Waco & Occultism: The Seven Seals in Revelation

Relevant Reading / Viewing:

Absolutely do not miss watching this! At the very least, watch the first 20min & you'll see why (skip to 9min if you want): "Waco Survivor David Thibodeau" youtube.com/watch?v=T9U3QsXCdlI

"The Decoded Message of the Seven Seals," by David Koresh digital.library.txstate.edu/handle/10877/1839 (I haven't read this yet)

>April 19 – May 1 is a very important time period to Satanist, Lucifer Followers and the Illuminate. Blood Sacrifice to the Beast Moloch begins a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19th, especially children and women or just plain innocent victims that many just consider collateral damage.

>April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire, the fire god, Baal, or Moloch/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan-Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding a (Fire sacrifice) with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days of the year to Satanist and others, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day throughout history.

May 1, 1776— Illuminati founded in Germany
April 20, 1889— Hitlers birthday
April 19, 1943— (offering) Warsaw Poland "atrocities" (Exactly 50 years prior to Waco)
April 20, 1983— (offering) 2 cars packed with high explosives blew up in Baghdad today killing and injuring a large number of people.
April 20, 1984— (offering) The Good Friday Massacre, an extremely violent ice hockey playoff game, is played in Montreal, Canada.
April 20, 1985— (offering) ATF raid on The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord compound in northern Arkansas.
Apr 19, 1993: (offering) Waco, Texas Burning
April 19, 1995: (offering) Oklahoma City Bombing

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Apparently we are on the 5th Seal and on the 6th Seal, many Christians will become Martyrs.

Revelations shouldn't be taken seriously, most philosophers believe it is regarded the fall of rome.

You realize it's a book about an angel telling a drunk dude a spooky story right?

I'll play alone, first define WHAT a seal is, then define what the key is. I bet you have no fucking clue.

I sure don't. But David Koresh claimed to not only know what they were, but where to find them within the scriptures. And he convinced many "religious scholars" who spent their lives studying scripture.

He frequently challenged them to do the same thing you are asking of me. And when they couldn't, he would show them.

The writing that he was working on was incomplete and ATF killed him, his entire family and all of their children. Then pushed all evidence into the fire.

The seals in revelations refer to magic seals, you have seen them before. The key is usually a set of numbers or letters that "unlock" the seals. It refers to alchemy and witchcraft.

Usually they are used for summoning, as a sort of "gateway" to the astral plane, or spirit realm or whatever.

Am I correct in saying that "Only John could open them" or at least, there was only one guy that could do so?

It seems pretty weird that they are a "set of numbers or letters". Does the numbers or letters refer to scripture or something else? (Or does nobody know)


I'm not sure, but I would think so. There is probably some code in the bible spread across the pages. Good luck cracking the code though, smarter people then us have tried.

Occultism and witch-craft is retarded, you will just turn yourself schizo, but if you want to learn more, you should read up on alchemy and the talmud.

The thing is, the hebrew language was basically numbers, for example god is 144, a flower is 59, and so on, I'm not sure. So you basically have to have a firm grasp on hebrew, alchemy, and the occult to even attempt to decipher it.

Each book in the bible is a number, each word is a number, the whole thing is numbers, so it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Do you think that each religion is only part of the larger story? Koresh studying "Comparative Religion" and his followers stated that he could cross-reference verses in one religion with an entirely different religion.

He studied the Torah / Old Testament in Israel w/Rabbis for example.

David Koresh was a master teacher of "Comparative Religion" and had such a mastery of it, that many people of differing backgrounds came to study from him and even join his community, have his children (or marry off their daughters. All were age >14 [all legal w/parental agreement])
He studied religion all over the world & even went to Israel to study the ancient texts w/Rabbis, the Torah of the Old Testament.

>"Comparative religion is the branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices of the world's religions."

Although he NEVER stated he was "Jesus", he was a highly influential person. Many people believed he was extremely important and it was possible that his offspring were meant to inherit the world.
David Koresh believed that all people should come together and prepare themselves to defend against an evil group that will rise against Mankind and aim to destroy it from within.

His writing, "The Decoded Message of the Seven Seals" was in progress & everyone was anticipating it's completion.
The ATF cut off their power & all utilities, but gave them typewriters to finish the "Seven Seals Manuscript". The next day(April 19), they all of the sudden claimed the Manuscript was a stalling tactic and killed all of them.

>"The Seven Seals" of Revelation refers to "God sitting on a throne with a book that is sealed by 7 seals and no man can open the seals / book until John came along." It seems (by others testimony) that Koresh understood how.

>One of the witnesses to the ATF's crimes stated that the way they used tanks to destroy the walls of the "compound" was exactly how you would create ventilation for a "Pot-bellied stove".

