Kraut the lolcow

Other urls found in this thread:

he got her suspended.

this is the smoking gun.

The funny thing is, he is blaming Edgy but he did the same shit with Edgy a while ago because Edgy said he was a race realist. Kraut got everyone to attack him and made a couple vids sperging about the Holohaux.

also here another one of his hypocritical ramblings.

For anons who have no clue what the FUCK is going on, here's a quick rundown.

This is our chance to take down the septics once and for all. Fuck these leftist fucks


edgy is his scapegoat to save face hes putting the blame on him.

Anyone have a mirror? I don't want to give this faggot any (You)s

another bombshell.
this is going to be political dynamite to the septic community.

Oy gevalt, you can't be defending a NAZI, goyim

The 6 gorillion didn't die for this

Can we somehow summon Andrew Anglin to link this video on the daily stormer?

Does anybody know if leftypol wants this guy gone? It could possibly be useful to get them to after this dude.

here the guys hes linking arent even his subscribers the sam with the guys chanel.

you need to dislike it tho

Looks like degenerate version of Woes

this is where in he that tweets he went from saying he did it and apologised to he never tweeted such a thing , he would of got away with the lie had no one saw and saved it

>Does anybody know if leftypol wants this guy gone? It could possibly be useful to get them to after this dude.

he shitted on lefty Sup Forums a while back for using doxxing tactics now since he used them himself they could give him areal run for his money.


i think some of them reported all his shit last night but i dunno if it was a huge thing , lots of his vids got down for a while though


Merkel still imports muslims plus africans while germans continue to have a low birthrate


>White nationalist: how about you promote white identity, vote right wingers in , have white babies and drop civic nationalism as it will result in the same shit you're trying to avoid ?


rinse and repeat...

i have it saved do you have anymore of his tweets?

could add this to the archive.

carmas a bitch isnt it the best part about it is hes not giong to have any moral high ground since he used doxxing tactics himself.

somethimes i love lefty Sup Forums


On Jewtube nowadays, viewership is trounced by length of viewing. Its why you'll never see videos with 2 mil+ views if its just something people instantly click away from.
You could just go on his video, downvote it, and instantly leave, and imho it would basically count as if there was no view to begin with

Here's a mirror tho

he made a vid about muh ebil white nationalism a while back and shitting on white genocide while not disproving or debunking any thing.

im honestly thinking kraut was controled opposition.

oh boy I just checked twitter to check kraut and saw this holy fuck

>hurr durr some e-celeb did something we don't like
>let's all behave like sjws and flag/report his videos and patreon

>those teeth
Jesus Christ he's basically British at this point

Fucking Millennial Woes looks more attractive that him

my nipples are erect
the images i posted with the archives last thread? dunno which ones you would otherwise need


>those teeth

Is it because he's half-Brit, or because of smoking and drinking sugary shit all his life?

>>hurr durr some e-celeb did something we don't like

>eceleb morallfags about the evils of doxxing
>doxxes a natsoc bitch for her beliefs
>gets called out on it.

whos wrong here lad?

plz dont bully brit teeth

>watching this guy bitch about his friends betraying him and watching him try to defend himself

who cares? who honestly gives a fuck about this?

Kraut uses the same tactics over and over again.
First, it's antifa/SJW no-platforming and personal attacks against anyone guilty of wrongthink
The he apologizes for it and pretends to have reformed his ways in order to get people to accept him again
Then he does the same shit all over again in a heartbeat.

This yellow-toothed, vaping fatass is a trojan horse. He's an agent provocateur. He's what happens when you have a marxist antifa faggot somehow worm his way in to subvert from the inside.

I will NOT debate instead I will get a sociology professor to explain how race is a social construct and Jared Diamond was right

lmfao he got raided by lefty Sup Forums

hes digging his grave by doubling down.


There's a much larger context to this. This is a battle between the civic cucks who deny race realism and the alt-righters who tell the truth about race. The civic cucks must LOSE.

> iq is different amon rac-
>blacks DO have more testostyrone
All agree and sing kumbaya

Not an argument

He was raided by Sup Forums yesterday genius were you not around for it? The thread was 'fuck kraut' or something if you want to search for it

if you have ever been in any of his straims hes notoruis for being a self rightuis prick and hotheaded no humor allowed he even made a vid talking and shitting on out memes.

he and other skeptics also realise how the unis are overrun with far leftists. so why would he use a clearly biased source ( according to what he has said) ?

Wew is this serious?

What are the betting odds that his contracted scientists' names end in berg and stein?

yeah but who honestly gives a fuck about this guys personal relationships? if anything if hes being framed for things he did not do make a very short and sweet videos explaining yourself and getting to the point.
if you want publicy i guess you can go down that route but i still dont see why this guy honestly feels the need to bitch about this and upload it.

im so autistic i have it archived

i was on lefty Sup Forums raid i was one of the raiders dum dum.

dind know Sup Forums raided him too.

