How could an army consisting of red pilled southern alpha male chads lose to a bunch of nigger-loving beta northern...

How could an army consisting of red pilled southern alpha male chads lose to a bunch of nigger-loving beta northern cucks?

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The american civil war was only about niggers in the sense that the north got tired of the south treating their niggers so badly the niggers were flooding into the north.

About a 10-1 advantage for the north. That the south held in so long was testimony to their strength.

The North outnumbered the South 27-1, had an stream of immigrant draftees, and had many times the South's manufacturing and railroad capacity. What's impressive is that the South nearly blew them the fuck out despite their disadvantage.

Manpower and technological superiority.

There was much more to it than that. It also was a clear overstep of the 10th amendment.

holy shit thats amazing

The North had more urban population centers and received constant immigration, a decent portion of the Union's soldiers were potato niggers fresh off the boat.

Because the Union took every German & Irish immigrant off boats in NYC, and put them on a train headed South to the War. They gave them $25 if they agreed to fight, and $25 more when they showed up at the station. Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants were recruited right off the boat.

NEVER FORGET the biggest riot in US history, was New Yorkers rioting to keep from having to go fight the Confederacy.

The biggest mismatch was industrial capacity. We had essentially no factories for armaments and materiel. The Britfags could have easily BTFO the Union blockade and gotten themselves a major ally and a geopolitical victory by weakening the Yankees, but instead they decided we should both be little brother to Uncle Sam for 150 years and counting. Then they gave the rest of the empire away to Roosevelt 80 years later.


>the Republican Party was birthed on freeing the slaves from democrats
>there is no democrat on Mount Rushmore

How can the left even compete?

Lincoln was a Liberal.

nah bruh.. it was more like 4 to 1.. but yea.. they put up a good fight.. problem is the only resource the south had was cotton. and they needed the niggers to pick it.

>Failed state

tbqh the south was cucked. they had a population of 9 million and about half were niggers.
>tfw almost any poor white person in the south has some nigger in them

"When the people of the South settled on the shores of Maryland, Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia, they had no intention of encouraging or even tolerating the institution of slavery. The thrifty New England seamen, solely with the view of profit, urged slavery upon all the Colonies". - Major General Joseph Wheeler

Hard for even the best armies to prevail when they're outnumbered 4-1, suffer from inferior infrastructure, and have decentralized leadership who fight amongst each other.

Better guns, more troops, bigger population to pull from, and managed to keep the British from entering the war on the side of the south, by going against slavery.

I see more fat southern fucks, than northern fat cucky fucks.


Trusting the Eternal Northerner was a mistake

Holy fuck are you Dixie faggots grasping at straws. The north FORCED nigger slaves on you in the first place? The south didn't want it at all?

The first niggers in Virginia arrived in 1619; the pilgrims landed in 1620. I'm seriously getting sick of your mental gymnastics here

>outnumbered 4-1, suffer from inferior infrastructure, and have decentralized leadership who fight amongst each other.
>the best armies
If it falls victim to those flaws it's clearly not the among the best armies

Three hundred thousand Yankees lay stiff in Southern dust
We got three hundred thousand before they conquered us
They died of Southern fever, Southern steel and shot
I wish they were three million instead of what we got

Let's not forget the foreign support that the Union might have received through it's extant trade deals. The South tried it's hand at diplomatic relations with the British, but was turned down due to the economic changes that the Empire was then undergoing (In this case, the Confederacy would trade it's vast shares of cotton, but the richness of India's plantations made this a moot point).

Oh, and the Confederacy was a fledgling nation. It's a hard enough sale trying to get other nations to trade with you on that alone... Nevermind that you're effectively going against 'the real Americans.'

>wanting to kill more white Americans
>some shitty LimeWire song

You dumb niggerlover

That was a poem written by an actual Confederate, shit head.

I don't give a shit about a haiku from a race traitor loser Tyrone

The Russian fleet cockblocked the UK, who didn't want a war with Russia.

The South does, obviously.

That makes no sense, why would the Jewish slaveship owners bring nigs over if no one was there to buy them?

The pilgrims didn't settle in Virginia dumbass

Keep writing your fanfiction. You got btfo with only a fraction of the Industrial output and manpower of the North

if it weren't for dem pesky northerners i'da murried ma cousin

>mfw we should've killed at least six million

It's amazing to me that so many people fought in the Civil war. Guess it shows the power of military propaganda.

If I were some farmer back then and people were like, "Come fight in fields with muskets!" I'd be all, "Ummm fuck you guys. I just want to grow corn and be left alone."

Let's be honest here, both of them was (BY TODAYS STANDARDS) redpilled.
Lincoln wanted to free the slaves in america and ship them back to Africa, back to their homes. But that shit never happened because the typical presidential shooter pops up and shoots him in the head.

A lot of people in the Border States were like that at the start. Then the Union Army started raiding/burning their cornfields.

pic related, Yankees beheaded two of his sons so he shot 100 of them.

This user gets it
idk about much 27-1 TOP KEK



You mixed that up the Northerners were the smart alpha males who were used to hard living surviving the North's winters. The southerners were all mostly retarded mongoloids and only had an early advantage due to the weapons used. The North reached parity and superiority very quickly and absolutely fucking destroyed retarded hick asses

We didn't have no shoes, no food, no clothes. We lost because the north had better infrastructure because they, ironically, did not have slave labor, forcing them to innovate in order to remain profitable in the market.