Fuck Trump

Military spends $42 million on viagra but Republicans have a problem paying $8.4 million in transgender care


If I can't get into the military because of ADHD then trannies definitely shouldn't

Too high military spending IS bad.

But transgenders should pay for their operations out of their own pocket.

let's stop paying for viagra too then

So you agree we should stop paying for sex change operations AND Viagra?

Then we are in agreement! Great chat lad, good talk.

>0.01% of the population should receive 8.4 million dollars for being mentally ill
I don't mind those men getting boner pills if they need them. But the government should get a better deal for them.

Lol...... 8.4 million for the 25 active service trannies vs 42 million for every oldfag in the VA system.

exactly, just stop fucking paying, and let people serve. fuck this retard call

boners reduce military readiness - troops should not be encouraged to have degenerate hedonistic sexual thoughts even when off duty

>Military spends 42 million on viagra

So our soldiers are running around shooting at insurgents with raging boners? Killing and fucking everything in sight?

I gotta say, if you're the enemy and you see a guy shooting at you while sporting a massive boner you're gonna freak out a little. That guy is looking literally aroused by killing the fuck out of people. That would have to have an effect on you, right?

Viagra has medical benefits unlike getting your dick chopped off

Holy fuck go Google trans operation dialation and try and imagine doing that on the combat field for a few months.


There's so many things that disqualify you for military service. If you don't even know what gender you are that seems like a pretty good litmus test.

Let's suddenly care about a few hundred LGBT people that want to join the military for some strange reason.

>I don't like sand
>It's rough, it's coarse
>It's irritating
>and it gets in my huge bleeding gash

my sides are in orbit

I don't see the issue here...

I don't want my tax money going to tranny delusions.

I read somewhere that even after transitioning some/most trans people still have high depression, body dysphoria, and even then some regret it afterwards.
They could end up an heroing and bringing their army mates with them.
It's better if they stay on US soil and get the help they need instead of causing more issues with people fighting to allow them to transition.

>$8.4mil/5000 trannies = $1680 per tranny
>$42mil/1.6mil men = $26 per man

But WHY do they pay for viagra?

Fuck, the army really has been turned into welfare, hasn't it? That shit needs to be cleaned out.

Alright. Let's look at the numbers.
There are approximately 1,200,000 soldiers.
2,450 of those are trans, which comes down to 0.2%. Women make up about 14.5%.
So we have:
>85.3% male
>14.5% female
>0.2% trans

Now, keep in mind that about 1 in 4 men suffer from ED of some sort. So about 1/4th of 1,023,600 military men suffer from ED, so about 255,900 men.

Ok, assuming this guy's numbers are correct:
84,000,000 per year comes down to:
84,000,000 / 255,900 = 328 USD.
So 328 USD per year per soldier suffering from ED.

Now let's do the same for trans people:
2,400,000 - 8,400,000 per year comes down to:
2,400,000 / 2,450 = 980 USD
8,400,000 / 2,450 = 3430 USD

So summarized:
It's about 3-10.5 times more expensive to have a trans person enlist compared to a male with an ED.

Props to the Belgian.

I agree, we need to cut viagra gibs.

Well some things are just more important

Because transgenders need hormone therapy, even while in the battlefield, and besides gender dysphoria is a mental illness so they aren’t mentally fit to serve either