The only stream I saw of his was the worsky stream where he "debunks" Rage's video by focusing exclusively on the Daily Stormer link, which he he never actually debunked.


Now those are some anglo teeth right here, mate!

his kvetching and sperging makes it worth it also exposing him and the septic community on there bullshit is reward enough.

he avoided africa i saw that stream hes such a disshonest faggot.

So some of you guys mentioned you wanted to really put pressure on him. Well, lets look at the facts: He quit school, got kicked out by his parents, had to clean toilets for years (which he is proud of), now he is a neet living off mildly controversial YouTube videos. He also shacked up with some feminist in Austria, had to leave Germany after he got doxxed.

If we can get his Patreon shut down for Islamophobia (shouldn't be hard) that might push him over the edge. Thoughts? How do we do this?

part deux aswell where some faggot youtubers came into the thread to shit it up

link it for the wee nyarn

disclaimer:I don't follow eceleb drama so I only know the gist of what happened and I have never watched a video of either both parties involved.

That being said, Kraut and Tea seems to be a huge faggot and if only because of how he pronounced "Time" @0:41
>Law is an abstract concept, just like promise, obligation, morality, TIME [...]
is that fag implying that time isn't an abstract concept?
Fuck that retard.

I'm not even sure if he's dishonest or just a fucking retard who tries to make himself seem smart by faking a posh accent.

You have to be seriously stupid to debunk the claim that the golden rule was never developed in Africa by citing how it was developed on every continent except Africa.

This is actually a common leftist tactic. They obfuscate and laugh, basically shaming tactics. And by the end you are dazzled but you realize their critique was superficial at best.

god im bad at Ctrl V

Subvert what exactly? Civic cucks who would accept shariah, if you just put the word "moderate" in front of it? There really is nothing to subvert there.

>doing this to expose the skeptic community
fair enough. carry on then.

oh shit link? I want to see their take

Theyve subverted right thinking by posing their establishment left liberalism as "counter cultural"

Subvert by preventing people who are on the verge of taking the redpill (the civ-nats, people who follow skeptic YT videos, etc) by squashing all wrongthink and preventing any discussion of biological differences between races that would cause people to throw away civic nationalism and become white nationalists.

Skeptics are gatekeepers, and Kraut is like King Gatekeeper of them by actively doing everything he can to suppress anyone who steps "out of line"

>look into these studies with someone with (((credentials)))
Watch and be amazed as the (((professor))) he gets uses circumstantials, or 'yes, BUT...'s to disprove this shit

Ah, the "Yes, but"

we need a final argument

the run up to destroying the epic centrists is to drive wedges between them and the creators they enjoy , perfect in this case as he is both a cuck and fails to stand for what the common skeptic believes in.

. he realy fucked up you see what i meant by saying hes hotheaded?
in his new vd his essentialy gritting his teeth with anger while tring to keep his smug attitude..

a final solution for septics

I don't know. If anyone really falls for people like him and Sargoy, they were never really that bright in the first place. It's like saying "Oh no! He fell for Marx and Feuerbach! NOW he will never be an ethno-nationalist!"

And when it comes to shutting channels down, leftypol does most of that still. Attacks on Tara, Woes, Black Pigeon, Murdoch Murdoch and so on.

Kraut and other anti-SJW e-celebs just bore me to death.

It's like how you can get constitutional (((lawyers))) who are credentialed enough to explain how the 2nd amendment still allows for assault weapons bans or how the first amendment doesn't *really* protect against """hate speech""""

You can always find a kike to use talmudic bullshit. The truth of genetics, intelligence, and race is self-fucking-evident. Even Peterson and fucking (((Sam Harris))) admit that intelligence is a heritable trait and that it'd be a fucking "miracle" (direct quote) if populations separated by different environments and 10s of thousands of years of evolution all magically had the same intelligence. And these skeptics fucking LOVE Peterson/Harris and worship them as deities. But when another youtuber says the exact same shit they do, they all lose their shit.
There are two more but I didn't save them.

>Skeptics are gatekeepers, and Kraut is like King Gatekeeper of them by actively doing everything he can to suppress anyone who steps "out of line"

hes a guard dog you saw what happened to edgy? i genuinly think hes controled opposition.
sargon of mossad and th other morons think for the alt mlite nu Sup Forums while he keeps them in line.

yes was thinking the same thing i know this is a bit alinsky but hold them up to their own standards

the time for arguing long passed. at this point i firmly think we just need to exert our brute force and by any dirty means possible make civic nationalism unpopular.

