(((Who))) could be behind this Sup Forums?!?

(((Who))) could be behind this Sup Forums?!?

>The results, published in the journal Human Reproduction Update, showed a 52.4 percent decline in sperm concentration and a 59.3 percent decline in total sperm count among North American, European, Australian and New Zealand men.

>In contrast, no significant decline was seen in South America, Asia and Africa.



Other urls found in this thread:



>cbc ca/news/health/sperm-count-declining-north-america-europe-australia-1.4220661

Sitting on your balls the entire time, playing vidya

Honestly its probably soda

>the journal Human Reproduction Update

It appears this is your answer

>implying jews have something to do with it

whites are cucks

White genocide confirmed no wonder people are having less kids. Plus (((they))) are encouraging whites to have children in their mid 30's for women.

We have a winrar!

Literally a study made by jews from Israel and the US.

Look what Jews invented


Literally corn that kills sperm. Don't tell me this isn't pure kalergi plan.
Then while were getting infertile flood the continent with hyper fertile shitskins

The imams in With Open Gates were preaching 'theyve lost their fertility '
Even then know what's up

>Live in a mud house
>have almost no food
>have 10 siblings 8 of them die(diseases, starvation)
>Risk of getting caught and enslaved by warlords
>risks of getting a disease
>luckily survive 18 years

>Live in a house
>have everything you need
>have no siblings or 2 of them
>almosts no risks(State and capitalism ensures that you survive)
>Survive 18 years like any other person in your country

i wonder who has more testosterone


Less of us, more of them

Perfect for the Uniion of the Mediterranean

Pic related

It's got it's hq in Barcelona and it's recognised by the un. It has its own universities. It's never in the news despite the fact that it's members often are


We NEED imigration now for sure!!

move aside Goyim, let my superior Jewish cum impregnate your woman

milk products, mystery solved

>Modern technology
>Video games
>Porn industry
>Food industry
>False love
Continue the list.

So thats your endgame

no, that is just our first step, you wait and see....

It's the birth control pills. Hormones from women's urine get into drinking water and inhibit sperm production.

bottled water propaganda

You do realize the average male body makes 20 million-300 million sperm per ejaculation right? Half of that is still an obscenely large number. It only takes 1 sperm cell for fertilization so why do we even need millions upon millions to reproduce? We could probably have our sperm count reduced to a couple hundred and still be fine

It's a way for the european elites to colonize africa again but because they don't want us there the plebs convert to islam so we become one single country that can be exploited without any anticolonial uprising

We make that many because it's the most successful way.

godspeed norbot!


People have fertility issues right now... They'd be fucked if they had to shoot off with only only a portion of the amount lol

It is true, birth control pills even change the gender of fish and frogs, near water treatment plants, but plastic bottled water is fucked up as well, because plastic bottles contaminate water with estrogen-mimicking chemicals. What this means basically, we should ban womens access to brith control (have to kill nonwhites in regular ways), and use glass bottles for our beverages (even if the costs are increased).

>and frogs

I fucked a girl that looks just like her.

>What this means basically, we should ban womens access to brith control

Probably why this story is not all over the place right now as it should. Politicians and everyone should be talking about this.


Wrong it doesn't take just one sperm to infiltrate the egg. Educate yourself

Pretty sure David Icke talks about this in his lectures. Takes three generations to go completely infertile from what (((they))) are doing with all the genetically modified foods and other chemicals in food. We're pretty much into the 2nd generation of people going through this as it's been going on in a big way for about 45 years now. Another 25-35 years and we're fucked.

If true, probably it's from those plasticizers they put in damn near everything.

>white people will die in your life time.
how does it feel being in the generation of the biggest happening in history.

bovine growth hormones + chemicals in the water + pesticides + toxic plastics + degenerate society = this stupid shit

Fuck mate i better buy some super male vitallity

>eat shit food
>get no exercise
>at desk for 80% of your waking hours
>sleep deprived
>high stress
>alcohol on the daily
Fix this shit, then worry about fluoride and chem trails and shit.

How does it feel to have 99% of your world population live in trash and poverty?

>Just put me in your front pocket
>Let me radiate there and caress your balls
>Kids are for niggers

Soda is just bubbly water nothing wrong with that

Wide-scale masturbating.Sperm is /pure/ magic.Its purity decays with every ejaculation.