What do the jews exactly get by destroying the west?

What do the jews exactly get by destroying the west?

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jewish empire

ushers in satanic teaching and morals, with brainless morons following.

Nothing. No more hand outs for security from the Muslim hordes that surround them. They will doom themselves.

white people are destroying the west. 50% (or more) of white people vote destructively, vote liberally, vote degenerate. white people were a mistake.

all jews care about is gold, women to sell and children to fuck

Who has the screencap about the continuous and frequently destructive short-term thinking of jews?

payback for the 6 godzillions killed.

e v e r y t h i n g

Nothing really. If anything Jews are fucking based and smart.

Easily controlled low IQ population

the west

Revenge for the thousands of persecutions and expulsions over the centuries they have plagued us. Remember, they Never Forget™.

I can accept that Jews are driving liberal values via the Media and Entertainment which are having a massively negative effect in the West but I refuse to believe they want to have a world where 99% of the planet is brown/black

This user gets it

this basically , cheap labour

the last enemy destroyed.

Power over half retarded mutts with no common history and goals.

sorry cant concentrate. Who is she?

By destroying the West, Jews can now walk on the street without sticking out and not get a lot of stares.

Before destroying the West, the West was homogenous community, almost all White. And so Jews can't walk on the street without getting attention. That's why they had to dye thair hair blonde and change their names to Western sounding ones to blend in.

But they're tired of dying their hair and they're tired of blending in. Takes a lot of energy. So the Jews had the brilliant idea of normalizing weird shit like LGBT with weird costumes, hairy feminists with nose piercings, all sorts of immigrants with all kinds of skin color and clothing and religion. In that kind of environment, Jews and walk on the streets as Jews and they won't get stares.

Nothing, Jews aren't destroying the west, we are.

gtfo newfag

For what?

i think it's just stupid white people infected with marxism inviting the brown people into our lands because "oh muh poor brown person, sowwy we bombed you, come rape my daughter".
We have many women in powerful positions making it 100x worse.

put yourself in the shoes of a jewish man
>be jew
>get dick circumsized
>go to synagogue
>the rabbi tells you that the gentiles are animals and slaves that have oppressed you for almost 2000 years
>20 years later you are in a university think tank sort of place brainstorming antiwhite propaganda
>racemixing will do the trick
>IQ will go down most likely , diverse european cultures die. A brown coloured ~90IQ man who can be controlled with flashing visuals and Coca Cola (tm)
>be the master race (literally)

They want to bring back the messiah.


Essentially the old Jewish revelations, the conditions that must happen before the end of the world. While Christians sit back and wait, the Jew is trying to actively end the world. Two key requirements are all the lost Jews coming back to the holy land and getting all the Jew in the world to obey the sabbath. Tricky business when there are so many lost bloodlines.

The Jew is crafty, however, and has devised ways to even out-Jew god. The Eruv, for example; if the Jew claims a space as their own they can consider it "never leaving home..." on the sabbath. infogalactic.com/info/Eruv If the Jew owns everything it has not destroyed, then they never have to worry about a Jew ever violating the rules.

Their holy texts also state that goyim slaves must do all of a Jew's work. Strict observance means they can't even operate a light switch without tricking a goy to do it for them. But the Jew out-jewed God again by figuring out "technicalities." kosherswitch.com/live/tech/how

The Jew works on many angles, but all of them are designed in conquering land and destroying that which they cannot control, scorched earth style, to make sure no "lost jews" survive to violate the rules of the ancient scripts, or to set up conditions where the remaining Jews have no choice but to obey, or aren't in violation for reasons. They are self-destructive because they fell that in the end these sacrifices are worth it as they will be rejoined with their god in Jew paradise.

The Jew is basically SELEE deliberately attempting to destroy the world so they can rebuild the world into a paradise of their own choosing, just with more mass-produced children to fuck and fewer giant robots.

Profit and fun.

revenge u idiot


The world

This exactly. I'd add that it's absolute and eternal power form of power.

Hello PR friend! I remember the last time you did this thread. One of the few good ones on here.

Things haven't changed. The jews get nothing for destroying the west.


forgot to add this youtube.com/watch?v=niicDbbSky0

If Jews are obsessed with money then why do they want to employ a liberal economic system?

Damn how come all you fags using that flag suck so much dick?

Jews are a split group just like any other (WASPs for example).

There are Jews who are American conservatives and libertarians fighting for the principles of the Founding and the Enlightenment (Friedman and Shapiro come to mind).

There are Zionist and Orthodox Jews prioritizing Israel's existence over all else.