I could see the mass killings of Christians in the middle east being the fifth seal, and potentially whatever happens on the 23rd of September to be the sixth.

I'm still not convinced the 23rd is a happening though. Time will tell!

>23rd of September
I can definitely see the Middle Eastern Christian genocide being a very clear example of this. What is supposed to happen on the 23rd?

Also, I think it's crazy that the gameplan is to "Just sit around and wait for Christians to be martyred" That's horrible.

christianity is basically judaism watered down. Now that you know all the stories are basically numbers, imagine if someone who had no idea about the number thing translated the books. They would turn out similar, but lose all meaning regarding the number thing.

One thing that is spooky, the catholic church symbol is the keys to heaven, so they probably know something regarding the seals.

You need to dig out some old ass books and start reading, hermeticism, occult, alchemy, all that shit. You will make yourself crazy because you will start interpreting everything differently, it's a big mind fuck. This world is made up of geometric shapes and numbers, so there is another clue.

I have read a ton of shit, and the only thing I can do is recognize certain symbols and read hebrew shittily.


>This post shouldn't be taken seriously...

"muh most philosophers"

>lets talk about jewish magic
>you should take it seriously


I'm not even religious desu. But after watching a bunch of info on the Waco Massacre and Koresh's life, I definitely believe that the Elites recognize it as the truth.

And they are Satanists. I truly think that they thought Koresh was either the next coming or was going to bring about the next coming of Christ. So they slaughtered him and all of his offspring. Then the media told everyone they were a violent cult (they weren't at all).

Did the ZOG purposely kill Koresh and his children for the Occult practice of "Burnt Offering"?
Did the ZOG kill them because they legitimately believe that he could open the Seven Seals and his children would inherit the Earth?
Both? A large & more important "offering" that the general public would believe was just a violent cult.

Why would they kill someone who taught "Comparative Religion" and sought to bring all people together to fight the evil group that sought to bring on the Apocalypse?
Did they not want to risk it gaining a foothold in other Religious communities?

Thread 1: Thread 2: >Interesting Notes: The Waco "Compound" was created from the lumber of all of the cottages of his followers. Yes, they tore down their homes and used their materials to build a large home together.

>Major players: Bill & Hillary Clinton: She aimed to push forward a "Crime Bill" that would allow the crimes of Waco to be carried out on ALL citizens.
>Chuck Schumer played a very important role in countering them during the hearings. (DISHONEST SCUMBAG)

Well they certainly like using symbols. Once you read up on it, you will probably go nuts, because most of your country is satanic symbols.


I spent a day or two just watching all of the old Mark Dice clips and thought that a lot of it was pretty messed up.

>Why is the Washington Monument an Egyptian Obelisk, Instead of a Statue of George Washington?

I could take a guess, most christian churches have been controlled by "satanists" for centuries. You need to read up on hermetics.

Let's say the guy wasn't a retard, and he knows what I know, and he started making waves. That is a perfect reason to ghost his ass. If you want a real redpill, read up on this shit.

There is a reason "witches" hung themselves a lot, there is a reason there is tons of pedophilia in the churches. Just keep digging.

The obelisk symoblizes osiris' penis. Phallic symbols make humans work harder and make more babies. I'm serious.

Does anyone have a clue as to when the 6th Seal is supposed be opened? And if any of this is true, then someone is opening the Seals, so who is it? Someone within the Church?

What's rumored to happen on 23rd of September?

September 23rd is just a 4chun maymay, because that grocery store shooter said it, and then it appeared in connection with chester from linkin parks suicide, it just keeps popping up so people think it's spooky.

I'm under the impression the seals are supposed to open on their own, but I honestly have no clue, I know more about egyptian stuff, and witchcraft.

Your best bet is to just read about it. Here is a ton of old spooky books, have fun frying your brain hermetics.org/home.html

>April 19, 1943— (offering) Warsaw Poland "atrocities"
What do you mean

Alright, I'll check it out. Sorry for asking you so many Q's, but I had two good threads on Waco going last weekend and now I can't seem to get a hook after finding a lot more interesting info on the subject.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer them.

During the Waco, Texas Massacre, Bill Clinton was in Washington DC giving a speech to a crowd full of Jews. And he was discussing the Holocaust and the "atrocities in Warsaw Poland" that happened exactly 50 years prior to Waco.

It's fine, I enjoy talking about this shit. Most people on here are retarded and dismiss it as schizo babble. But yea you will gain a whole new understanding of reality. Everything is numbers, it's crazy.

Donate to the website if you can, that guy or girl has hundreds of books up there for free.

The Bible states that the Lamb opens the Seals. So, that would be Jesus Christ.

As for the 23rd. It's mostly a bunch of people linking unrelated events to the celestial alignment or whatever is supposed to happen then.