Jews are Neanderthal descendants

Science confirms that Jews (and arabs) are Neanderthal rape babies from when neanderthals invaded the middle east from the caucasus mountains, a known refuge of lingering Neanderthal populations. The "All humans except sub Saharans have 1-4% Neanderthal DNA" that you hear is jewish spin on multiple studies that found that 1-4% of the worlds population have Neanderthal DNA, and they are concentrated in the middle east. Some peoples around the middle east have between 50-70% Neanderthal genes. This is very significant and explains jews behaviour. They are characterised as being twice as aggressive as Cro Magnons (see the middle east for the past 3500 years) having an extreme in group preference which also prohibits outside marriage, having sloping foreheads which causes the nose to protrude, and short stockier bodies. World events today are the climax of this war between Cro Magnons and Neanderthals that we thought we won millennia ago. This enemy is an ancient non-human evil. No wonder jews act completely inhuman, for they are not.

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That's why they want to kill white people, to avenge the death of their race 100000 years ago. Talk about long grudge.

Everyone except Aficans are Neanderthal descendants. Where did this weird tinfag meme come from?


OP said that's jewish lie.

But in order to beat us they needed to become part human, hence the raping of Cro Magnons.

So how does you stormfag science account for the fact of the myriad of Neanderthal specimens found all over Europe, including in the center of Germany, the spot from which they were named after.

Ancient jews attacking proto-germanic people?

Science, May 6, 2010 vindicatesThe Iceman InheritanceandChosen People from the Caucasus, but beware of that “one to four percent” statistical spin!The May 6, 2010 issue ofScience, Journal of the American Academy of Sciences, has finally confirmed that modern human populations have significant Neanderthal genetic admixture. This study by the Max Planck Institute of Leipzig under the overall leadership of Dr. Svante Paabo but also included some researchers from the Harvard University School of Medicine.

Behind the scenes, it seems that this DNA study’s dramatic reversal of the Paabo-StonekingCellarticle of July 15, 1997 insisting that there wasnoNeanderthal DNA in modern humans was due to the fact that Harvard researchers came up with data that contradicted the 1997 study by Svante Paabo (then at the University of Munich) and Mike Stoneking (then at the University of Pennsylvania).

Personally, I have always suspected that this 1997 study was purposefully concocted or even commissioned to please North American Jews and to further Israeli interests. In the 1997 study, Svante Paabo and Mike Stoneking claimed to have re-created part of the Neanderthal DNA sequence to an “acceptable” extent (2%) and then to have compared it to human DNA (but the complete human genome wasn’t mapped until 2005). In short, Paabo and Stoneking were comparing nothing to nothing. Dr. Alan Templeton, a geneticist at the American University in St. Louis, characterized their 1997 study as “a statistical house of cards.”

every race has neander ancestry but sub saharan negroids

stop spouting retarded nonsense without reading a god damn book you idiots

At that time the acknowledged world expert on Neanderthals was Dr. Erik Trinkaus, formerly of the Anthropology Department at the University of New Mexico. His massive bookThe Neandertalswas published in 1992 (Random House, and in two revised Vintage “University Format” paperback editions 1994-1996). Trinkaus chose to adopt the new German spelling system which hasn’t caught on among Germans.The Neandertalscontained this observation in the concluding pages (March, 1994 Vintage paperback): “Only humans from the Near East and parts of Europe can claim Neandertals per se in theirdirectancestry” (page 416, my emphasis). The 1997 Paabo-Stoneking study published in the July issue ofCellwas highly promoted in North American media, contradicted Trinkaus, prevented Random House from issuing a cheaper mass-market paperback edition ofThe Neandertalsin the Fall of 1997 and immediately enthroned Svante Paabo instead of Erik Trinkaus as the world’s leading expert on Neanderthals in the public mind. Naturally, the 1997 Paabo-StonekingCellarticle also discredited my own booksThe Iceman Inheritance(1978) andChosen People from the Caucasus(1992) because I had concluded exactly what Trinkaus had concluded, only I said it first. This new May 2010 study concedes that from “1 to 4″ percent of modern human DNA is Neanderthal. However, I see and smell a little loophole just large enough for a statistical rat.

The conclusions of this new 2010 study, certainly vetted and possibly written by Paabo, are clearly intended to convey the impression that this “1 to 4 percent” of lingering Neanderthal DNA is more or less evenly distributed throughout the world except for Africa where there is supposedlynoNeanderthal DNA — and I find this hard to believe.

The May 2010 study even found Neanderthal DNA in New Guinea, whichishighly unlikely and I wonder who the carefully chosen modern donor was to get this supposed Neanderthal DNA. I like to joke that it was probably the fictional (I hope) Dr. Jacob Epstein, formerly a New York doctor who now practices in Port Moresby. That’s the worldwide “Paabo spin” on Neanderthal DNA in modern humans and, looked at this way, “1 to 4 percent” doesn’t amount to much. Figures don’t lie but liars figure.

