Ummm, Mr. Trump, this transgendered queen served our country bravely by serving with honor in the military

Ummm, Mr. Trump, this transgendered queen served our country bravely by serving with honor in the military.

What have you done, Mr. President, huh?? Bigot.

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Goes to show we need to be more thorough on psychological screenings


This faggot can't an hero fast enough. It's practically a mercy killing to relieve him of the anguish of years of CIA psyops that made him like this.

>Had multiple mental break downs while enlisted
>Was jailed for treason
>Now trying to act like trannys are fit to serve

Nice neckline Brad

>serving with honor in the military
>dishonorably discharged
What did he mean by this?


>someone convicted of treason thinks it's a good idea to represent anything American.
The irony is tangible

>implying he wasn't brainwashed into being a tranny as a way to discredit the shit he leaked.

Trannies have been socially acceptable for what, 2 years now? Hes been a tranny longer than that

Fucking caked his face in concealer that is way to dark, disgusting

anne coulter needs a new stylist.

Clear example of how they are a danger to our military.

Also Jesus Christ this faggot uses emojis like my parents do. Why do people make every other character an emoji?

How dare you say that trans people are mentally ill. Just look at Chelsea Manning. Totally normal. Totally balanced.

Shut up, you were a POG

She, I mean he is such a weird dude, he could of been normal, and tweets the most basic bitch stuff. He had so much potential, an example of what not to do.

Just imagine the strength of an all trans branch of the military.

It's an easy red flag


holy shit! right?

same eye powder color!

that's the part of ann that scares me the most. those fucking eyes man... i don't know if it's just me, but she always seems to make this same face.. like, she will say something and then listen to what the person is answering.. and just blink her insectoid eyes repeatedly while looking like a fucking deranged psycho that's about to jump you and stab you in the eyes and ears if you say one wrong word.. but she'll still keep her fake ass creepy smile on the entire time while doing this..

and god damn.. her eyes really don't go well with her weird old skinny anorexic-looking fact that looks like it has had dozens upon dozens of plastic surgeries.

it really makes her look like some kind of freaky possessed mk-ultra reptilian specimen with bug eyes.. she fucking creeps the shit out of me.

"She" looks like a teenage boy in lipstick.

Great for suicide missions

And they said waterboarding leaves no lasting effects


Yeah Ann really looks like she could do with some extra burgers. I wonder whats really going on there she's always been such a twig and her fucking eyes as well as that look on her face just gives me the heeby jeebies shes like a fucking monster.

I think Coulter is brilliant but this is funny, she does look like an unconvincing tranny



does this creature thinks he's fooling anyone lmao
doesn't resemble a female in any way
his life must be constant suffering. how "it" didn't suicide yet amazes me.

How to be a hero to liberals:

>put people's lives at risk and commit treason
>take hormones and chop your dick off and make taxpayers pay for it
>post selfies and use too many emojis

Bradly Manning was tortured into being transgender. His cock was cut off then he was put into solitary for years, brainwashed into being a woman as a lesson to future leakers.

nowadays transgenderism isn't really about fully transition from mtf or ftm, it's more about being and looking fucking retarded.

That face will haunt my nightmares.

How to be a hero to conservatives:

>publicly say "I don't like [minority group/particular ideology]"

Yas so brave, freedom of speech!

I thought that thing was still in prison...

Tranny-lover Obama pardoned her a couple days before he left office.

It should have hung for treason but no King Nigger released it back into the wild

How to be a canadian

>Make an abhorrent post


Is it really that difficult to be passable? This cunt can't even but on makeup correctly.
If you want to be called "she", please put in the fucking effort first

I'd love to see these tranny's performance reports.


He was a complete faggot before he was arrested.

what am i looking at? doesn't look like a tranny but doesn't look like a normal vagina either.

Did you read the account of one of his fellow privates of how poorly he handled training? He was a meek miserable failure and unfit to serve. Should be in jail. A men's facility


His dumb ass posted his feminine penis on twitter awhile ago lmao

>1 post by this id

>doesn't look like a tranny

>I thought that thing was still in prison...

Obama released him as a cover for the operation to capture Assange.

They moved on him one month later.

Wow, really?


>serving with honor
Dishonorably discharged