In 2015, Bill Maher said the modern left is yesterday's center, and the modern center is yesterday right

In 2015, Bill Maher said the modern left is yesterday's center, and the modern center is yesterday right.

Was he right?

200 years ago niggers weren't considered people
100 years ago women couldn't vote
75 years ago niggers couldn't drink in the same water fountain as whites
50 years ago it was a crime for fags to fuck each other
20 years ago you still had states where fags couldn't fuck each other
5 years ago you had states where fags couldn't marry
2 years ago, it was a universally recognized fact that there was 2 genders
So, is Maher right?

No, throughout American history, things have only getting more big government and progressive. In certain ways Trump has spit in their face, but in other, more important ways, he's failed.
The only way America has gotten less progressive is if you buy into the leftist socialist progressives are the peaceful ones lie, which is not true, historically or philosophically. They're all for nation building and using force to spread their socialist utopia, as well as supporting police states here, except when they attack blacks. They're only problem with wars seem to be when they're against commies or are lead by a republican leader. Obviously there are exceptions to this.
Maher himself doesn't have a problem with the civil war or WWII, and he didn't make too much noise about military intervention during Obama's tenure. He also supported Hillary over Trump, when everyone knew who the more hawkish one was.
So all in all, no, things have only gotten more leftist, including the Republican Party. There's been some fluctuation overall we're on an increasingly progressive trend.
Leftists, though, ever the persecution seekers, excel at mental gymnastics that support their fantasy based underdog positions.

Nope. The culturally conservative, small government nation is dead and buried. I hear leftists say this kind of shit all the time, though. When in reality the modern right is yesterday's left and the modern left is drooling retard anti-white nanny state authoritarian.

I think it's time we hit reset.

Obviously false. This doesn't need its own thread. What are you sliding?

>there is now an 80% income tax level
>medical community recognizes 31 genders
>guns are banned in every state but Texas and Montana
>hate speech laws are enforced in 37 states
>federal government usurps increasing amounts of power, there is a bureaucratic agency to manage almost every area of your life
>whites are 35% of population
>those who try to form white communities get bombed by Feds, no one bats an eye
>affirmative action still in place
>North American superstate is being negotiated
>whiny progressive cunts will still be heard saying how things are only getting more right wing and how they need to fight this conservative tyranny more than ever

Did Bill just trigger you so you retreated to your safe space and set up a provocative thread where everyone would obviously shit on him and make you feel better?

It's likely Bill doesn't even believe it. This is a propaganda technique to motivate his audience to fight more aggressively and speed up the process of getting his progressive utopia.

Maher is an idiot.

What happens is that America has reached peak neoliberalist ideology between Clinton / Bush / Obama.

Social liberalism has been pushed to the degree that the liberals are in arms because they are not allowed to mutilate themselves on the taxpayer dime.

At the same time, corporatism has been pursued so hard that much of America's infrastructure is starting to break down. Obamacare is nothing but just vacuuming insane amounts of money and handing it to a lazy corporation after all. As is most of America's increasingly privatized, lowest-bidder social services.

>speed up the process
He is getting up there in years, so I suppose he has all the reason to try to move this along. I believe he eats a vegan diet though, so maybe he will live long enough to see his progressive "paradise" (which would be the ultimate curse, actually. He was better off getting hit by a bus while that chimp nigger was still in the chair. That would have been the sweet spot).

Maybe it's because capitalism has run amok to the point of causing a recession??? And we needed a strong progressive like FDR, but instead got centrist Obama???

Exactly, there needs to be a clear separation between economy and state
>privatized social services
Really the government shouldn't be providing social services and making contracts with private companies. People should seek social services on their own and let the market sort things out.

That was deep bruh.

No. These clowns only judge the climate from a few political trends, most of them trivial or imaginary.
Ex, the tax rate for corporations has gone down!
Meanwhile, besides having secured the acceptance of nearly every social cause and turned our universities into indictrination camps, they've imported tens of millions of foreigners against the will of even the leftmost leaning states.


