When you call him a leaf and he gets mad

>when you call him a leaf and he gets mad

Just a reminder that Canada just like Vietnam can defeat you easily, amerifuckfats.

Other urls found in this thread:


Canada didn't exist as a nation before 1867 or something. Before then, it was just part of the UK.

That was British Troops, they departed from a place in Canada.

>File Name
local faggot gets btfo by shitposting

The troops that attacked Washington were from Britain. Canada was busy watching Toronto burn to the ground. Also
I wouldn't trade places with you for all the maple syrup in Ottawa

Hate hearing how Canadians did it, just British operating out of Canada

the canucks are so bad a rebellions that they burned their own parliament building down

The force that burned Washington then had their ass handed to them at Baltimore by the militia. FFS the commander that ordered the burning of the white house was killed at the Battle of Baltimore.

But that's wrong

They were brought over under command of Robert Ross from the Napoleonic Wars following Bonaparte's defeat in 1814

shut up loser

If you kill us, we win


We will humiliate amerifats everywhere, God willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House.

We are in your state
We are in your cities
We are in your streets

This is my last warning.

Keep in mind the White-house of America was actually burned down TWICE lol.

America was a pussy nation before 1861. That's when it learned to fight.

Something like 90% of Canada lives within 100 miles of the US border.

All the US has to do is sweep in from Alaska and you guys are screwed.

I hope you like Mexicans.

the usa beat the most powerful empire at the time to win its independence. no, the french didn't actually do shit

Just a reminder of the fag you willfully elected as your leader.

Pic related.


Britain was at it's weakest after having just fought a war, won and gone bankrupt.

Canada became a pussy nation after WW2 sadly.

uh my president is not that man.

Too hard to accept that I'm a real Algerian?

Sounds like a real bunch of winners.

It was the biggest empire ever okay autist?
They just couldn't into management.

why exactly are you white knighting for leafs?

>be britbong
>can't conquer the mainland
>go and subjugate a bunch of brown subhumans across the globe
muh empire. every empire in yurop that was worth a shit was forged on the continent. the brits could never do it

Okay so by your logic, the USA defeated France in the seven years war. Otherwise known as the French and Indian War.

my islamic brother of leafistan need my help in the virtual jihad against the burger

Point taken, carry on then.

Shhh .. don't worry bby, we will protect you from the Chinese

why does the rest of the world not understand that third world shitholes like vietnam are simply training/proving grounds for our military/research apparatus? lmaokek

Also as futur chinese majority countries we need to unit our cultural ties.

>biggest empire ever okay autist
Who are the Mongols (and then arguably the Soviets)

Ironically the Orientals want to protect the West from mudslimes, liberals and especially crypto-marxist cancer.
They want to defend us from us.

Well at least they didn't fuck up as bad as the UK did when they also burned down their own parliment too.
>irish laborers accientally'd their bosses capital by sticking scrap wood in a coal furnace.

Because nobody would consider getting 58,000 Americans killed a 'training exercise'.

don't forget 100,000 vietnam vets commited suicide nytimes.com/1991/03/07/opinion/l-how-many-suicides-by-vietnam-vets-841091.html

and the 300,000 wounded

try again ameritard

Canada wasn't a country at the time of the white house burning.

What? They both collapsed eventually as well.
Also British Empire was still larger anyway?
What point do you want to make gadsdude?

>In 1791, the area became two British colonies called Upper Canada and Lower Canada collectively named the Canadas; until their union as the British Province of Canada in 1841
Nicely done. They're essentially two Tory colonies.

>We will humiliate amerifats everywhere,
Nice try Abdul, but you're too fucking late

You said "biggest empire ever." By any scale you chose to qualify your phrase (geographic size, population, GDP, economic power) it fails.


But by Geographic size alone it was the Biggest Empire Ever.
Gib proofs otherwise nibba.

That's because british authors doesnt count some siberian areas as mongold even if they were.

anyway quality > quantity, mongols win.

I do believe Mongolian was bigger

Basically a glorified Mongolian province, fractured later anyway, lel okay.

>almost defeated us with massive British aid over 200 years ago

british empire didn't?

>Basically a glorified Roman province, fractured later anyway, lel okay.
But keep the Falklands, there's oil there.

i'm sorry i did not notice everyone trying to learn mongolian, go to Mongolian countries, using Mongolian rail, hospital rule of law systems....

I do love mogolian lamb though

My trips prove me right niggers.
Should've checked for the truth first.

Whats the point of this? Fix your own country before threatening another. And that was the british.

not denying they've declined since their empire fell apart

Not very many people speak Latin anymore, are you going to deny the greatness of the Roman Empire?

Mongolian had an extremly important impact on humanity and their dynasties lasted 5 centuries.

They introduced the pest that killed 1/3 of european population, they created the silk road, bring gunpowder to europe, ended islamic age, killed 90% of iranian population etc. caused an ice age because killed lot 40 millions people etc'

>defeated us
? They just burned the white house. Thats not a defeat.

Well if you want to call it Canada that's fine, though they were a colony of Brittan at the time and the people who burned the white house were British as well.

Most Americans should be fine with this defeat. They were fighting crazy people that sent kids with grenades running at them to demoralize the military and had their troops base right next to The US ones so they'd bomb their own people as The Vietnamese were also getting bombed. They could either stop shooting kids and fighting a war that didn't even make any worldly difference in the long run, or they could keep shooting kids until they killed most of the vietcon, then watch as they leave and immediately the country is taken over by Russian Supported Communist Rebels.

What else would you expect?