All you need is a driver's license to be able to vote in California.

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Can you give a source that isn't an email address?

.. can't back up OP's specific claim, but illegals can get drivers licenses in CA, and can vote. But only for California offices, not federal ones.

Unless the person taking the ballots lets them vote, either by incompetence or design

When you get a drver's license in CA you are autimatically registered to vote, even if you aren't a citizen

they even put a warning on there "Caution: do not vote if you are not a citizen, it could effect future citizenship"

>now all illegals are registered in a database and all it takes is to cross-reference it to another database that has legal citizens only
>and give the odd ones to ICE

I literally see no fault in this

How can we make this happen...

We would need a based bro from cali who is in the system...


Well there has to be one right wing hero to do this undercover.

Or a hacker good enough to pull this off


Seriously you guys should shill for this here on Sup Forums, there's bound to be exposure to the right eyes, given of the sheer number of visitors since '16

Wait- what's wrong with this? Now at least they're driving with a license which means they can get fined for all the bullshit they pull on our roads

What's the problem Jose? Scared of going back?

Completely unrelated question, but can you vote in Cali with a drivers license?

Bitch they should be deported, the fuck is wrong with you?



I dont think they have any ID laws at all.

I wish, we live in sanctuary cities.

I cant believe some white ass fagget back in the day trhought this would be a good idea for california's future

Oh so illegals are smart enough to get IDs but democrats still think blacks are too stupid and lazy to get IDs.

Sanctuary cities (can't be deported)
Drivers licenses (all you need for voting, staying in hotel, jobs, buying alc, getting a bank account, etc)

Why the fuck would u even want to become a citizen? They can't deport you and with a drivers license you're basically a registed citizen. Say you're an illegal and get pulled over by the police (even not in a sanctuary city) you would already have a license and insurance so they wouldn't even be able to give you up to ICE

what do you hate so much about cheap shoes and good corn tortillas

I live in San Diego and going to the DMV is 2x the nightmare it is in any other state I've lived in because of the amount of fucking non-English speaking Mexicans there. This pisses me off even more.

Um, neither a license or SSN is required to register to vote in California. AB60 licenses won't change anything in that regard.

they are too stupid and lazy

their own fault

> voting in california this past election
> guy in front of me tries to give poll workers his DL so they can read his address
> won't look at it b/c it's illegal

you don't need a DL to vote in california, and if you try to show it they will turn away.