Well compared to Europe or Canada maybe. But as far as comparing America today to America 100 years ago, obviously things have gotten far more left.

>In certain ways Trump has spit in their face, but in other, more important ways, he's failed.

He wants to speed it up? Well then, perfect solution - let's start a major secession movement. West coast can secede, Northeast can secede, confederates can secede and Texas can secede from confederacy. And individual leftist cities can secede. This way they don't have to be held back by us Neanderthal right wingers, and can have their glorious utopia of single-payer healthcare and socialism. We'll have more ideologically pure regions and then we will be able to clearly see which system of government works best.

Leftist amnesia. They constantly forget how things used to be in America and just compare America to europe, so they think things have gotten more conservative in this country, when historically it's actually the opposite.

We're shifting left literally every year now

We live in a time when the supreme court can rule that gay marriage is legal because feefees
>but we've just gone so far right

I used to be centre left and am now just centre due to far left so no.


The left doesn't think a candidate moving toward more progressive societies in and of itself means the candidate is progressive. There's a sense of entitlement so strong on the left that a constant move in that direction is just a given. In order to qualify as progressive, you have to be going at a certain rate.
So a guy who may raise taxes and enact harsher guns laws may still be considered conservative by them even though he's clearly doing progressive things, because he's not doing what they (arbitrarily) determine to be quick enough.
They're brats, basically.

There are still states today that have laws that prohibit heterosexual married couples from performing oral and anal sex.


Why should I give a shit about what this stoner says?

Wow! A few unenforced meme laws! I guess this means we haven't imported 100 million foreigners over the past half century

>he takes what Bill Maher says seriously
Maher is the worst kind of kike. He knows his job is propaganda and his target is white liberal saps, and plays along to push the kike-friendly agenda.

What fucking topsy turvy world was he living in then? It's been exactly the opposite.

Couldn't put it in better words myself

Nice timeline of the Jewish attacks on American families.

I'm sure black families are way better off, right?

On social issues, yes he's right. Everything has been gradually shifting left for decades. The Democratic president in the 90s said no gay marriage, and Don't Ask/Don't Tell was actually considered progressive at the time, compared to no gays in the military period. Hell, even 2008 Obama was against gay marriage.

This is why we have to fight so-called social "progress" at every turn. If today we say we'll pay for all trannies to mutilate themselves then we'll never undo it. If today we say we'll cripple the middle class with unsustainably high taxes in order to fund single payer or college education for all we'll never undo it.

The modern Left isn't really left. It's a Post modern abomination. I have no idea where the center is anymore.

What irks me about Maher is that he is constantly pushing lies about people being racist or sexist or heartless with no evidence simply because they somehow triggered his leftist conditioning, yet acts like what he is saying is edgy and against the status quo. In reality he is doing and picking on the groups that it has been safe to pick on for decades. But then some ultra retarded Tumblrina calls him a racist and he takes that as validation that he's edgy.

Perhaps the OP worded it poorly, but I know the quote he is paraphrasing and what Maher was saying is that things have only been getting MORE right wing. How he sees it is that was considered right wing back then is considered moderate today, and what was considered moderate back then is considered leftist today. And what was considered leftist back then is considered fringe today.
Obviously this is all bollocks, and the opposite is actually the truth.

Right wing SJWs at their finest!

M8, it was government regulation that caused the recession, and yet fags who don't understand this call for more regulation.
>What we're doing isn't enough
No, what we're doing is too much.

It's weird that socially speaking we're moving further left to outright PC authortarianism however the economy is gradually declining while income and wealth inequality surge to the highest rates in the nation's history while there is little prosperity for Millenials or Gen Z

In other words weak men are gonna cause hard times

Right the economy is declining as the government gets more and more involved. Soon we'll hit pure socialism and the economy will nosedive.

