What is a realistic plan for America to start spawning more white kids?

What is a realistic plan for America to start spawning more white kids?

I work in a pediatric hospital and literally 9 outta 10 kids are brown, probably 6 of those Mexican.

Get white women out of the fucking workplace and back into the kitchen.
Those bitches all want careers and no children. They must be enslaved again if humanity wants to survive.

which city? or at least give the metro area name

End abortion and make birth control a prescription or end it entirely. If these things happen then women can't run around fucking freely without consequences. They have a much better chance of getting knocked up. Which means now riding the cock carousel is no longer an option so more women get married and the nuclear family is created.

also slide thread sage

Post more pics like this so I can jerk off into a cup and throw it on random white chicks on the bus. Eventually it'll take with one of them, and I'll have done my part for the white race.

This. Punish it with the guillotine


Get artificial wombs built, and mass produce white children.

here in san jose i like never see white babies, i see spic ones daily tho

Are you retarded? Niggers get the most abortions per capita. Personality traits and social attitudes such as impulsivity and irresponsibility are also to a large extent genetic.

>End abortion

You know how many niggers get aborted a year?
Hitler would be proud

No, what you have to do is kill christianity in Mexican communities, promote birth control, honosexuality and the same things they did to whites

Well you could do something OP. You have the power.

Who will raise them though?

Drastically lower welfare. No unemployment benefits. Once they have no money to sustain themselves, they'll think twice about having a kid.
The family has always been the social safety net for the unemployed. This is so that the father can teach their children what to do and what not to do. If the children don't listen, they are shamed and socially outcast.

Have robots with advanced AI raise them, or put them in some kind of day care or something.

Really fucking close, wow I'm actually impressed. I work in Santa Clara.

they'd come out fucked up and either autistic or psychopaths though....probably wouldn't know how to bond...

Religious people and Mormons have much more kids. Make retirement depend on having kids to be taken care of.

Ai's, daycare. What are we zoo animals now?

>Have robots with advanced AI raise them

Wouldn't this fuck them up pretty bad though?
Don't they need stuff like a father figure, or motherly love, or like real life experiences & shit.

How was her porn?

End 'no fault' divorce. You need a compelling reason to petition for divorce (provable infidelity, neglect, abuse, etc). Couples will have to do the same shit our ancestors did when a relationship hit a bump - suck it up and work shit out.

Stable relationships lead to stable homes lead to more kids.

>Once they have no money to sustain themselves, they'll think twice about having a kid.
Kek. It's almost like you have never heard of Africa.

We need more autistic psychopaths though. Empathy and bonding are the emotions of the weak.

Make pregnancy and children not soulsucking and wallet killing experiences

There's a reason men bail, it's because kids are shit

Get the fuck out of the ghetto hospital.

I feel as though there are important sequences in childhood that sorta depends on having an actual family & interacting with people & having experiences in order to develop as a functioning human though.

I imagine they would turn out pretty retarded & useless aswell, not just autistic & psycho.

The case of abortion should be put back into the hands of the states. If states were allowed to make abortion legal/illegal, then only the Democrat states(whose populations are a higher % non-white than Republican ones) would have abortions, which would mean less whites overall getting abortions.

>white roasties get pregnant from the BBC and find a white beta male to support them
>white men on the hook for child support for mixed race babies
>generation of mulattoes raised on white men's dime

>I imagine
You imagine. You haven't provided any actual empirical evidence that they would be retarded or otherwise disabled. Even if some of them did, the technology is bound to improve with time.

Seeing how nowadays parents are faring, I'd say that vat growth and robotic/AI daycare would be a fine solution.

Yet, at this point in time overpopulation is already an issue. So there's no point whatsoever in vat breeding humans, unless we frist lower the overall numbers and start colonizing space.

If the Republican states allowed abortion though, it would stop their niggers and leftists from reproducing, meaning that those states would have a lower chance of flipping blue in the future. Abortion stops democrats/leftists from reproducing across the board.

>dat doggo

You are even more fuckend then we are

I was thinking the government should pay women to have children.
Any women who needs money or just wants a baby can come to the gov office and can be paid to be impregnated by 100% Anglo-Saxon Germanic DNA
Every month they can get a payment to raise the child until it's 18.
This way any poor woman, who probably has shit genetics making her poor, can bleach out her shitty genes.
The idea is technically possible but the white only DNA would be the only obstacle as people would scream RACYS. It could be based of the idea of trying to return to the look of the founding fathers.

Why does everyone hate Whites so much?

I mean anglosaxon or Germanic.

This is how it should be

The reason our nigger population is growing is because we are getting new niggers coming
We are also getting new whites coming, but they're eastern European whites or white Muslims

Yea same Santa Clara country , it's like 25% white here in San Jose on statistics and we have a lot of Persians who are counted as white

First of all, don't do away with abortions. Minorities get more abortions than whites. Whites who get abortions are not good mother material.

Secondly, do get rid of social safety nets. If you don't work then you and your children starve. We can take steps towards this politically right now.

Third, make sure you're armed. Crime will get worse and you'll have to kill some folks. It's a small price to pay in the long run.

Fourth, you are all autists and the majority of you would never land the kind of woman who you admire. Settle. Find a woman with NO CHILDREN who can swallow a few minor red pills and will defer to you. I don't care how many black men she's fucked so long as she has no STD's or babies.

Five. Make many white babies with her and redpill the fuck out of them. We're fighting a culture war here. We need all the soldiers we can get. This is why it's important to make sure the wife can swallow some redpills and defer to your judgement. Her turning your spawn into lefties is the worst thing that could happen.

>Go to the whitest towns in the USA
>Promote a new energy drink
>It's actually laced with viagra

>Go to the whitest towns in the USA
>Go to local OBGYN's
>Bribe them to mix fertility treatments in with vitamins

Done and done.

> Get white women out of the fucking workplace and back into the kitchen.

shit you are blue pilled as fuck.

White women are not in the work place, they are not in the kitchen, they are not in the home.

They are out partying and living off of daddy's money, husband's money, boyfriend 1's money, boyfriend 2's money and the random fuck buddy who takes her out for the weekend bar and concert run.

White women are gone my friend... you are lucky to find one who isn't a major piece of shit slut that has any sort of ambition to learn new skills or conserve her finances.

If you want conservative women, you go with arab or mexican. Food will be done when you get home from work, they also work both at home and outside, they don't buy a ton of useless shit or blow money on expensive services.

Stop trying to save white women... they will reap what their debauchery sows.