>Kraut and other anti-SJW e-celebs just bore me to death.
I think they're all terrible too. But you can't just discount 99% of the population and write them all off as beyond hope just because they got coddled and let to a false-nirvana by skeptics before taking the actual redpill.

It's not a question of being smart or stupid. It's a question of never realizing to look into these things if they're never pointed out to you. Many of these people who fall for their shit can still be saved.

>Kraut and other anti-SJW e-celebs just bore me to death.
At the end of the day this is what will kill them. They are as entertaining as watching paint dry, even our non-intellectuals are hilarious. Golden One is extremely memeworthy and honestly even he could defeat the entire septic community mentally.


left Sup Forums is a double edged sword.
its like a raabid dog it can fuck us over but it ca fuck over septics too thats why i like em.

most septics are baby's first redpills.
i used to be one too until i got to /pol and i started getting redpilled.

driving wedges between them and giving their viewers questions that they will come to us to answer. like "what gets kraut so angry to betrey our standards , there must be something more to it so i'll check pol and these altright websites out"

Don't hit 19-year old girls?

He's absolutely controlled opposition, even by skeptic standards. The other skeptics will, at most, simply refuse to talk about topics with unfortunate implications. But Kraut is the one who actively goes around and tries to trigger IRL attacks against those who step out of line. It wouldn't surprise me if this fag is a closet-antifa who snuck in to act as a commissar and shoot any soldiers in the red army who don't march forward, so to speak.

And yes, I saw what happened with Edgy. That was the first indication. He apologizes for his underhanded tactics, and then does them all over again. A complete piece of shit.

>you can't just discount 99% of the population and write them all off as beyond hope
That's where you're wrong kiddo!

In fact I having given up on the entire west altogether. I see NOTHING worthy to preserve anymore. And if you honestly need to TELL all the white people of the west that they have to remain the majority in their countries and it's a bad idea - well, good riddance. Natural selection.

>mfw it's real
>mfw checking comments

i think the time for arguing was never there to begin with but all we need to make it unpopular is to wait and let it fail and it will fail in the next years

The might as well be pragmatic in our actions since the left beta tested the tactics.

we just need to keep punching holes in their ideological wall between civic nationalism, enlightened centrism and the alt right and white nationlism

>if this fag is a closet-antifa
he was part of antifa

>driving wedges between them and giving their viewers questions that they will come to us to answer. like "what gets kraut so angry to betrey our standards , there must be something more to it so i'll check pol and these altright websites out"

just exosing there bullshit should be enough this was the perfecct storm realy exposing the septics for what the are.

most septics like sargoy just avoid topics like race and iq thats why there so boring.

>giving their viewers questions that they will come to us to answer
hey thats a pretty good idea

also point out that he does this with white nationalists not black jewish feminists SJWs or other just WN

Molymeme is becoming an unironic white nationalist. Id love to see him crush Kraut

this is a bombshell just 2 or more scandals like this and the septic community will realy start to fracture.

>he was part of antifa

Exactly. This is why I'm typically against e-celeb circlejerks, but I think anything involving the (((skeptic community))) is worth discussion.

Any "battle" between white nationalism and any other ideology will always lead to WN winning, because it it's based in truth. Skeptics confronting Sup Forums (or "alt right" or whatever the fuck people decide to call us) will always result in skeptics losing viewers because they'll see the truth and become WNs.

giving them questions is like a non direct method not literally telling them to ask questions. actions are louder that words etc.
thnx its just a artifical encouraging of the redpill process i think,
the hypocrisy was one of the main things driving his fans away from him on the video and twitter when it was happening

yes and for a time the left dominated using these tactics

Lol what. I thought he had a gf?

civic nationalism only ever worked for countries like France when it conquered neighbouring regions and had this whole revolutionary spirit

When every mystery meat from Marrakesh to Delhi can just hop in a plain and claim citizenship it falls on its face.

Well he could also just be mentally ill. English/German (and western Germans are born cucks without Prussia to tell them to get in line) and Jewish admixture is bound to cause problems. Coupled with his alcoholism and parental issues... boom!

>Molymeme is becoming an unironic white nationalist. Id love to see him crush Kraut

its strange isnt it ?he used to be a ancap but he slowly got more redpilled in his later vids he even starts descussing race and iq the only ancap priceble he still holds is the nap.

>Kraut and other anti-SJW e-celebs just bore me to death.
I know food analogies are a giant meme, but I'd liken to if you spent your entire life drinking watered-down Bud Light. Once you've drank something stronger, whether its vodka or Pure 100% Bavarian Lager trying to enjoy on that Bud Light again is maddeningly boring

MW would be handsome if he lost weight and quit smoking like a chimney.

Yeah i think even the NAP is a meme to him, the NAP exists de facto in a white society