He speaks and I cringe

Every single time.

"Abortion is something we'll have to live with."
"Socialism is fine if done right."

This guy isn't even on our side. Can he please just fuck off? Can someone tell him?

He clearly doesn't comprehend history or how things got to this fucking awful precipice we find ourselves standing in front of.

One thing leads to another. Feminism to the Welfare state and Abortion. Again I have seen another university professor now saying Babies should be able to be aborted post-birth.

If you attack faggotry, then transgender children who are being chemically castrated in canada right now also goes away.

You attack pillars of the enemies platforms, you don't consort with their ideas.

How does this supposed academic "thinker" not get these fundamental ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:


Its because they play by the same rules as politicaly correct liberals. I tried watching the alex jones david duke interview and it was horrendous with muh intetuptions.

Yeah Spencer is weak sauce. He kept countersignaling all the whitepills on Fash the Nation and bringing up liberal bullshit. Not like we should think the war is won but he was hella blackpilled.

National socialism has nothing to do with socialism.

Socialism is fine though.

>"Abortion is something we'll have to live with."

ive always been okay with this and eugenics. less nigers/spics/retards? awesome.

the real "cringe" is your memistani flag. even ironicaly your saying your a kike shill and from the donald

Wrong. National socialism is socialism on a national level.

Internationalist socialism is socialism on an international level.

Everything in internationalist socialism applies to nationalist socialism perfectly and identically, if you just change the group "the entire world" into the group "the entire nation".

What you call "socialism" is internationalist socialism. It's a carbon copy of nationalist socialism, just on an international instead of on a national level. Everything else is identical.

Nazism deviates somewhat from national socialism - nazism was national socialism with a racial dimension on top. You can have national socialism without a racial dimension on top.

Bullshit he wants single payer healthcare, social welfare, it's just for whites.

There are plenty of R-Selective whites.

More anti-spencer shilling, how much is Hillary paying you to keep the pressure off her girl Schultz?

Race is real,
Race matters,
and Race is the foundation of identity.

White people need a place where we can be ourselves and degeneracy is not the hill to die on if we are to survive as a people.

Faggotry is the symptom, the Jew is the disease.

How is quoting him "anti-Spencer" do tell.

So far he's endorsed the following:
Socialism - and BTW he didn't say National Socialism.
Single Payer Healthcare.

Throw that together into your ethnostate and watch the same low-birth rates apply as do right now.

You fucking idiot fanboys are the problem.
People need to be called out when they are talking shit and he is.

I'm calling bullshit on you seeing a professor voice support for post birth abortion. You're full of shit, kekistani faggot.

His haircut is garbage, the whole G.Q. look is metrosexual as fuck,just sends up a submissive flag to the darkies. I know it's for P.R. but damn.

Here's the first one.. I am still looking for the new one from this week.


Have you ever actually watched him discuss those topics?
He's made plenty of videos on national healthcare and explains while he understands that a fully free market approach to healthcare could work and would be beneficial, at the point that we are now we are so far removed from it that we might as well scrap the whole system and build a national healthcare system that actually works.
All we are doing now is replacing actual care with government-subsidized insurance which is just a giant system of jewish middlemen.
This coupled with the fact that the majority of republicans are elderly or about to retire would mean that if Trump bucks the party and puts forth working single payer it would swell our ranks with loyal voters.

Yes I have and he's full of shit on all of them. His policies are poorly thought out and can be destroyed by any libertarian. Not that I'm arguing for libertarian values.

Here's the one from this week faggot.


>poorly thought out
>offers zero actual rebuttals to what I've paraphrased Spencer as saying
Nice shilling there tex

You're a fucking faggot.


Because you condensed the varying and many topics I covered, down to the one you felt most comfortable with. You cannot defuse my entire argument by trying to dismantle ONE point by the arguments of someone with no statistics, no facts and just his FEELS to go on.

McCain could've said the EXACT SAME THING.

But hes right.
Homos have always existed, its the normalization and active promotion of superiority for LGB's that has been the problem for modern culture. They will always exist.

Spencer did nothing wrong.

"Enemy armies have always existed, we should just surrender and let them continue to bring all the degeneracy that has come in with gay rights into our ethnostate and they can continue to sterilize children in the name of transgenderism there too."

You're pathetic.
So is spencer.