There are power-hungry Jews like Soros, in it to control the stupid masses and bring about utopia.

There are stupid Jews, like the ones in the media, who can't see two feet in front of their own fucking faces.

The reason malicious Jews are so visible is because media and banking are Jewish industries. Jews help Jews, so networking and nepotism happens. It does mean that leaves get pasted back onto the tree, which is how we get mouthbreathers like Chris Cuomo and your typical SoHo/Village progressive Jew.

Jews are as ideologically diverse as any other group, with the distinguishing characteristics being that they control some very visible industries and are ON AVERAGE more intelligent than other ethnic groups, so knuckle-dragging Neanderthals can claim Jewish conspiracies left and right while failing to acknowledge the masses of Jews who vote the same as they do. It's such a simple, blissful understanding of the world.

I think they just wanna watch the western world burn because we are preventing them from fulfilling prophecy.

I say we take them off the leash. Let them restore Israel. Maybe they will stop trying to destroy the west.

The Jews are descendants of Carthage and they're eternal goal will be to destroy and humiliate all things roman.

They want to turn the West into a multi-ethnic, cultureless society based around principles of free-market capitalism and consumerism.

Jews are at the head of the media and international finance system so they are in every position to benefit from a society driven by a desire to continually consume cheap and meaningless material that can be reproduced and spit out unendingly at high rate.

With their international financial hegemony and control of media and information the Jews can influence and manipulate public opinion and policy in a way that is reflexively defensive of Jewish interests worldwide.

They have the financial power to continue to build up and expand their Zionist plan for greater Israel and have managed to put themselves in a position of control of the coalition of the strongest armies in the world who will fight proxy wars on their behalf which keeps their small ethnic population out of any real danger and able to focus on immediate defense. It's about growing themselves safely in a hostile world.

This is really only achievable by dismantling the West's ability to have a coherent view of its own self-interest as something more than just an economic integer.

>what do the jews exactly get by destroying their only competition?

There is no taking power back eventually. Surveillance state through today's current technology doesn't allow anymore secrets which will inhibit any chance getting the power back.

they are bound to be succesful in a free market due to their ~110 askenazi IQ , they will appeal to gentile minds with ease considering the likes of J.J. ((Ahbram))'s new multiculti Star Wars or ((Spielberg)) , instead a restricted market they wouldnt deal it too well if there were some sort blasphemy laws outlawing multikulti freaks or homosexuality and other cultural marxist trash also known as the Third Reich

They just don't care

They get to kill off the white man who they believe oppressed them when in reality it was the Jews oppressing the white man

This. We are absolutely locked in a similar struggle. WW1 and WW2 were literally the modern equivalent of the Punic Wars.

We do it so the goyim sees what it is like to have your homeland turn against you.

(((THEY))) wanted to destroy it to mold it in their image and under their total control.

The Jews are going to fail, like always. God cursed them and they'll forever fail to achieve anything of merit that benefits this so called Judea Empire.

Dont you have Israel now? cant you just move? umad kike? :-DDD

this is pretty good except for two things:

1) It's not "jews" that are the enemy, it's the GLOBALIST ELITE, which is composed by many different races, including whites, though admitedly jews are overrepresented

2) The globalist elite and all globalist jews are against the state of Israel and the ideia of a "jewish state". That's why George Soros shits on Israel and wants to flood it with muslims and african subhumans. Any nation state of isolated culture, even a jewish one, is unnaceptable.

At least you are open about it. I'll remember this comment when first they come for the Jews.


They're motivated by blind hatred for whites. Since Roman times it was whites who constantly fucked Jewish shit up, but Jews stuck around like masochists.

There is no rational purpose


a sheeple world of double digit iq rootless mongrels

It was always the Jews oppressing people. It was the Jews who owned slaves in Egypt and then fled from those slaves. Does anyone think Africans built and maintained the Egyptian Empire for thousands of years? I don't, it was clearly Jews who built it and ran it. Near the end the slaves revolted and started killing Jews in mass and they fled. Fled away and rewrote history to lay the groundwork for their next victims.

>which is composed by many different races, including whites, though admitedly jews are overrepresented
What you fail to mention is that, within this global elite, Jews want to take every piece of the pie for themselves. They are envious and hateful over the fact that there are non-Jews of equal status to them.

So what do they do? They attempt to destroy, through whatever means possible, the foundations that those European elites stand on. If Jews can eviscerate the white middle class then they can confiscate everything from the elite Europeans who have historically competed with them, via the inevitable Marxist revolution they will fund when those conditions become a reality.

