I want every goddamn LGBT+ person who voted for this man to see this

I want them to see this and still try to claim that he supports us.

I want every person who knows someone who is transgendered and claims to love them to see this and I want them to know.

I want these people to know that they were a part of this.

That they helped cause this.

And that they have to carry that burden with them.

And I want them to know that there's no reason he would stop at just this.

This is just opening the door.

He has his foot in the door and he's just waiting to throw it open and unleash a shit storm on us.

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying faggots voted for a K-strategist

>Reads statements from our president.
>Seems sane and absolutely normal.

>Read OP's gibberish.

Yup everything is as it should be. No problems here. Moving on in all fields.

I hope it gets worse, I hope it gets way worse. Also reddit spacing.

Op can you please just end your miserable life no one cares about the less that 0.003% of the population that is over represented

all 1% of theM?

ur a faggot
from shit aussieland
blow your brains out
whoops you have no guns
roll around in a viper nest then

Fuck off you don't even live here in the United States Jesus Christ go felate a kangaroo you backwards motherfucker

when did trump ever claim to support fags? when did that happen? i understand how some might have thought he supported trannys because of bruce jenner but what statement during the election cycle of 2016 made you think he supported gheys. mike "taze away the ghey" pence was his running mate and the current vp

My sister is transgendered and fully supports it.

I don't know why people don't seem to know this, but military life is already extremely fucking tough for a fit, healthy cisgender man in his youth.

It's no place for people with serious medical conditions, and gender dysphoria is one of those conditions.

You don't give a shit, you're happy you don't have to do A Thing. Shut up with these tranny tear posts already.

You can fuck right off with this shit. The military is a platform for killing, not a platform for your sexual identity issues.

The things is, gays don't care about traps. Feel sorry for them - yes, but it's still amusing that we get thrown into the same pot of "LGBT".

I want more of it.

It's hilarious watching these Sup Forums cucks cheer on things like healthcare collapse and anti-Net Neutrality, hurting their own lives just for the sake of "triggering Liberals".

And when Mueller drops the hammer down on Trump? There will be revolution, and all the traitorous fucks will be rounded up and hung in the street.

It will be glorious

>Trump supporters own all the guns
That it will user, that it will.

'Straya with the shitposting lol. Everybody knows trannies are fucking faggots.

he held up the gay flag. I've got nothing against gays, in fact I see nothing wrong with gays so that doesn't bug me. Transsexuals though... to me that's a unhealthy lifestyle. Always lying to yourself, lying to society, acting, trying to be something you aren't. It really seems like a mental illness to me and pandering to it doesn't seem to help. The military already weeds out mentally unstable people for the most part, the transsexual ban makes sense

You just now seeing this, queerboy?

Just rolling back Obama's niggery. We're at LGB and by the end of his second term we'll be back at calling you all mentally ill faggots.

Shit bait.

There's no such thing as "LGBT". Gay people hate trannies just as much as everyone else.

>Mental defects getting into the military ever being a good thing
He still supports them, nigglet. But for your sake, lets draw a comparison.
Would you want someone with a parkinson-like twitch to join the military and be a danger to everyone around him? Absolutely not.
So why in the absolute fucking hell would you want a mentally defective idiot who can't tell the difference between a man and a woman, and is 100% guaranteed to use that military money to fund their fantasy?

>I want every goddamn LGBT+ person who voted for this man to see this.

Wrong forum, bucko. We only go up to LGB here.

ALWAYS check the flag

we only go CIS here faggot

There's still time, so quit complaining and sign up! Join the military! What are you waiting for?

I want everu tranny to die.

See both our opinion's suck.



>see doctor re: severe faggotry
>doctor prescribes dick
>problem solved
>doesn't prescribe drugs that wreck your hormones or try to flip your genitals inside out
gee whiz

>I want every goddamn LGBT+ person who voted for this man to see this.
Honestly, how many of you insane freaks are NOT leftists? Two? Three?


Kys tranny lover

Tranny here,

Trying to accommodate someone who suffers from gender dysphoria to the point they need hormone and surgery to feel sane is not a good use of military time or dollars.

The same goes for anyone who needs medication or treatment for schizophrenia or bi-polar.

I mean, for fucks sake having diabetes or just really bad skin typically gets you a medical discharge.

Trump picked this fight because he knows its where the lib-tards will go to die.

Get outta here faggot.

y b8