There is, however,anotherway of looking at this “1 to 4 percent” of Neanderthal DNA in modern humans. What if this Neanderthal DNA is concentrated in the Caucasus Middle East, where this 2010 study admits that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons (or “Early Modern Humans”) met and interbred? Surely it is reasonable to suppose that the main concentration of the world’s surviving Neanderthal DNA must be inthisarea,discounting very modern migrations of some people by railway, steamship and aircraft transportation, and that Neanderthal DNA decreases rapidly as distance from the Caucasus centre of interbreeding increases?

There would be virtually no Neanderthal DNA in Atlantic Western Europe, but there would be more in Central Europe and much more in Eastern Europe,and especially in mountainous areas. There would be virtually none northward toward the Baltic Sea and virtually none east of Khazakhstan to Pacific Far East Asia. And we were already told that there is supposedlynoNeanderthal DNA in Africa. But actually thereshouldbe at leastsomeNeanderthal DNA in North Africa because the Arab-Muslims conquered it. Now,thissort of Neanderthal DNA distribution mightaverage outto that insignificant “1 to 4 percent of Neanderthal DNA in the whole world’s population.” See? As Mark Twain put it: first come lies, then damn lies and then statistics.

Now, assumingthissort of concentration of Neanderthal DNA in the Caucasus Middle East, that “1 to 4″ percent of world population suddenly becomesverysignificant indeed. It means thatthe Semitic peoples of the Middle East — Jews, Arabs and others (like Armenians) —must, therefore, be substantially Neanderthal.

Andthissort of concentration of Neanderthal DNA seems to be the case.

On May 10, 2010 a Svante Paabo co-reseacher on the new study, Johannes Krause, said on the Mid-German TV Network that the people of the Middle East, the Semites, were at least from “10 to 20″ percent Neanderthal. The Internet link to this interview on the Mid-German TV Network was deactivated on May 18, 2010.

This ispreciselywhat I argued inThe Iceman Inheritance(1978),Chosen People from the Caucasus(1992) and what Erik Trinkaus at least inferred in hisThe Neandertalsof 1992. However,my own calculations indicate that some Middle East Semitic populations approach 50 percent Neanderthal and in some very specific small areas, 70 percent Neanderthal.Given the usually modest Semitic populations in mountain valleys and arid landscapes of the Caucasus Middle East, this sort of Neanderthal DNA concentration among some groups would not affect that “1 to 4 percent” of the total world population very much.

In my view, there are two major subspecies oftechnical“humanity” presently contending for the domination of our world.

One subspecies and the most influential one in terms of its sheer numbers and geographic extent can simply be called “ordinary humanity”. Before 15th century European maritime expansion and commerce they inhabited Atlantic Western Europe, most of Africa, perhaps “Atlantis” in the past, North and South America and across the Pacific to the Far East, Japan and China. There are several geographic varieties of this subspecies differentiated mostly by skin colour and some other physical traits, but this subspecies as a whole exhibits a clear tendency towardpolytheism, a tolerance of females in society and in divine affairs and arelativelylow level of aggression.All varieties share a reasonable level of intelligence, very definite visual artistic ability,relativelynon-protruding noses and only moderate male hairiness. Because of the differences in physical characteristics of this subspecies, itmaybe possible that it really consists of several subspecies that evolved separately in slightly different ways within their various geographic areas and different environments of origin. Or, itmayhave originally been just one Eastern or Southern African subspecies that migrated into various geographic areas andthenevolved unique characteristics. This latter is the modern view, but it may not be correct.

However, the roughly commonmentalityof this subspecies, much more important than its superficial physical differences, indicates a relatively low degree of sexual dimorphism in its primal anthropological ancestry –except in areas where it has since been greatly affected biologically and culturally by the expansion of the other contending subspecies, as in Central and Western Europe after the Jewish Diaspora of AD 70, the Hun invasion AD 451-453 and Khazar migrations from the Russian-Ukrainian steppes into Central Europe of circa AD 1000 to 1300.


OP is saying the scientific evidence says the opposite of what it says. Just look it up (not on his tinfag websites). For example, part of the controversy in the Soultrean hypothesis is how so many Native Americans have so much neanderthal DNA. OPs theory is literally -tier tinfag brainlet garbage

Read the links faggot
People living in East Asia have inherited about 20 percent more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans. Some say that’s because the Neanderthal lineage was diluted in Europeans because they bred more with Africans, who lack Neanderthal ancestry for the most part. Well, not so, according totwostudiespublished in theAmerican Journal of Human Genetics.The differences were due tomultiple occasions where Neanderthals and early East Asians mixed.

Source:Richard Dawkins Foundation

This makes sense. Mao Tse Tung had quite a sloped

holy fuck you're stupid

>Hurr Durr OP is stupid and should read a book even though he posted links to many of them derp


kill yourself OP I really mean it

Is that you Barbara?