How do we oldfags purge ourselves of 2nd and 3rd wave """"""libertarians""""""

How do we oldfags purge ourselves of 2nd and 3rd wave """"""libertarians""""""

Second wave is just trying to spread the idea by removing alienating ideas. Third wave doesn't exist, they're just conservatives.

Ancaps are cringey as shit.

They're really not if you study a bit, but yeah I'm apologising for the second waves.

Well you didn't evolve like a lot of the other oldfags so you need to die off. sorry it just has to happen.

>hasn't evolved into a Traditionalist

The whole movement has been taken over by leftists and identity politicians. Idk where the fuck you're getting that third picture from.

Modern libertarian orgs. are all about the femenist interpretations of the NAP and queerifying private property.

You fucking shill.

All lolbertarians are shit, your world just ends up a Jew controlled pedophile den

You need a strong, authoritarian right wing government

>authoritarianism is the cancer that's destroying the West
>Trumptard: we need more authoritarianism

Why do you hate the West so much?

Sorry but libertarianism is basically Anglo-American phenomenon mixed in with some rogue Jews who hated their pinko families. Nationalist libertarians realize that other cultures will always vote to increase the size of government and want to keep them out. If we want to protect a semblance of liberty we have to prevent third worlders from coming here and voting themselves other peoples resources, hence the new, more statist flavors of the ideology.

So we should vote in larger government to preempt the tendency of "other cultures" voting for larger government? How the fuck does that makes sense?

No, just enforce the borders, end the welfare state and birth-right citizenship. Allowing Latin Americans and East Asians into the country en masse will be a complete disaster for liberty.

3rd wave should be the libertarians that support UBI and no borders

>being this much of a cum guzzling sodomite
You need to go back


AnCapism is litteraly a paradox based on linguistic pedantics, like claiming gender isn't sex.

You can not have a stateless society. Regardless of how informal the sovereign is, it is still the sovereign.

AnCap is just rebranded feudalism parading itself as classical liberalism.

People are trying to infiltrate the group the same way they did to the traditional left/right & various misc. groups.

We need to focus on build a young persuaded support base, keeping the ideas in the minds of the public while dilligently implementing alternatives to the state that render it obsolete.

We won't ever vote in freedom but we'll let the state fade away like a bad memory or at worst crumble to an explosive dust we can clean up.

Focus on the culture, don't give the subversive grubs much attention but always be proud of your ideas and don't sugar coat freedom so they can twist it for their ends. These MAGA Liberts have forgotten the faces of their fathers & forgotten the fundamentals truths brought to use from the rise of classical liberalism & the advent of American Libertarianism.

Why do you want the Jews to run your country so much?

Also new daily reminder to all Trump cuck "Libertarians".

There is no god and its name is the invisible hand!

> feudalism
> linguistic pedantics
> pointing out apples to oranges comparisons with real world examples is linguistics pedantics & closet feudalism
> can't have a stateless society because someone has to do what a state currently does which can't be done any way differently than states handle it

Mate. You're being silly.

>There is no god and its name is the invisible hand!
the hands not invisible if you follow the money, its grabbing

> Think of Samuel from the Hebrew Scriptures. People came to him wanting a king. He warned that a king would take their property, put their children in servitude, start terrible wars, and eventually enslave everyone. No matter: They wanted a king anyway.

> Such is the way people are. They sometimes ask for their own enslavement. That’s why the State keeps being reinvented. All credit goes to those who at least understand that it must be limited if it is to exist. But such limits have never really worked. That’s why it’s better just to let society flourish without one.

> The great project of liberty is to enlighten people against going for the illusion that any State can be a friend and benefactor of human life. This is what the liberal revolution of the late Middle Ages through the Enlightenment was all about. We need to understand the beauty of freedom if we are to achieve it.

Anything less than total human freedom is being a cuck for elitist masters that have wanted you dead since their great grandfathers. They won't ever do what you want them to do which is why you need to take control over your own life.

If whites can't compete in their own countries against the Jews without big daddy government to help them, we need to reevaluate who truly is the master race.

>>authoritarianism is the cancer that's destroying the West
No its not
pluralism is

If jews cannot stay ungassed without big daddy government to help them, we need to reevaluate who truly is the master race.


Being completely consistent in your actions makes you incredibly easy to subvert and destroy. For a group to assure its survival, it must be willing to do anything at its disposal.
artificial self-limitations will only be exploited by the enemy.

>observing nature
>with creatures that actively strive to artificialize their environments from the time they develop personalities