This guy knows what's up

>mfw OP makes the exact same thread using the exact image every month

What's your end game?

Antisemitism for ants?

Globalism itself is an inherently Jewish plan driven by Jewish actors who all generally share the same overall vision for the expansion of Zion and the dismantling of the West as a European enclave.

There can be independent actors on both sides who act for or against the interests of Europe and George Soros can spout rhetoric publicly about how he wants Israel to open its borders but fundamentally none of that changes the fact that "globalism" is a tool of Zionism.

Refusing to address the root of the problem is what has led us here in the first place and I refuse to parse words in order to make kikes like yourself feel more comfortable.

Off my board Schlomo, I can literally smell your Jewishness from here.

Fake quote

It's not a fake quote. It's a real quote but that man isn't actually a Jew. He's a hapa who admired the Jews.

Satan stood by the sea to plan war against the saints (including future humanity). His tool was chosen: God's chosen. You see, it is Satanism's nature to simply invert what is natural. The Jews are lead by the pharisees whom they hated for getting the second temple destroyed, but the pharisees changed their title to rabbis about 150 years after Jesus death literally rewriting the book for their own agenda AKA the Talmud. Once it was completed around 1500 that is when you start to really see the wheels turn. The enlightenment, Rothschilds, and secret societies spread out their tendrils. They don't even care about their own as you've seen them killed, but they care even less for others. Around the turn of the 20th century shit starts getting locked in from their playbook. A hundred years later this all is the results, and 2025 and 2050 are two big years for them. That is also why the occult is so important to the elites, and why so many seemingly different cults and secret services share the same policies and agendas. They are serving one master.

you'll start seeing soon enough.

They aren't because there is no jewish conspiracy


Jews think goys are sheep with a few shepherd, they want to buy or get ridd of the shepherd.

It's a fake quote

>Easily controlled low IQ population

This is the only thing that makes sense. I'm assuming they figure themselves as the engineers and politicians who will run the world, and they'll create some sub-human hybrid race amalgamation, smarter than niggers but dumber than Whites, who are just smart enough to run society, but too stupid to realize they are slaves to the Jews.

Whites are the only ones who can challenge the Jews, and they know this. Niggers are clearly too fucking stupid, and Asians too happily fall in line and obey.

Whites have the dangerous combo of intelligence with a rebellious spirit. Jews don't like that.

Having said that, if looked at purely from a Jewish standpoint, I can't blame them. What they are doing is smart. It's what every race or group of people would ultimately want, but they are the only ones smart enough to pull it off.

It sucks, because I'm team White and I have enough wits to see what's going on, but I also see that not enough Whites are smart enough to stop it, or even notice it's happening.

So I did the next best thing; married a Jewess and had hybrid Aryan/Jew kids.

Kids look almost full Aryan (muh stronk genes) and wifey is German Jew so has mostly Aryan features anyway, and oh my fuck are these kids smart. I was AP and Honors all through school, and these kids run circles around me. Teaching them anything is effortless.

Do yourself a favor, goyim. Join the Jews. With Jews, you win!

world control
sub 90 iq nig nog slaves
soul offers for their devil when they slowly kill us all

>I for one welcome our jewish overlords

>magic fishing line on poles
There were sects of Jews fighting in the streets in NYC a while back over if this shit was legit or not
>kosher light switch
This is some clever shit to lawyer around rules that only exist because they lawyered themselves into a stupid position in the first place

>What do the jews exactly get by destroying the west?

To become the caliph in place of caliph

This just seems like Christians changing the Bible to suit their own needs. It's admirable, in it's own way, what they're trying to do, but in the end, I believe their God will see these attempted loopholes, and punish them anyway. After all, the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. They will be judged appropriately for trying to weasel around their own rules instead of simply acting honestly.

jesus christ, I usually take any of the quotations i see in Sup Forums infographics with a grain of salt, but I actually looked this book up, and it's all there


>he thinks Sup Forums is just memeing antisemitism

I want to stick my dick in that fucking whore slut fuck

I would totally marry a Ashkenazi Jewess, but that aside the powers that shouldn't be plan for a light brown populace who is managed by A.I. Whites are a threat, because they represent authority and they don't want their authority shared. The British royal family is now a mix of negative blood line of the ancients and branch family of the Rothschilds. They are using the MAOI-L curse to lower the spiritual authority of the populace while getting rid of any symbolism of rule by the white skin. The Jews will then claim to be the savior of their own people, because they were butt hurt about Jesus and mislead by Satan. They will create a modern day golem in the form of A.I., but this one will have the power to speak which will be marveled at by the populace. They are also resurrecting something ancient, and expect it to be linked to the negative bloodline.


