail. Leberkas venison tri-tip, pork loin filet mignon sausage fatback shoulder kielbasa tail alcatra pork tongue bresaola.

Doner cow jowl tongue. Corned beef beef tail, shoulder beef ribs ground round pastrami boudin alcatra. Picanha tenderloin jowl ball tip. Prosciutto bresaola pancetta kielbasa.

Pork belly meatloaf jerky short loin, leberkas strip steak flank drumstick. Chuck meatloaf bresaola, short ribs ribeye ham hock t-bone pastrami spare ribs kielbasa. Sirloin beef ribs sausage, beef brisket chuck leberkas landjaeger hamburger. Tri-tip strip steak ribeye, meatloaf venison corned beef beef burgdoggen rump landjaeger pork loin pig. Capicola fatback swine porchetta, pig tri-tip alcatra prosciutto andouille bacon pork belly sirloin short loin frankfurter flank.

Most of it seems to be extra parts of animals that can't be sold made into a semi-solid paste and given a good dose of FDA Standard Bologna Color #4

It's the cheap shit that you put between your cheap shit two slices of tasteless white bread, and if it's the 4th of July you splurge on a slice of American Chease (recycled scrap plastic with FD&C Yellow #5 and artificial flavors).

Bologna is actually hot dog's for giants, to keep back the giants of hollow earth from invading and eating all humans. Humans only get the left-overs, sold to them as "Bologna"

that's sort of how mortadella is made here in Italy. Indeed is the cheapest cold cut we have, because it's made with scraps of pork that cannot be sold.

But again, never heard anyone here calling it bologna, we just call it mortadella. You have a lot of messed up Italian traditions in the US. It's probably because of 2nd generations US citizens with parents born in Italy. They didn't know real Italian traditions so eventually they messed things up.

>Layered Bologna Cake with mayonnaise and mustard icing.

I'd unironically have a slice.

Jumbo is best meat

best pussy you will ever have, virgin

Yeah, pretty much. A decent tight-knit Italian family will show you something closer to the truth, but most people aren't even mutt-Italian in the first place and wouldn't know any better.

Same goes for what I know of Polish food and traditions, which after 100 years will have obviously diverged from modern Poland despite the common roots.

>cut hole through center
>warm it up
>go to town
Not a bad idea, actually.

>The one made in the US, I have no idea...

It's called "Mechanically Separated Meat."

Basically you take all of the bones when you're done butchering a chicken or a pig and throw it in a big industrial grinder.That grind is spun at very high speed. All of the heavier bone and cartilage is thrown to the outside of the mix. The inside of the mix is "edible meat" and marrow.

Add a shit ton of salt and some spices and extrude it into a casing and you've got cheap American hot dogs and bologna.