So as it turns out 1 in 5 Scandinavian men have fertility issues. Now as we all know since yesterday...

So as it turns out 1 in 5 Scandinavian men have fertility issues. Now as we all know since yesterday, sperm counts are drastically decreasing everywhere, but why is it the worst in Scandinavia?

I always thought Scandinavia was the first place where all these crappy chemicals would be banned.

>I always thought Scandinavia was the first place where all these crappy chemicals would be banned.

Stop blaming chemicals. Men have low sperm counts because they are fat. Scandinavians are the fattest they have ever been. Roughly 1 in ten Scandinavian men is obese. I'm guessing at least as many are overweight, so there's your 1 in 5 right there. Obesity absolutely destroys testosterone levels, at any age.

I has a lot do to with the rise of sedentary lifestyles, why do you think lumberjacks are always hairy and manly? It turns out Chopping trees raises testosterone a lot.

>why is it the worst in Scandinavia?

What is... the chernobyl incident?

Look it up, friend.

There isnt just one cause. The chemicals absolutely further this as well. Xenoestrogens and endocrine disruptors

A Dutch doctor said it was mostly due to BPA, where we are exposed to as young boys and babies, which disrupts the development of testicles.

Btw, a 47m sperm count, is that enough to impregnate a girl?

Yeah, so I'm wondering that as well. Is it because of lifestyle changes or chemicals we are exposed to in the womb?

An argument you could make is that all the sperm samples are just momentary tests, and could easily rise by a change in lifestyle. Obviously rising obesity rates, sedentary lifestyles, and wearing those tight underpants (no IDEA why so many guys like to wear these) will all decrease fertility, but will this really cut your fertility by 59 fucking percent? I don't think so. There has to be more at play here.

Holy cow, never knew that this went to Scandinavia so much. But then again, why do the other European countries like Poland not have such a huge problem with fertility?

Doctors are shit. Public health has gone to absolute shit in the Western world over the past 70 years. We give them more money than ever, and everyone is less healthy. They're only good at making 80-year-olds see their 90th birthday, and nothing else.

I'm telling you right now that 90% of the cause is obesity or excess fat and the sedentary lifestyle that comes with it. You can go ahead and ignore me. Keep eating shit and spending 10 hours a night on your PC on your days off. Buy a 30 dollar water filter from Amazon to make yourself feel better about the 0,0000001 mmol of estrogen in your tap water, while eating 3000 Calories a day and never lifting weights.

I have low test because I am obese. I don't remember the number. I got it tested when I was 23 as part of a different blood test. I'm on keto now, and have lost the urge to overeat for the first time in my life. Down 10 kg so far. I've been obese for 6 years because I listened to doctors' advice on diets. High carbs, fat makes you fat, you can burn that meal off with exercise. It's all total bullshit. I work with doctors, and they all loathe education after graduation. They have 30-year-old information rattling around in their heads.

Anyone who thinks they are going to increase their sperm count with glass bottle, water filter lifestylism is a fucking joke. If you're not at 12% BF or less, you have no right to even begin to care about >muh endocrine disruptors from the ketchup bottle.

I know almost everyone reading this is fat. It's a statistical certainty.

Another fat conspiratard.

>What is... New Zealand?

Far away from anything nuclear. Same problems.

Yeah, really when you think about it, the way the modern man lives is the absolute worst way if you want to have high testosterone and sperm count levels. Everyone is fucking fat nowadays.

this whole sperm count decreasage is bullshit, with all the experiments ive seen they dont even list the circumstances of the people they are testing, if you eat healthy, stay fit and stear clear of radioactive and weird chemicals youll be fine.

kek that image
maybe there is some value to comics after all

So that's what I thought.

they dont even list the circumstances, there are perfectly reasonable assumptions why the same people would lost sperm cells over the course of 40 years. and obesity and no excercise is the most credible.

>and obesity and no excercise is the most credible.
No one on pol wants to believe this, because weight loss is now thought of as impossible, which is why the new PC term is "weight management."

Someone needs their internet privileges taken away.

I think it's good thing actually, because it shows that your testosterone levels and sperm count is something you can control yourself, instead of governments just letting these things happen to you.

Abandon god and god will abandon your sperm. Easier than eating cake yet no one fucking believes it.

> Xenoestrogens aren't real
> being tans is good, good goy
> what are you, a homophobe?

>So as it turns out 1 in 5 Scandinavian men have fertility issues. Now as we all know since yesterday, sperm counts are drastically decreasing everywhere, but why is it the worst in Scandinavia?
Depression and thus alcoholism.

One reason muzzies breed to quickly.

Abstinence (MAYBE occassional psychedelic use if you're into that) is the true redpill.

No drinking. No weed. No cigarettes. Hard physical exercise.

You are legitimately retarded if you dont think we have a high exposure to them