Fuck off lolbertarians. If a government does not step in then corporations, cartels, and monopolies walk all over a nation. Corporations want nonwhites in this country just as much as jews do.

Corporation means a collision of government and business in some way.
But whether through corporations, protectionism or parasitic welfare, the market declines. In communist systems, where there's COMPLETE government control, record lows of quality Production occur , so there's less stuff than ever but also more wealth divide than ever. The best thing to do is to remove goveremt altogether.

But with that pic you just proved he was wrong. Yesterday's far left is modern right or far right

Wrong. Corporation means a business that is it's own legal entity. Again, (((unrestricted capitalism))) leads to monopolies, hoarding of resources, and fucking over nations in the name of a few extra dollars. There is a middle ground between pure free-market and pure command economy.

Monopolies are more likely to occur when lobbyists can use government regulations to kill competition and to receive subsidies, all in return for donating to campaigns.
When people have no government safety net, they're likely to work harder, and when they fail, their community, whose sense of localized charity and self reliance is no longer atrophied from government dependence, will voluntarily give them all the help they need to- and no more.
Efficiency increases, shitry ideas and ways of doing things are allowed to die.
More people are worse off even in moderate welfare societies than capitalist ones where any slight welfare is voluntary.

You have faith that businesses will do good if they are left to their own free will. They won't. The goal of capitalism is to get as rich as possible, no matter the cost. What happens when pajeet coders will do a job an American does at 1/3 of the cost? Simple, you fire the Americans and give them severance on the condition they train their Indian replacements. Same thing with factory workers (shipped to Mexico), and companies paying their workers "under the table" no questions asked. Companies will not have a sense of duty unless they are only allowed to act so.
Don't take this as being anti free market. I believe it is the only positive method of allocation at the time.However, if unrestricted, exploitation can and will occur.

>using Raylan for your cucked post
makes sense actually. raylan was a bit of a cuck, although unusually masculine for one.



The modern moderate is the communist of 60 years ago

So you're saying that we are progressing?

Maher will be the first to go on the day of the rope.

I'll never understand how he is seen as some wise intellectual. He just makes these slightly eloquent sounding strawmen monologues, and then makes a smug face, but there's no profound insight or line of reasoning ever coming out of this guy's mouth. There are leftists who spew horseshit in really intelligent ways, but Maher is not one of them. He is stuck in eternal adolescent angst, thinking he's smarter than everybody else but never demonstrating a damn thing that actually proves it.

>Implying he isn't just one in the dozens of heavily biased talk show host "comedians" for liberals to jerk off to.

>You have faith that businesses will do good if they are left to their own free will.
And you have faith that government will do good when they usurp power to intervene in the market. Historically, this is false. Even well-intentioned, moderate regulations have a way of mutating and spiraling out of control.
> What happens when pajeet coders will do a job an American does at 1/3 of the cost Simple, you fire the Americans and give them severance on the condition they train their Indian replacements.
And then American coders can regroup, grind 16 hours a day coding, improve their coding, solicit investors, start their own company and make a better product/service that outsells the pajeet one. eventually they will increase efficiency, allowing them to deliver this superior service/product at a cheaper price than the inferior one. they can produce far more and still make tons of money as result. society as a whole benefits because of the technological advancement at cheaper prices. the overall amount of goods increases, and the worldwide wealth increases. competition is a healthy thing.

Government at least used to be good. I never said the current US government is benevolent.
>Coders can regroup and kick the corporations ass
Yes, and while they are trying to enter the market, AAGM will sic their Jew lawyers on them and sue the little guy back to the stone age.

Yeah, but it's not any sort of profound insight. Society becomes more progressive with each generation. But it's not the same progressive, or political spectrum, you might imagine when discussing current political parties.

Forgot to say, look at what Walmart did to every single mom-and-pop general store around the country. Look at how every single telecommunications company behaves. Look at how the companies with the highest HDIs organize their economies.