You still haven't refuted anything I've said buddy.
Regarding your other "arguments", they are actually weaker than the national healthcare one hence I didn't bother but if you want
Currently prevents far more shitskins from being born than whites (since whites use actual family planning instead of grind up their babies) hence at the moment is a good thing. Maybe in a white ethnostate it would be banned but currently it helps us.
Spencer talks pretty badly of faggots, so I'm not sure where you're getting it from. All he has said is that attacking gays is a form of implicit white nationalism and anti-liberalism which is too pussy to address the real problem ie race.
Socialism is rooted in egalitarianism and equality, where as what Spencer is advocating for is pragmatic policies that will allow us to reach an ethno-state.
Being replaced by shitskins is a sure-fire way to have socialism instilled upon whites so what Spencer is advocating for is actually the opposite.


I didn't even say that. I just said they always existed. Besides, being attracted to the same sex is not the same as an entire hostile foreign military, you kekistani retard. Fuck off lmao.

Look at the tweet in the OP, i have never heard spencer actually condemn faggotry, I get the impression that he thinks hating gays is for proles.

If you listened to Spencer talking about people like Milo it is clear that he condemns gays and their disgusting behaviour.
As far as gays in general, yes they will always be around, all we should do is minimize their influence and propagation.
Again, the bigger problem with being anti-gay is that a lot of whites take that position which is at the end of the day nowhere near as important as the pro-white position.

Caring about what media whores think and say lmao it is current year m8

The funny part is, your here talking about him to strangers on the internet. I don't think he talks about you at all.

Faggotry was part of white cultures long before jews got involved. In fact, the Jewish influence of Christianity is what made people align against faggotry in the first place.

Plenty of fags in politics, arts and sciences over the centuries of Wedtern history, user.

>people have the gall to be surprised when Nazis support socialism
Where do you think the Italians got their ideas?

He is controlled opposition. Plain and simple. Give the weak-minded of the alt-right a figurehead who will slowly push them more and more to the left.


And "international socialism" is communism you retard(the endgame of socialism according to to Marx)

National socialism had NOTHING to do with socialism

Dude's a faggot. He's either controlled opposition or just literally retarded, I don't know, but he is not someone to listen to.

Came to the same conclusion. Bunch of fanboys around him who seem to have missed the whole "white pride" or even "white identity" movement and ended up with "Alt-Right-Spencer's-cocksuck identity" instead.

They totally miss the point even when they are trying to refute what I said, they just repeat him lol

Spencer is literally just a racist liberal, he thinks massive social programs and tolerating destructive anti-social behavior is fine as long as the country is mostly white.

>He clearly doesn't comprehend history

...said the Sup Forums Nazi faggot lmao

I fucking hate you socialism apologists nazi faggots

spencer is controlled opposition

He did a video with Bowden where they discussed homosexuals and their conclusion was basically two steps removed from throwing them all in concentration camps.


You're just repeating his awful talking points.

Go look up the birth rate for western nations. Then look up when abortion, no-fault divorce and the pill came in.

It was never a problem before feminism. I pointed out the 2 stories above where they are now pushing for "ABORTION AFTER BIRTH" which of course is what they are really after.

These ideas never stop at the idea they are presenting at the moment, they progress - hence the name progressivism.

Faggotry has opened the door to transgenderism, they are now openly chemically castrating 9 year olds. Wake the fuck up, go look it up - this was the stat given on Tucker fucking Carlson - it's hardly hidden.

I've seen stories in the Guardian where they are doing this for kids as young as 2. Go read something imbecile.

Socialism is nothing but a tool of communists and has been since the "votes for women" - which were really just votes for the poor. Government spending increased 4 fold within 4 years of it coming in and it never stopped after that. It is literally the welfare state and "pragmatic policies" will not make for a strong race.

All of these points are pure faggotry, but at this point - why would I expect anything more from you or Spencer?

>can't refute anything I've said
It's called hierarchy and leaders kiddo, if you're any sort of fascist/nationalist then you should comprehend this.
We are not going to save the white race with taxcuts and open borders so the Republicans need to become who we are.


What would you say to her Sup Forums?

>Give the weak-minded of the alt-right a figurehead who will slowly push them more and more to the left

So where exactly is your "right"? AnCap Aryanism?

Anyone who thinks the continuation of these social experiments in any form is ok, is a fucking retard.


Spencer is against female suffrage so I don't know what you're talking about.
Spencer isn't for gay marriage but he recognizes that we have bigger issues at hand. As far as these degenerates cause subversion that should be stopped, but you haven't shown where Spencer supports it.
There are plenty of white nationalists who oppose gays, Spencer isn't going around condemning them. He is condemning cuckservatives who don't have the balls to take on the existential issue of racial displacement but gladly harp on about gays.

Fuck off Jeff! you kekistani subverting degenerate nigger