Sexuality is one of the greatest tools of control. The urge of reproduction guarantees the survival of a population, but the urge isn't understood by most. Taking advantage of that wrests the future of a population into the hands of the ones that can drive sexuality.


Breaking a rival. Asians are next. Oh wait, they already are broken. Refugees will head to Asia next though.

Low IQ competition in the market.

Low IQ workers who will therefore become dependent on them after they take over the upper classes.

Low IQ citizens who are easy to mislead and control.

No risks of future holocausts because disarmed low IQ peasant population

I genuinely don't understand why they would want to bring in Muslims though

Israel is essentially a bunker, and a fail safe. They will push the envelope with the rest of the world, and if the world backlashes they will then go to their fort state which has been empowered by those same very nations. They will use that to rally their populace for the first time in millennia, but not before crippling the world around them first.

They don't even think about it like that. They're an alien race with an alien mindset.




A lack of competition. No one to stand up to them.

Jews have a mission to destroy the seed of amalek and believe that the seed of amalek are anyone with Germanic ancestry.

It's a long story man I wrote a book about it that will be out on a few months

well this is kinda true, it is from the Zohar but amalek aren't just Germans

from my book:

I mentioned the term Ashkenazi earlier in the book and now I want to go into more detail about what exactly Ashkenazi means. In the 8th century many Jews had traveled east to the land of the Khazars between the Caspian and the Black sea just north of Turkey, what would be considered part of southern Russia today. In 740A.D. the king of Khazars converted to Judaism making it the state religion. Over the centuries the people of Khazar apparently convinced themselves they were not converts but the actual descendants of Abraham. During the middle ages the Russians and Huns invaded the Khazarian homelands driving them to migrate west most settling in Eastern Europe, namely Poland and Germany, where they staged the invasion of Russia and the communist revolution from not so long after, under the Talmudic philosophy of the Illuminati copied into the communist manifesto by Marx. It is an established fact that the Ashkenazi were Kabbalistic/Talmudic Jews. The Kabbala preached revolution and instilled the belief that the Jews as superior beings are destined to rule the world. In the Zohar the written text of Kabbalistic lore the arrogance and ambition of these fanatical, supremacist psychopaths, a typical passage reads:

“living soul’ refers to Israel who have holy living souls from above, and ‘cattle and creeping thing and beast of the Earth, to the peoples who are not ‘living soul’” (Zohar, Bereshith 47a)
The Zohar asserts that only by the overthrow of the gentile can Israel regain its position as “God’s shekinah glory on Earth” meaning the physical manifestation of God. The Zohar calls gentiles “amalekite” which is a hostile term. A passage reads
“they caused the destruction of the Temple so when God reveals himself they will be wiped off the Earth, redemption will not be complete until amalek will be exterminated” (Zohar, Bereshith 25b)
I made the comparison in an earlier chapter of these Ashkenazi Jews to Wahhabi terrorists in Islam here you see the exact same kind of teachings and mentality only much more hostile. Whereas the Islamists want to achieve the global Caliphate and will allow the infidel to convert the Jews are trying to literally exterminate us in order to have their God appear in corporeal form. The modern Ashkenazi are aware of their history and ancestry which should show you these are religious zealots since they choose to ignore this inconvenient fact instead choosing to believe the “holy” books about a semitic people’s religion they have hijacked are about them. These are some sick people folks. They are akin to Soviet sleeper spies (which they literally were) living their entire lives among the enemy, which are complete facades in order to destroy us from within. Their entire existence consists of scamming, demoralizing, and the literal pursuit of the genocide of non-jews while they convince themselves these are “holy” endeavors. These people are the greatest threat to humanity that has ever existed

Nothing this is a dumb conspiracy theory created by muslims and trailer park broke ass white people

An user told me a theory once. They want to try and force the west and east to switch economy. They want a +4 billion consumer population (The Asia continent) with a 2 billion production population (North America + Europe) that way they can sell to +4 billion people while only hiring 2 billion people.

>why do people grief my minecraft server and all the stuff i took really long to build?


What, as opposed to the higher percentages of foreign hordes who do the same thing?

We have become half mistakes through complacency and naiivety, still better than the others.

a parasite doesnt destroy its host user, if it wants to live on...

Deus vult

A docile consumer class with no morals, no principals, and no hope.